Fun Sheep Facts For Kids

Oluniyi Akande
Oct 20, 2022 By Oluniyi Akande
Originally Published on Aug 05, 2021
Edited by Luca Demetriou
Fact-checked by Sakshi Kashyap
Sheep facts like they are woolly mammals, which are seen in many parts of the world, are interesting.

Sheep, or Ovis aries, is a mammal with a gentle personality and sweet face. It has precious white and fluffy wool, making it very popular livestock among all the cultures across the globe. This animal loves its family and hardly moves away from its flock.

With an ever-growing fleece, this animal is the friendliest. Sheep are also raised for their pelts, as well as dairy animals. These animals were the first ever to have been domesticated in history, and you can see their presence throughout the world.

They are prominent in Australia, Europe, North America, and so on. These countries predominantly practice sheep husbandry. From grasslands to mountains, you can spot sheep in any area with lush green grasses. Their favorite food being grass.

They also enjoy having hay. Occasionally they also enjoy the taste of vegetables and fruits! It is frequently thought that sheep are dumb animals. Their behavior to stay in a flock, quickness to flee, and panic-prone nature further confirms this thought. Their intelligence is believed to be below pigs.

This article includes interesting facts about sheep, fun facts about sheep, sheep facts for kids. After finishing this article, you will have knowledge about types of sheep, sheep wool, sheep horns, sheep sound, sheep eye, Shropshire sheep, herd of sheep, sheep cheese, sheep milk, Suffolk sheep, white sheep.

If you find this article fascinating, do check out our other animal facts on the Alpine Ibex and the reindeer.

Sheep Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a sheep?

A sheep is a domestic animal with a highly gentle personality and a fleece of fluffy wool. It is a hooved animal falling under the category of mammals. Most commonly, several breeds of sheep are found in mountainous regions as they are excellent climbers.

What class of animal does a sheep belong to?

A sheep is a mammal that belongs to the Bovidae family. It belongs to the Animalia class.

How many sheep are there in the world?

The number of sheep in the world is estimated at approximately one billion. Some countries, like China, have more sheep breeds in number than any other country.

Where does a sheep live?

The most common areas where you can find domestic sheep are grasslands and plain areas. They are widely seen in countries like New Zealand, Australia, and also in South American countries, although China has the maximum numbers.

They are also found in Turkey, Spain, and throughout Europe. Wild sheep are primarily found in mountainous areas as they are excellent climbers.

The Rocky Mountains of North America are one place to find dozens of wild sheep. Even in Australia, India, Nigeria, Sudan, and so on. Wild sheep are very common.

What is a sheep's habitat?

For their survival, all that is needed for sheep breeds is grass. They only need food, shelter, and water in order to survive.

Their thick, woolly coats make them susceptible to almost every type of climate. So they can ideally survive in any place which is full of grass pasture land. Domestic sheep are seen mainly in farmlands, pasturelands, and even grasslands which offer them large quantities of grass and legumes to eat.

Wild sheep prefer hilly and mountains. They can climb up to even 19,600 feet and have incredible lungs.

Who do sheep live with?

Sheep are known to have been living with humans for many years. They live in a flock, and the flock of sheep lives alongside humans. They never tend to separate from group members, and in any unfortunate situation, even if they get separated, they bleat loudly to attract the attention of the farmer.

How long does a sheep live?

The average lifespan of a sheep is very similar to that of large dog breeds. It is approximately 10-12 years. However, there are some breeds of sheep, like Merino, which can live even longer.

How do they reproduce?

Sheep become mature enough to reproduce at least one year after birth. Many become mature after two years.

A flock of sheep usually has a ram, and the number of ewes is determined by the farmer's capacity. If there are two rams by any chance, then they will indeed have a fight amongst themselves to establish their dominance.

The dominant ram is the one that mates with the ewes in the flock. The signs of pregnancy for a ewe does not show up early. It only shows up about one or one and a half months before the delivery.

Five months is the average pregnancy period for the ewe. A ewe can give birth to 1 -3 lambs, although twins are the most common.

What is their conservation status?

Currently, sheep have not been registered by any conservation committees. They can be considered domesticated or of Least Concern. It is indicative that their population is stable, and they do not have any immediate threat.

Sheep Fun Facts

What do sheep look like?

A sheep is a four-legged Artiodactyla species, which means that they are even-toed. These animals are stocky hooved, with thick torsos. They have a very short tail.

These mammals have fleece that is covered entirely with wool-supported thick hairs. Wild sheep are very sleek and can climb through rough terrains. Domestic sheep, on the other hand, are fluffier as they are bred that way.

Horns can be present in both types of these animals, but the wild ones have distinct spiral horns. Many times you can spot domestic sheep with no horns at all. As with the case of other animal species, the ram has horns that are larger than ewes.

