Fun Russian Blue Facts For Kids

Moumita Dutta
Feb 10, 2023 By Moumita Dutta
Originally Published on Aug 05, 2021
Edited by Monisha Kochhar
Interesting facts about the Russian Blue cat.

The Russian blue cat is a special species originating in Russia. Now, mostly seen as a pet, this breed occurred naturally in the northern part of Russia. With alluring green eyes, bright blue, gray, or black coats, and adorable personality, these cats have been winning the hearts of many.

The Russian blue cats are very fine-boned and agile. Their round and expressive eyes give them a very curious look. The cats belonging to this breed have a double coat.

It is thought that these cats were hunted once for their beautiful coat. When touched, their fur feels extremely soft and plush. They can make quick movements and rarely like sitting idle.

Any cat belonging to this species would make a fine pet animal. They do not need a lot of care or grooming, but they really enjoy being brushed. They are also very playful and love to play games with their owners.

These cats are highly intelligent and that can be ascertained through their sharp memory. They even remember visitors from a long time ago. However, they are very coy when they are around new people and environments.

Continue reading more amazing facts about the Russian blue cat! If you like this article, check out Balinese cat and Egyptian mau facts.

Russian Blue Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a Russian Blue?

The Russian blue is a kind of cat. It is one of those cat breeds which occur naturally. Russian blue cats are known for their distinct black-blue-gray coat.

What class of animal does a Russian Blue belong to?

Russian blue belongs to the class Mammalia. Their family and genus are Felidae and Felis, respectively.

How many Russian Blues are there in the world?

Since the Russian blue breed is mainly produced to be kept as pets, the exact number of Russian blue cats is not known. However, after World War II ended, the Russian blue cat population saw a decline. That was changed by conducting more breeding programs to increase their population.

Where does a Russian Blue live?

Although Russian blues are said to have originated from Arkhangelsk, in northern Russia, they have been domesticated ever since. So, these cats are mostly found in houses and apartments, with their human owners.

What is a Russian Blue's habitat?

Usually, Russian blue cats are seen in the houses. The place where they originated from, Arkhangelsk or Archangel is a city, which is located to the north of Russia. The city is urban and is characterized by a very cold climate. That explains why these cats have short yet thick fur. They are also provided with a double coat.

Who does a Russian Blue live with?

Russian blues are very friendly and sociable animals. They are seen to live with their human owners and they can also get along with other pet animals.

How long does a Russian Blue live?

The Russian blue cats have a lifespan of about 10-20 years. However, some cats belonging to this species can also live up to 25 years of age.

How do they reproduce?

Usually, in cats, the estrus cycle occurs every two to three weeks, approximately. This is the time when the female cat takes part in mating.

During this phase, the female cat performs a special posture to let the male cat know that she is ready to mate. It can be assumed that Russian blue cats follow the same mating rituals as other cats, since, they belong to the same cat family, Felidae.

After mating, a gestation period of 64 days is followed. Then, the female cat gives birth to three to six kittens.

What is their conservation status?

The conservation status of Russian blue cats has not been listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Since this is a domesticated species and they are part of breeding programs in order to sustain their population, their numbers are not under any threat.

Russian Blue Fun Facts

What do Russian Blues look like?

The Russian blue cats stand out because of their bright green eyes. Their paws are usually a shade of lavender or mauve. They generally appear larger in size than they actually are due to their double coat which is very thick and soft.

Their coats appear gray, black, or blue and are silver-tipped. This gives the fur a very shiny and shimmery effect.

These cats often appear as being very slender, but they have a strong muscular body. Their tails might have stripes, but these markings are hardly noticeable. Russian blue cats also have a mouth that is slightly upturned, which makes it look like the cat is smiling.

How cute are they?

Russian blue cats are very cute both in terms of appearance and personality. Apart from their vivid green eyes and beautiful and soft gray, black, or blue fur, these cats are very charming and sociable. They love to show and receive affection and also display highly intelligent behavior, which makes them very cute and desirable.

How do they communicate?

Russian blues are generally not very loud, but they do respond when spoken to. Just like other cats, they make the 'meow' sound to engage in conversations with their owners. They also use the same call when hungry or when they want attention.

How big is a Russian Blue?

