Tide Pool Facts For Kids To Understand Their Importance And Dangers

Akinwalere Olaleye
Oct 19, 2023 By Akinwalere Olaleye
Originally Published on Apr 06, 2022
Discover tide pool facts about these fun isolated pockets of water that are popular across the world.

The animals in tide pools find themselves sometimes underwater and sometimes in shallow waters with changing tides and changes in the sea level. 

The seashores, especially the rocky areas, are inundated with seawater during high tide, and the water recedes with low tide, leaving some animals and plants stuck in these shallow pools of water, called tide pools. These form between rocks and may be of different sizes. 

Tide pools are small amounts of seawater left behind in low places and stay even after water recession post low tide. All tide pools have a community of plants and animals living in the water body, depending on the food available there, and develop unique characters. Their vital organs may adapt to these changes. 

Types Of Tide Pools

Rocky coasts have large rocks protruding into the sea, and during the day, some parts may be covered by water. These are dangerous for humans, but many marine birds come here looking for food. 

Bench tide pools are flat, have an even and large surface of the water, and maybe found near sandy beaches. 

The third type of tide pool is boulder or rock fields. As the name says, the pools are formed due to large and small rocks. Water comes in with the tide, and the pools may be shallower. They may not see much tidal water because their level is almost the same as the sea. 

Characteristics Of Tide Pools

Tide pools exist because of the tidal movements of the seawater and may remain submerged during high tide. The rocks go through extreme conditions during low tide, and the area becomes too dry and hot because of the sun. It may also become very cold and dry in some areas. 

During every high tide, the high tide zone floods. The 'lower littoral zone' is the low tide zone and may always have some water left behind by the tide.

However, it may be exposed if the tides are too low. This area has a more diverse community of marine creatures and seaweeds thriving in it. The high tide zones have sea anemones, starfish, and crabs, apart from algae and mussels.

Creatures Living In Tide Pools

Tide pool creatures are unique in their survival techniques. These are aquatic and hardy organisms and yet may have to live in less water and face extreme temperatures because of shallow pools of water and tidal conditions.

They get their food from the limited pools of water. There are different types of algae like sea lettuce or green algae, and red and brown algae too. Coralline algae may also encrust the rocks.

Some of the animals are sea urchins, sea cucumbers, slugs, sea anemones, mussels, green and hermit crabs, and many more unusual creatures depending on the part of the world, climate, and weather conditions. You may see barnacles, dog whelks, and rock gunnels sticking to the rocks and boulders.

Different types of small fish may also live in the pools if the water is enough for them to survive.

The diversity of the tide pools along the rocky shores is a very significant aspect of our ecosystem. These places are excellent for kids and scientists to observe and understand marine creatures in a naturally enclosed space. These creatures are also sturdier and more resilient as they adapt to harsh conditions.


Why are tide pools important?

Tide pools are diverse ecosystems with different types of organisms. These tide pools have a complete ecosystem, from the smallest planktons to a carnivore at the top. These are significant for scientific studies and for maintaining the balance in nature near the sea coast. The tidal pools provide food and shelter for many oceanic creatures.

What is the percentage visibility of the colors in a tide pool?

In the shallow tide pools, we can clearly see the bottom and the vivid colors of the organisms living in the water.  

What would you call a tide pool in a lake?

A tide pool is a pool of water formed because of tidal waves from the sea. Lakes don't have tide pools. It can be called a pool or puddle of water or tarn, a mountain lake, or a pool.

How does the salinity of a tide pool change?

High tides bring in fresh seawater, raising the salinity. During low tides, ocean water recedes, reducing the salinity of the shallow water.

What extreme conditions do tide pool organisms have to be able to withstand?

Very few organisms can survive in the tide pools because of extreme conditions, like fluctuations in water level at low tide, fluctuating water temperature, salinity, lower oxygen level, and cold winds. Apart from this, sudden strong waves and predators also are threats they have to face. 

What is a tide pool community?

Each tide pool in different parts of the world has a different community of marine life. These are different types of algae, sea urchins, abalone, isopods, mussels, fish, and many more. These form a community that depends on each other for food. 

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Written by Akinwalere Olaleye

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature

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Akinwalere OlaleyeBachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature

As a highly motivated, detail-oriented, and energetic individual, Olaleye's expertise lies in administrative and management operations. With extensive knowledge as an Editor and Communications Analyst, Olaleye excels in editing, writing, and media relations. Her commitment to upholding professional ethics and driving organizational growth sets her apart. She has a bachelor's degree in English Literature from the University of Benin, Edo State. 

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