Spotfin croakers are fish belonging to the Roncador Stearnsii species and Sciaenidae family and are most commonly found south of Los Angeles Harbor, Southern California, and Baja California. They are the cousins of the yellowfin croaker and the white croaker.
The spotfin croaker (Roncador stearnsii) is the only species in the genus Roncador. They live along the beaches and bays in shallow sandy areas. They often feed on clams, worms, ghost shrimp, crabs and can crush a crustacean using their large throat teeth.
In appearance, they can grow more than 14 in (36 cm) and weigh around 6 lb (2.72 kg). Their name comes from a large black spot at the base of the pectoral fin. They usually have 11 or fewer dorsal fin spines which separate them from white croakers with 12 to 15.
They are known for moving around a lot with no definite pattern. The mating season is between June to September and takes place offshore. They are also called Golden Croakers as the male species turn into bright gold color during the time of mating. They are caught while fishing.
The best fishing season for spotfin croaker is in late summertime. It is very much valued as meat and has an excellent mild flavor, soft texture with very low fat and is loved by many people.
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Spotfin Croaker Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a spotfin croaker?
The spotfin croaker is a type of fish belonging to the family Sciaenidae. It is most commonly found in the South of Los Angeles Harbor. They are the cousins of the yellowfin croaker and white croaker.
What class of animal does a spotfin croaker belong to?
The spotfin croaker is a type of fish belonging to the class Actinopterygii.
How many spotfin croakers are there in the world?
Though we cannot give an exact number of spotfin croakers present in the world, they are not extinct. Spotfin croakers are found in abundance along the beaches and bays of Mexico and in cities like San Diego in California. They prefer to live in depressions and holes near the beach, shore, or bay.
Where does a spotfin croaker live?
Spotfin croakers are mostly found in Los Angeles harbor, southern California, and can be also be found in Mexico. They prefer to live in depressions and holes near the beach, shore, or bay.
What is a spotfin croaker's habitat?
Spotfin croakers are usually found in shallow sandy to muddy areas along beaches, bays, and shores. They are also most likely to be found in depressions and holes. However, in coastal areas, spotfin croakers are found in deeper areas.
Who do spotfin croakers live with?
Spotfin croakers do not live in a particular place and with a particular group. They are well known to travel around with no definite pattern.
How long does a spotfin croaker live?
A spotfin croaker's lifespan is about 10-15 years.
How do they reproduce?
Male spotfin croakers mature and spawn at the age of two years whereas female spotfin croakers mature and spawn at the age of three years. The season of spawning is usually between July to September.
The process takes place offshore. During this season, the male species turn in golden color, and female species develop blackish streaks under their bellies. After the season ends, their color goes back to normal.
What is their conservation status?
Spotfin croakers are not registered on any conservation registry. Therefore, it is understood that their population is stable.
Spotfin Croaker Fun Facts
What do spotfin croakers look like?

A spotfin croaker (Roncador Stearnsii) is usually silver-gray and has a shiny bluish luster on the top profile of the body and white on the below. They also have dark wavy lines on the side profile and a large black spot on the base of their pectoral fin.
The upper part of the body is slightly curved and with a blunted snout.
How cute are they?
Spotfin croakers are not usually known for their cuteness as they look like any other common fish. But people who are enthusiastic about fish can love it.
How do they communicate?
Spotfin croakers communicate through croaking. They produce a throbbing sound against their bladder which is used to control their buoyancy. It is usually thought these fish croaks only during distress or spawning season but recently, scientists have discovered that they also do it to communicate around.
How big is a spotfin croaker?
Usually, Spotfin croakers grow up to 14-22 in (35.56-55.88 cm) in length. However, it is reported that they can sometimes grow up to 27.5 in (70cm) in length.
How fast can a spotfin croaker swim?
There is not much information about the swimming speed of the spotfin croaker. But they are known to migrate around a lot in shallow depths.
How much does a spotfin croaker weigh?
They would usually weigh about 6-10 lb (2.72-4.53 kg). However, the largest can weigh around 14 lb (6.35 kg).
What are their male and female names of the species?
The males and females don't have different names.
What would you call a baby spotfin croaker?
There is no particular name for a baby spotfin croaker.
What do they eat?
Spotfin croakers usually feed on clams, crabs, worms, and they can crush crustaceans using their large throat teeth. They also like burrowing pencil clams and shrimp. Besides clams, they also love to eat fat innkeeper worms.
Are they dangerous?
Spotfin croakers are not dangerous. They are valued very much for their meat. But in some localities, they can be poisonous. They are caught while fishing.
Would they make a good pet?
Spotfin croakers are not caught and kept as pets usually because they can grow up to be very big for an aquarium at home. Also, a home aquarium cannot be a suitable habitat for them,
Did you know...
During the spawning season, male Spotfin croakers change into a bright gold color (this is the reason they are also called 'golden croakers') whereas female spotfin croakers develop a black underbelly.
Catching and eating spotfin croakers
For fishing a spotfin croaker, the first place you have to choose is the Los Angeles Harbor, southern California. You can find plenty of them at that place. California spotfin croakers are easy to find.
When it comes to the fishing season, late summer would be the best time to catch them. Late afternoon to dusk time would be a good choice of time. The best bait to catch them could be their burrowing pencil clams, fat innkeeper worms, blood worms, etc.
When a 'croaker hole' is found, good fishing is held at any place. Most of the fishing is done and many fishes can be caught in these.
Spotfin croaker eating is loved and very much valued as meat. It has an excellent - mild flavor and has a soft texture. However, it can be unsafe to eat the fish that are caught in some areas.
Keeping croaker fish
It is not an easy task to keep a croaker fish alive. It needs to be a minimum of 28 in (0.71 m) in total length for you to keep it. You need to have good aerators and keeping the fish in an ice chest would be a good idea.
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You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable spotfin croaker coloring pages.