The rose danio or danio rose, also known as purple passion danio, is a tropical fish that belongs to the family Cyprinidae. The rose gold danio (Danio roseus) is a freshwater fish found in Laos, China, Thailand, and Myanmar.
It is native to the Mekong River and endemic to the region of Asia. This fish is one of the most popular aquarium fishes.
However, in captivity, it requires optimum water conditions such as a temperature of 73-77 F (23-25 C), a pH level of 6.0-8.0, and a water hardness of 4-13 N (71.43-232.14 ppm).
A pH of 7.5 is perfect for this fish. Also, the aquarium size for about 10 fish should be a minimum of 23 in (60 cm).
It is very easy to breed rose danios. The rose danio's diet mainly consists of foods like shrimp, aquatic insects, and their own larvae.
This species also feed on bloodworm, tubifex, daphnia, flake foods, and pellets. They also feed on other fishes which are smaller than them. Both male and female adults have a rosy coloration.
The conservation status of this fish is of Least Concern as their population is on-going and they are raised mostly in tanks. They are very small in size, look adorable as pets, and make a great addition to aquarium tanks.
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Rose Danio Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a rose danio?
The rose danio (Danio roseus) is a fish species of the family Cyprinidae.
What class of animal does a rose danio belong to?
The rose danio belongs to the class Actinopterygii in phylum Chordata.
How many rose danios are there in the world?
There are nearly 27 types of danios in the world that belong to the family Cyprinidae. Some common species include the dwarf spotted danio, giant danio, zebra danio, rose danio (purple passion danio), glowlight danio, and pearl danio. The total population size of the rose danio species has not been estimated yet.
Where does a rose danio live?
The rose danio (Danio roseus) is a tropical fish found in East Asia. The distribution range of rose danios covers most of Asia and includes Laos, China, Thailand, and Myanmar.
What is a rose danio's habitat?
The rose danio habitat includes tiny, well-oxygenated, moving streams. This fish is also found in the backwaters of larger rivers.
A rose danio fish is endemic to Asia, particularly the Mekong channel. The habitat is commonly seasonal whose flow, temperature, pH, nutrients, minerals, water depth, and other chemical characters depend upon the time of year. The substrate is mainly constituted of variably-sized rocks with some moderately little streamside vegetation.
In captivity, the rose danio (Danio roseus) requires and accepts a long tank with a small stream and a substrate of gravel, tiny rocks, or water-worn boulders. The fish requires low lighting of 45-60 watts in the tank with plants to make them feel at home.
It is important to place the tank near a window that will provide moderate morning sunlight.
Alternatively with higher light and the addition of carbon dioxide, there is a chance that the plants will grow quickly and lushly. The presence of plants and a darker substrate eventually help to illuminate the coloration of the fish.
As it is a tropical and freshwater fish, it needs water similar to that of its natural habitat.
The minimum size of an aquarium or tank is 23 in (60 cm) for a school of danios. Water parameters of the rose danio (Danio roseus) include a water temperature of 73-77 F (23-25C), a pH level of 6.0-7.5, and a water hardness of 4-13 N (71.43 - 232.14ppm).
Who do rose danios live with?
Rose danios (Danio roseus) are very peaceful creatures and are ideal tank mates for other peaceful communities. In a school or family of about 10 individuals, a rose danio male shows more brilliant colors as they compete with other males to attract females.
The best ratio of these fish in a tank is one male to two females. Some common mate species include rainbowfish, catfish, small danios, tetras, and livebearers. Feeding these tank fish must be done regularly.
How long does a rose danio live?
The maximum estimated lifespan of a rose danio (Danio roseus) is five years.
How do they reproduce?
Danio roseus or rose danio wild are not arduous to breed or spawn.
Like with all the other species of danios, they are egg scatterers. One of the simplest ways to breed danios is using a breeding tank which consists of feather-like plants and marble substrate.
Add some java moss or spawning mops in the aquarium or breeding tank to settle down the eggs. The marble substrate will enable the eggs to fall into cracks or holes as they are laid.
The breeding aquarium should be of an optimum length of at least 30 ft (9 m). As spawning is an active process that can last for a long time, the tank should not be too short for the fish.
For breeding, there must be a group of two males per female. The aquarium should be tightly-closed as rose danios are known to jump during their courtship displays.
Water in the breeding aquarium should be of optimum parameters. For breeding and spawning, the fish requires 75-77 F (24-25 C).