A Russian blue cat usually measures 15-18 in  (38-46 cm) in length. As far as height is concerned, they range from 8-10 in (20-25 cm). The males usually appear larger than the females. Their size is very close to that of the Persian cat.

How fast can a Russian Blue run?

Russian blue cats are very fast and agile. Their strong limbs allow them to run around with good speed. They are also known to climb trees and other heights pretty quickly.

How much does a Russian Blue weigh?

Russian blues can weigh anywhere between 8-15 lb (3.6-6.8 kg).

What are their male and female names of the species?

A male Russian blue is known as a tomcat, while a female Russian blue cat is known as a molly cat.

What would you call a baby Russian Blue?

A baby cat belonging to this breed would be called a Russian blue kitten.

What do they eat?

Russian blue cats require a balanced diet for good health. These cats do have their own preferences, but it is imperative to ensure they get all the nutrients from their food.

These nutrients include protein, carbohydrates, and vitamins. All this can be provided to them by giving them meals containing meat, rice, vegetables, and so on. They also like eating cat food bought from the store and other treats for cats.

However, these cats love eating and usually end up over-eating which can lead to weight-related health issues. Hence, portion control is also important.

Are they slobbery?

No, just like most other cats, the Russian blue cats are also not known to be slobbery.

Would they make a good pet?

The Russian blue breed of cats is known to make excellent pets. They love human company and are very playful and affectionate in nature. Their piercing eyes will have you in love in no time.

The Russian blue's personality is ideal for them to be kept as a pet in any kind of household. These cats are also very easily trainable, which is a huge bonus.

They usually do not have a lot of requirements. As long as they are provided with a routine lifestyle and clean surroundings, they remain very happy. However, they are usually shy around strangers and it might take them some time to open up in any new environment.

Did you know...

The Russian blue cats are also known as Archangel cat since they have originated from the Archangel Isles in Northern Russia. Some origin stories also trace this breed back to the Russian Czars. It is believed that the Russian Czars kept these silver-gray cats as pets.

In the mid-1860s, these cats probably migrated to Northern Europe and Great Britain through ships. In the year 1875, the first cat of this breed was put on display at London's Crystal Palace in a cat show in Great Britain. The cat was exhibited with the name 'Archangel cat'.

After World War II was over, American breeders mated the Scandinavian and British blue to produce the Russian blue cat that is now present in the United States of America. The British blue or British shorthair breed is very closely related to the Russian blue.

Characteristics and health issues

Since Russian blues are one of the naturally occurring breeds, they do not have any disease which is genetically linked. Compared to most other breeds, these cats are a lot healthier.

They might suffer from diseases that are caused due to being overweight like arthritis, high blood sugar, and heart-related disorders. This is why their food portions should be managed. They can also have diseases related to the urinary tract or get bladder stones.

If you're thinking, 'are Russian blue hypoallergenic cats?' you'll be pleased to know that Russian blues are considered to be hypoallergenic cats. This is because these cats can be around those who suffer from moderate to severe allergies. Russian blues are thought to secrete less glycoprotein which causes allergies in people.

Additionally, since this breed has a thick coat, the allergens get trapped in that. However, people who do suffer from cat allergies should still be careful around them. These cats also produce dander, which can aggravate allergies.

Getting your own Russian Blue

Russian blue cats are one of the most popular breeds of cats to be domesticated. Their tranquil nature and intelligence make them a very good companion.

To add to that, their bright green eyes and luxurious black, gray, or blue coat makes them a distinct breed. Russian blue kittens are sold at prices ranging between $400-$600. A reliable breeder would be able to provide an authentic Russian blue cat.

These cats are not that rare and most cat breeders do keep them. It is also possible to adopt this breed from a variety of rescue centers.

Once you've got your new pet, any Russian blue cat will absolutely enjoy being cuddled. These animals are very receptive to human emotions and respond well to affection.

Russian blues are known to usually develop a very strong bond with one person. Once that bond is formed, they tend to relate to that person's sentiment, but initially, they do appear shy and nervous.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other mammals including Australian Mist, or Maine coon.

You can even occupy yourself at home by drawing one on our Russian blue cat coloring pages.

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Written by Moumita Dutta

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

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Moumita DuttaBachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

A content writer and editor with a passion for sports, Moumita has honed her skills in producing compelling match reports and stories about sporting heroes. She holds a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Calcutta University, alongside a postgraduate diploma in Sports Management.

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