The royal spoonbill (Platalea regia) is a large white bird with a black spoon-shaped bill found specifically in Australia and New Zealand. The royal spoonbill is also known as the black-billed spoonbill and is known to feed on various crustaceans, fish in freshwater, and small insects.
Found in Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands, the bird species is also sometimes seen in New Caledonia.
The tall white bird known as the royal spoonbill was first described by John Gould in 1838. The species was first considered to be related to the Eurasian spoonbill but later was found to be closely related to the black-faced spoonbill.
The physical description of the royal spoonbill is that the birds have white plumage, black, spatulate (spoon-shaped) bill, facial skin, legs, and feet. However, females are slightly smaller and have shorter legs and bills.
During the breeding season, adults are seen growing distinctive long white crest feathers.
Females lay two to three eggs during the breeding season. During the breeding season, the birds are found to form a single pair and make their colonies alongside other waterbirds like the ibises, herons, cormorants, and yellow-billed spoonbills.
The nest is usually placed in the crown of a tree over the water. The nest of sticks is lined with leaves and other vegetation.
The prey of this large spoonbill bird also includes crabs and some plant materials sometimes. The black-billed spoonbills are known to feed on shrimps in tidal flats.
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Royal Spoonbill Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a royal spoonbill?
The royal spoonbill is a large waterbird found mainly in New Zealand and Australia. The closest relatives of these birds are the ibises.
What class of animal does a royal spoonbill belong to?
The royal spoonbill (Platalea regia) falls under the class of Aves in the kingdom of Animalia.
How many royal spoonbills are there in the world?
The population of this spoonbill bird is not known. There is no immediate danger to these spoonbill birds currently as they are found abundant in their natural habitats. The birds are found in an area ranging up to 19,600,000 sq km.
Where does a royal spoonbill live?
The royal spoonbill is found in northern and eastern mainland Australia. In Australia, the birds are found in the Kimberley region of Western Australia through Queensland, Victoria, and New South Wales to southeastern South Australia. The birds are also found abundant in New Zealand, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and some south-western Pacific islands.
What is a royal spoonbill's habitat?
The royal spoonbill habitat includes shallow freshwater and saltwater wetlands. The bird is found in intertidal mudflats and wet grasslands.
It is also found in artificial habitats like sewage lagoons, salt fields, dams, and reservoirs. The birds return to the previous habitats during breeding season as nest sites may be reused again. Inland waters are used when available in the arid zone as both permanent and temporary habitats.
The white bird with long beaks is sometimes seen wintering in order areas after the end of the breeding season.
Who do royal spoonbills live with?
The royal spoonbill is known to live in pairs during the breeding season.
How long does a royal spoonbill live?
The royal spoonbill can live up to an age of around 15 years.
How do they reproduce?
The breeding season of the birds from Australia and New Zealand is from October to March. The species of birds are known to make monogamous pairs during breeding. They nest in colonies alongside other birds like yellow-billed spoonbill, ibises, and herons.
During the breeding season, a bowl-shaped nest is made. The bowl-shaped nest is made of sticks and twigs and is lined with leaves water plants.
The nest is placed in the crown of a tree over water. It can also be put among high reeds and rushes. Nest sites may be reused in the next year and the process continues to all following years.
During mating displays, the crest can be erected. These mating displays show the bright pink skin underneath.
During breeding, the royal spoonbills have a distinctive crest in the back of the head or nape of the neck. Breeding adults also have a creamy-yellow wash across the lower neck and upper breast. Bright pink skin along the edge of the underwings can be seen.
Two or three eggs are laid by the females. Incubation is done by both the sexes and both care for the young birds. The young are fed by both the parents even after fledging for few days.
Young birds are known to forage alongside breeding adults until the family group disperses to usual wintering sites.
What is their conservation status?
The conservation status of the royal spoonbill (Platalea Regia) is of Least Concern according to the IUCN Red List. There is no immediate danger to the species currently and the birds are found abundant in Australia and New Zealand among other habitats.
Royal Spoonbill Fun Facts
What do royal spoonbills look like?

Royal spoonbills have a very peculiar description. The royal spoonbill is a large white bird, easily distinguishable.
The bird has a black spoon-shaped bill, facial skin, legs, and feet. The crest feathers that appear during the breeding season are longer in males than the females.
The crest, when erected can show the pink skin underneath. The facial skin is colored black and a yellow patch is seen right above the eye with a red patch in the middle of the forehead, in front of the crest feathers. Females are slightly smaller with shorter legs and bills.
When the birds are not breeding, the crest becomes smaller and the plumage much duller. The colored face patches like the yellow patch and red patch and the breeding plumage are not seen in the young birds.
They have a shorter bill and are much smaller in body size. The bill is smoother too.
The royal spoonbill breeding adults have a creamy-yellow appearance in the lower neck and upper breast area.
The yellow-billed spoonbill has a narrower bill than that of the royal spoonbill. The end of the bill of the royal spoonbill is broader than the yellow-billed spoonbill and it acts like a pair of tongs. The bills of the yellow-billed spoonbill act like forceps.
How cute are they?
They are not considered cute, but they do look fascinating.
How do they communicate?
Communication is done by grunts, growls, and soft honks. The bird also communicates by snapping its bill.
How big is a royal spoonbill?
The royal spoonbill is 31 in (78.74 cm) tall.
Albatrosses are considered the largest of the seabirds and the largest among the flying birds. The birds found in North Pacific and the Southern Ocean have a wingspan with a range up to 12 ft (3.6 m). The weight is around 22 lb (10 kg).
How fast can a royal spoonbill fly?
The speed of the royal spoonbill is not known.
How much does a royal spoonbill weigh?
The weight of the bird is 3.1–4.6 lb (1.4-2.08 kg).
What are the male and female names of the species?
Males and females of the royal spoonbill are not given different names.
What would you call a baby royal spoonbill?
Baby royal spoonbill is called a young.
What do they eat?
The royal spoonbill diet includes different freshwater crustaceans like common yabby, different shrimps, aquatic insects, fish in freshwaters like goldfish and mosquitofish, snails, and different plant materials. Other sources of food of the spoonbills include shellfish, crabs, and amphibians. The birds are seen feeding on shrimps in tidal flats.
The birds catch their prey by slow sweeping from side to side with an open bill. They rapidly sweep to catch the prey while walking fast or running through the water.
The bird catches its prey in the water by swimming along and swaying the bill from side to side.
Are they dangerous?
They are not considered dangerous to humans.
Would they make a good pet?
The birds are not usually considered pets.
Did you know...
Royal spoonbill feeds on shrimps on tidal flats and fish in freshwater. The bird can catch the prey by swaying their bills in the water.
They are not known to migrate. However, they sometimes move to wintering grounds.
Is the royal spoonbill endangered?
The species is not endangered and found abundant in the mentioned habitats.
Are spoonbills native to Australia?
The royal spoonbills are native to Australia and some other countries including New Zealand and Indonesia. In Australia, the bird is found in the Kimberley region of Western Australia through Queensland, Victoria, and New South Wales to southeastern South Australia.
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