The female releases her eggs into the water which will be fertilized by the male. When the rose danio female becomes ripe with eggs, the body extends because it carries a lot eggs. A female fish usually spawns at daybreak, spreading her eggs around the breeding tank or aquarium.
Make sure to remove the adults after eggs are laid. The eggs hatch within one to two days.
depending upon the temperature and other water conditions. In a well-planted tank, the fish will regularly spawn in the community tank. Only some of the most robust fry will endure to adulthood.
Be It is important to remove the adults as they do not rear their fry, but instead start feeding on their eggs. Once breeding has taken place, you can return them to the main tank or aquarium.
What is their conservation status?
According to the IUCN, the conservation status of the rose danio (Danio roseus) is of Least Concern.
Rose Danio Fun Facts
What do rose danios look like?
Rose danios (Danio roseus) are tropical fish that have round, laterally - elongated bodies. They have rounded fins of moderate length with a homocercal caudal fin.
They have a tiny terminal mouth with two pairs of large barbels. This species has a shallower, more slender body than the identical species, (pearl danios (Danios albolineatus).
The females are rosy-peach with pale blue stripes across the entire length, while males have an intense purple-blue coloration along the flanks with strongly rose-colored bellies, anal, and pelvic fins. Color differences in both males and females are most profound during the spawning period.
Breeding adults have a brilliant red to the underside. Rose danios have scales that reflect different colors such as purple, red, blue, or silver, depending upon the reflection of light.
A female danio is fattier than a male. The maximum size of a rose danio is about 1.2 in (3.1 cm) in length.
The rose danio consists of about 10 dorsal soft rays and 15-17 anal soft rays with no dorsal spines and anal spines. It has an incomplete lateral line with perforating nine to 10 scales.
The fish possesses seven branched dorsal-fin rays and 13 branched anal-fin rays. Unlike other species of danios, the rose danio (Danio roseus) has two pairs of elongated barbels and lacks straight dark stripes along the sides. The most identical species (Danio albolineatus) has a darker coloration, with two straight dark lines along the entire length of the body.
It also has an expanded vertical scale series along the side and a pink anal stripe. Their lifespan is a minimum of around five years.

How cute are they?
The rose danio (Danio roseus) is a tropical fish that is adorable to watch. They have scales on their body that reflects different colors, including silver, blue, red, purple, and rose.
How do they communicate?
There is no information about the form of communication in Danio roseus, a tropical fish species. However, during the breeding season, some kind of courtship displays involve attracting each other.
How big is a rose danio?
The size of a purple passion danio (Danio roseus) is 1.2 in (3.1 cm) which is about two times smaller than a clownfish.
How fast can a rose danio swim?
The exact speed of this freshwater fish, rose danio, is unknown. However, it is known that it is a great swimmer that can also jump above the water surface. Therefore, it is suggested to cover the lid of the aquarium tightly.
How much does a rose danio weigh?
The weight of a rose danio or purple passion danio is unclear.
What are the male and female names of the species?
There are no specific names for the male and female Danio roseus.
What would you call a baby rose danio?
A baby rose danio is known as fry.
What do they eat?
Danio roseus are omnivore tropical fish that feed on insects and their own larvae in their natural environment. In aquariums or tanks, they accept brine shrimp, bloodworm, tubifex, daphnia, flake foods, and pellets. The rose danio diet consists of both live and frozen foods. However, their staple diet mostly consists of foods like flake and small pellets.
Are they dangerous?
No, Danio roseus animals are not dangerous. They are cute, friendly, and peaceful.
Would they make a good pet?
The Danio roseus is one of the most popular tropical aquarium fish around the world. They are adorable and peaceful animals. In captivity, they need special care and environment, including an optimum temperature range of 73-77 F (20-25 C), a pH of 6.0-8.0, soft to medium water hardness, and right type of diet.
Did you know...
Females of the Danio roseus species are larger in size and length than males.
Are danios good community fish?
Yes, danios are known as good community fish because of their peaceful nature. They take care of sensitive fish in their own community.
Why is it called a rose danio?
The genus and scientific name Danio has been derived from the word Brachydanio, which in turn derives from the Greek 'brakhus', which means 'short', and 'dhani', which is a Bengalese word for 'tiny, minnow-like cyprinids'. The species name 'roseus' is a Latin word and means 'rosy' or 'pink'.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other fish from our bonito fish facts and koi facts pages.
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