Fun Texas Blind Snake Facts For Kids

Oluniyi Akande
Oct 20, 2022 By Oluniyi Akande
Originally Published on Sep 01, 2021
Edited by Luca Demetriou
Texas blind snake facts on a small snake species.

There are over 200 subspecies of blind snakes in six genera. Texas blind snake (Leptotyphlops dulcis) is a slender blind snake from the same family.

Texas blind snake (Leptotyphlops dulcis) is classified as a Least concern species by the International Union For Conservation Of Nature (IUCN) Red List.

Texas blind snake (Leptotyphlops dulcis) is seen in North America, the United States, northern Mexico, western Oklahoma, and Texas in grasslands scrub forests or soil that is moist and they stay within the same geographic range for the most part.

Texas blind snake is a slender blind snake that is primarily a carnivore and feeds on earthworms, larvae pupae, and other pupae of insects, and termites. Texas blind snake (Leptotyphlops dulcis) is known by other common and popular names including Texas blind snake, Texas slender blind snake, and Texas threadsnake.

They may be confused with a worm or a worm snake however, they are separate species. Texas blind snake pet is not ideal since they are not accommodative towards the same or sociable beings.

They have specific needs which can only be catered for in their natural habitat. For more relatable content, check out these fact files on the scarlet snake and anaconda snake.

Texas Blind Snake Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a Texas blind snake?

Texas slender blind snake is a snake species that belong to the kingdom Animalia and order Squamata.

What class of animal does a Texas blind snake belong to?

Texas blind snake scientific name may be Rena dulcis or Leptotyphlops dulcis among other synonyms of the same. Texas blind snake belongs to the class Reptilia, the family Leptotyphlopidae, and genus Rena.

How many Texas blind snakes are there in the world?

The exact population of this north American slender blind species is not evaluated. These slender blind species are classified as Least concern species by the IUCN red list.

Where does a Texas blind snake live?

Texas blind snake live in grasslands and scrub forests or deserts. These blind snakes are seen in Northern America and the United States, Mexico, and Texas, western Oklahoma, Arizona, and Kansas.

What is a Texas blind snake's habitat?

These blind snakes' primary habitat range constitutes the soil where they primarily find their food. They prefer living in grasslands and scrub forests where they can find food easily. They are seen in North America and the United States including western Oklahoma and Arizona and Texas.

Who do Texas blind snakes live with?

The Texas threadsnake are mostly solitary beings and nocturnal, so they are active at night to stay away from the purview of predators. They are seldom seen in groups.

How long does a Texas blind snake live?

The exact lifespan of blind snakes is not evaluated. Their lifespan is impacted by their habitat and their feeding habits.

How do they reproduce?

The blind Texas snake males find females using female pheromones. Males may mate with multiple mates throughout the breeding season. These blind snakes usually mate under a rock where the male wraps himself around a female under a rock or crevice.

These blind snakes mating season occurs from late March to June in Texas. They lay eggs and female blind snakes take care of the same. The eggs hatch from August to September.

What is their conservation status?

Blind snakes are classified as Least Concern species by the IUCN red list of threatened species. Texas blind snake distribution map, range map is available on the IUCN red list website.

Texas Blind Snake Fun Facts

What do Texas blind snakes look like?

Texas blind snake is similar to a shiny earthworm as per description. They have a pink-brown overall color. The pink is not prominent however, it's visible in the light.

They have a deep sheen to their scales. It appears unsegmented in most instances. They have no jaws within their upper teeth and their lower jaw is extremely short which is within their mouth.

Their eyes are two dark dots under their head scales. They are not innately blind and can see light. When ingesting their prey, snakes flex the front of their short lower half jaw in their mouth in a raking motion to consume their food almost instantly.

*We've been unable to source an image of a Texas blind snake and have used an image of a Robust blind snake instead. If you are able to provide us with a royalty-free image of a Texas blind snake, we would be happy to credit you. Please contact us at

How cute are they?

The blind snake in Texas is extremely cute however, they do not enjoy being caressed and are best left alone. All subspecies in the family are equally cute. They have two dark spots as eyes and is a blind snake.

How do they communicate?

The blind snake in texas do not communicate verbally however they do make pheromones. They also make use of body language to communicate much like other species of animals communicate during courtship.

How big is a Texas blind snake?

Blind brown snake Texas is 3-13 in (7.6-33 cm) in length which is two times bigger than worm snake which is 13-14 in (33-35.6 cm) in length.

