With so many vibrantly colored marine fish available for the home aquarium, it's easy to fall in love with their colorful hues and superb finnage. Blennies are reef-safe as a group, and their modest adult size and general resilience make them a good choice for any marine aquarist, especially beginners or those with smaller aquaria.
Snowflake Blenny, Starry Lawnmower Blenny, Starry Night Blenny are some alternate names for the Starry Blenny fish.
The ideal aquarium water conditions for this reef safe fish species are 72-80° F temperature and 8.1-8.4 pH with at least 30 gallons water. This herbivore marine species feeds primarily on marine algae for its diet.
Here are some interesting facts on the Starry Eyed Blenny, you can also browse through the internet for some more Blennies, like the midas blenny facts and milkfish facts.
Starry Blenny Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a Starry Blenny?
The Starry Blenny, Salarias ramosus, is a combtooth blenny found in the Western Central Pacific. It does make an appearance in aquariums all over the world from time to time, as its herbivore diet makes it an easy to maintain species.
What class of animal does a Starry Blenny belong to?
The Starry Blenny is a type of fish that belongs to the actinopterygii class of the animal kingdom. This marine species can be seen scraping algae from reefs.
How many Starry Blennies are there in the world?
There is no estimation of how many Starry Blennies there are in the world. It is a popular herbivore aquarium fish.
Where does a Starry Blenny live?
The Starry Blenny lives in the Pacific and Indian seas, in the Philippines and Australia, preferring shallow rocky regions or on coral reefs where it can swiftly take sanctuary when predators approach, as deep as 50 ft (15 m) or as close to the surface as 3 ft (0.9 m), anywhere filamentous algae are abundant and ready to feed.
What is a Starry Blenny's habitat?
The Starry Blenny prefers a well-established aquarium with a variety of marine algae strains and steady water conditions. In the wild, Snowflake Blenny fish prefers shallow rocky regions or coral reefs.
Between grazing, the Starry Blenny prefers to sit on live rock and corals to make sure it doesn't miss anything in the aquarium. They are a robust and clever fish species that will give charm to any system while also eliminating nuisance.
Who do Starry Blennies live with?
Starry Blennies will have their own territories in most bigger tanks and should get along just fine. However, in smaller tanks, both gobies and blennies battle with fish of the same size and shape, and with colors that may mimic those of their own.
How long does a Starry Blenny live?
In a home aquarium, it appears realistic to anticipate a Starry Blenny to live anywhere from 1-6 years if it is happy, healthy, and well-fed.
How do they reproduce?
The female enters the male's territory, deposits eggs that adhere to the shell or live rock when fertilized or joins with the male's sperm, and then leaves. The male then protects the eggs by fanning water over them until they hatch.
What is their conservation status?
The Starry Blenny is the least concerned according to IUCN Red List Status.
Starry Blenny Fun Facts
What do Starry Blennies look like?
Starry Blenny has a dark brown to brown color with a variety of white dots along their body. The pectoral and tail fins can even be a lighter color, with a little golden tint to them. Tthey have an appealing little whisker-like appendage on their head next to their eyes.

*Please note that this is an image of a Peacock Blenny, not a Starry Blenny specifically. If you have an image of a Starry Blenny, then please let us know at hello@kidadl.com.
How cute are they?
They are peaceful and look cute when left in an aquarium.
How do they communicate?
There is no research regarding the communication of this species.
How big is a Starry Blenny?
A Starry Blenny is 10 times bigger than Dwarf pygmy goby. A Starry Blenny grows up to an average length of 5.5 in (14 cm).
How fast can a Starry Blenny swim?
They are slow walkers, they explore live rock slowly inside the aquarium. It is not regarded as a strong swimmer.
How much does a Starry Blenny weigh?
Starry Blenny weight range is 15-16 oz (425-453 g).
What are the male and female names of the species?
There is no specific name for male and female Starry Blennies. They are known as male Starry Blenny and female Starry Blenny only.
What would you call a baby Starry Blenny?
There is no specific name for a baby Starry Blenny, hence it is known as a juvenile only.
What do they eat?
Starry Blenny is a herbivore with a diet of diverse sea algae in its native habitat. It should be given a range of vitamin-enriched sea algae, vegetable matter, and high-quality Spirulina-based prepared diets in the aquarium. They also inspect any decorative and bothersome micro/macro algae that may already be present in the aquarium.
Are they dangerous?
No, Starry Blenny is a peaceful community fish that should get along with the majority of your other saltwater aquarium fish. The one exception to this guideline is to avoid the temptation to maintain many identical algae blennies in the aquarium.
Would they make a good pet?
Yes, they would make a good pet, all they need is proper care and a proper food routine. So, make sure you acquire proper knowledge of Starry Blenny care and the Starry Blenny diet before you add this fish to your aquarium.
Did you know...
The Starry Blenny (Salarias ramosus, is a combtooth blenny found in the Western Central Pacific. It does make an appearance in the aquarium trade from time to time.
Bennies are related to gibes and dragonets, which are frequently mislabeled as blennies.
Colors of the Starry Blenny
Starry Blennies tend to color up and down depending on where they are in the tank. They camouflage when sitting motionless, but assume a more natural (recorded) hue when swimming. Its natural hue is dark brown to brown with many white patches on their bodies.
Starry Blennies during pregnancy
Starry Blennies belly becomes a bit bulged which indicates it mostly is pregnant unless it’s a male which means it’s fat.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! For more relatable content, check out these Queen Triggerfish facts, or kissing gourami facts.
You can even occupy yourself at home by drawing one on our Starry Blenny coloring pages.