How cute are they?

Sheep are extremely cute animals, while lambs being the cutest. This animal is very gentle and docile, and the young ones are very playful. Their woolly body adds to their cuteness. Kids love cute sheep.

How do they communicate?

The communication between sheep is through various types of vocalizations. These include snorts, rumbles, grunts, and the most common of all, bleats. Bleats are mainly used for contact communication. Every flock member has a distinct, unique bleat that helps the other members of the flock recognize them easily.

How big is a sheep?

On average, a sheep can be 127 cm in length, which is equal to 50 inches. This makes them at least ten times bigger than a hamster and at least 12 times bigger than a chameleon in length.

The average height of any sheep is 91 cm, which is similar to 36 inches. This makes them at least four times taller than a Chihuahua and at least three times taller than a cat.

How fast can a sheep run?

At the most, a sheep can run at a speed of 40 kph or 20 mph.

How much does a sheep weigh?

A sheep can have a weight anywhere between 40 kg to 130 kg, which is similar to 88 lb to 298 lb. this makes them at least two times heavier than a German Shepherd, at least four times heavier than a Beagle.

What are their male and female names of the species?

The male sheep breeds are known as ram, while the females are known as ewes. Occasionally males are also known as tup. A castrated male sheep is referred to as wether.

What would you call a baby sheep?

A baby sheep is called a lamb. They are extremely cute and playful.

What do they eat?

A sheep is a herbivore species, the diet of which is restricted to mainly grass and weeds. These animals also go by the term ruminant. This term means that they have a complex digestive system that can easily break down the cellulose of grass and hay.

They enjoy legumes and other forms of plants too. Hay is an excellent choice of food for domestic sheep, especially during the winters. Sheep also enjoy munching on vegetables like carrots, and fruits like apples.

Are they loud?

Although sheep are extraordinarily peaceful and gentle animals, they become loud on certain special occasions. These occasions mainly include the times when they feel threatened. In case they get lost or separated from their flock, they also bleat loudly. They do so to attract the attention of their flock and their farmer.

Would they make a good pet?

Yes, sheep are very docile and domesticated animals. They are not scared of human vicinity and stay close to their human caretaker. There are not many things that you have to do to take care of them.

Did you know...

Although there are specific terms for singular and plural animals in all other species, sheep have a single common name. A male sheep is a ram, while a female sheep is a ewe. This animal is beneficial, as farmers can raise it for a multitude of purposes. The human caretakers can raise them for rich wool or meat purposes.

These animals are extremely easy to take care of. Some food, water, shelter, pasture are the only basic requirements for it.

It is essential that whenever you are around sheep, you can talk in a calm voice. This is because sheep get frightened by loud and sudden noises. Raised voices make them nervous, yelling makes them stressed.

Another curious fact about sheep is that their upper lip is divided into two sides by a distinct groove. This groove, called philtrum, helps them get very close to the ground to reach the grass.

Are sheep blind?

No, they are not blind. Rectangle-shaped pupils have characterized sheep. This gives them a majestic peripheral vision, which is estimated to be between 270 degrees and 360 degrees.

It can easily see behind its head without even turning its heads. However, irrespective of the peripheral vision, they have poor depth perception. This is the reason they are often confused about being blind.

What to you call a female sheep and a baby sheep?

Female sheep are often referred to as ewe, while the cute and joyful baby sheep is known as a lamb and they have soft cute wool!

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other mammals including takin, or plains zebra.

You can even occupy yourself at home by drawing one on our sheep coloring pages.

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Written by Oluniyi Akande

Doctorate specializing in Veterinary Medicine

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Oluniyi AkandeDoctorate specializing in Veterinary Medicine

With an accomplished background as a Veterinarian, SEO content writer, and public speaker, Oluniyi brings a wealth of skills and experience to his work. Holding a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from the University of Ibadan, he provides exceptional consulting services to pet owners, animal farms, and agricultural establishments. Oluniyi's impressive writing career spans over five years, during which he has produced over 5000 high-quality short- and long-form pieces of content. His versatility shines through as he tackles a diverse array of topics, including pets, real estate, sports, games, technology, landscaping, healthcare, cosmetics, personal loans, debt management, construction, and agriculture.

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Fact-checked by Sakshi Kashyap

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Political Science and International relations

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Sakshi KashyapBachelor of Arts specializing in Political Science and International relations

An experienced content strategist, Sakshi excels in helping brands increase their organic reach and revenue streams through creative content. With a focus on lead generation and engagement, she has delivered tangible results for her clients. She is currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Political Science and International Relations from Calcutta University while working as a fact-checker.

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