How fast can a Texas blind snake move?

Texas blind snake move at moderate speeds and are sedentary beings. They are much like earthworms and are an essential part of the ecosystem. They move at 1.2-1.5 mph (1.9-2.4 kph) since they are short in length and hence can cover small surface areas in a stipulated time.

How much does a Texas blind snake weigh?

Texas blind snake size weighs 0.05 g (1.4 g). Related species to these snakes have similar weight and size. Their diet is dependent on their diet and habitat.

What are the male and female names of the species?

Male and female snakes are not addressed separately. These thread snakes are similar in appearance however, they differ in appearance.

What would you call a baby Texas blind snake?

The small blind snake Texas may be addressed as a snakelet. Their feeding habits are similar to the of adults. The worm snake is hardly seen in the wild. They lay about two to seven eggs.

What do they eat?

Texas blind snake is primarily a carnivore. They can be seen feeding within their habitat/geographic range Texas blind snake eating is minimal however, they consume earthworms, flatworms, larvae/pupae of insects, worms, and termites.

Termites are among their common diet. They search for food within their habitat range. They may pose a threat to the nest of other species that lay eggs within the soil.

They can follow ant and termite trails to form a nest. Ants may in turn attack the invading snake and the snake, in turn, releases toxins to get rid of the same.

Are they poisonous?

Texas blind snake bite is not poisonous. Texas blind snake venomous is not true since they are small and harmless snakes. Texas blind snake infestation is not harmful. If you ever spot them you could pick them and remove them or use a repellent. They are blind snakes and hence will not survive long inside a home.

Would they make a good pet?

This thread snake is not an ideal pet. These tiny snakes cannot survive long in a home environment.

If you wish to adopt snakes as pets you could consider other non-venomous snakes or reptiles or related species. Their feeding requirement may vary and their behavior is not similar to other pet species. Most snakes are silent in behavior and have a high and complex diet requirement which might require special care and consideration.

Did you know...

Snakes shed skin or scales on their body through a process of ecdysis. The shedding of scales of skin on their body is an essential part of their sustenance and survival.

The shedding of the skin or scales may occur between four to twelve times per year. Each scale of a snake has an outer surface and an inner surface the outer surface is usually brightly colored as compared to the inner surface.

The tail of any snake begins where its body's ribs end. Some species of snake have a prehensile tail while others possess a short in length or not tail at all. Their tail helps snakes get a proper grip while moving.

Venomous snakes usually have a triangular head while non-venomous ones flatten their head when threatened. It's easy to confuse the two as both may have a spade-shaped head.

Ophidiophobia is the fear of snakes. This can be seen in adults as well as children of all ages. Ophidiophobia is different from simply fearing snakes. A herpetologist is a person who studies reptiles and amphibians.

Are Texas blind snakes really blind?

The Texas blind snake is endemic to Texas and nearby regions. They are known by other popular names including burrowing snake, plains blind snake, eastern worm snake, Texas blind snake, Texas, Rena, Texas thread snake, or worm snake.

They are known as thread snakes since they are thin and delicate in appearance like thread. These snakes have two dark spots on their face as eyes and are not blind in nature but their eyesight is reduced. They can sense light but not body movements hence, their name is Texas blind snake.

Other similar species include the Hawaiian blind snakes. The South Texas snake is rarely spotted in regions outside its habitat range.

What temperature does a Texas blind snake have to be?

They prefer temperatures between 60.6-81.5 °F (15.9-27.5 °C) and lie under warm rocks close to the soil. The larvae are seldom spotted and even farther away from lying just under the warm rocks in the soil. They prefer living in regions close to the soil since they can access food easily. These smaller snakes are unique and exotic beings.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! For more relatable content, check out these common garter snake facts or milk snake facts pages.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable texas blind snake coloring pages.

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Written by Oluniyi Akande

Doctorate specializing in Veterinary Medicine

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Oluniyi AkandeDoctorate specializing in Veterinary Medicine

With an accomplished background as a Veterinarian, SEO content writer, and public speaker, Oluniyi brings a wealth of skills and experience to his work. Holding a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from the University of Ibadan, he provides exceptional consulting services to pet owners, animal farms, and agricultural establishments. Oluniyi's impressive writing career spans over five years, during which he has produced over 5000 high-quality short- and long-form pieces of content. His versatility shines through as he tackles a diverse array of topics, including pets, real estate, sports, games, technology, landscaping, healthcare, cosmetics, personal loans, debt management, construction, and agriculture.

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