Fun Tiger Prawn Facts For Kids

Iram Ashfaq
Nov 01, 2022 By Iram Ashfaq
Originally Published on Aug 06, 2021
Edited by Jacob Fitzbright
Few tiger prawn facts that will leave you speechless.

It’s difficult to believe that a creature as amazing and intelligent as the tiger prawn doesn’t get more attention. Check out these thrilling giant tiger prawn facts that will leave you in awe.

They are excellent hunters, with an impressive sense of smell for tracking prey in murky water. As they grow, their shell becomes thicker and stronger than any other crustacean species on Earth.

This enables them to survive predators like sharks by hiding from them under rocks or burrowing into the sand at low tide in the sea and ocean.

These remarkable creatures can live up to five years underwater without ever surfacing - all because they have evolved ways of avoiding being spotted by predators! The tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon, is a type of shrimp that lives in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

They are closely related to freshwater prawns and lobsters but have adapted to living in saltwater. The tiger prawn is also an omnivore, which means it eats plants as well as animals.

Because these creatures are so big and strong-willed, they pose a danger to smaller fish such as anchovies or sardines by eating them whole.

You might be wondering why we would want this creature for our food supply when it's so dangerous? Well, one reason is that they taste really good!

Tiger prawns are an interesting species of wild shrimp that have a head and tail like any other shrimp, but they also have long whiskers on their heads. Their populations range from south Carolina all the way to east Asia.

For more relatable content, check out these lobster facts and slipper lobster facts for kids.

Tiger Prawn Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a tiger prawn?

Tiger prawns are a type of crustacean. They're also known as shrimp and can be found in many types of seafood dishes around the world, particularly in coastal South Asian regions, North and South Carolina, and the gulf coast of the Gulf of Mexico.

What class of animal does a tiger prawn belong to?

The wild tiger shrimp species are crustaceans that belong to the Malacostraca class. They are native to shallow waters and have long, thin antennae near their eyes with which they sense changes in light intensity as well as a lookout for food sources. They are also commonly farmed in South Carolina by aquaculture.

How many tiger prawns are there in the world?

We don't know how many tiger shrimp or Penaeus monodon are there in the world but we're pretty sure that they number in the millions. People do come across huge tiger shrimp populations sometimes.

Where does a tiger prawn live?

Tiger shrimp are native to any saltwater or freshwater bodies where they can find ample food supplies, hiding places from predators, and protection because these areas have lower oxygen levels than surface waters.

What is a tiger prawn's habitat?

You may be wondering which part of the world an aquatic wild tiger shrimp has its natural habitat. Well, these shrimps are native to the North Pacific, East Philippines, Gulf of Mexico, Southeast Africa, South Asian zones, and Australia!

These bottom dwellers tend to hang out around rocks near shorelines with moderate currents where they feed off small insects, and worms, which keep them active during daytime hours when their natural prey isn't available.

Who do tiger prawns live with?

They are not found hanging out in huge groups together. The wild tiger prawns are often like the cool kids in school. They don't really need a close group, as they have no problem hanging out by themselves!

How long does a tiger prawn live?

A Penaeus monodon can live up to five years. Blue crabs have a longer life than these arthropods.

How do they reproduce?

Tiger prawns are a species of crustaceans who reproduce through eggs after mating. The mating occurs in water.

The female giant tiger prawn after breeding will lay her sticky eggs in an underwater nest she creates with sand from the sea and the ocean floor. Her offspring's life begins as they hatch and swim into open water where they live until adulthood before returning back to land so that one day soon, another mother may be born!

What is their conservation status?

The conservation status of tiger prawns is Least Concern. The wild tiger shrimp or Penaeus monodon is wise enough to avoid extinction! No other variety of shrimp has built up such a successful and sustainable population on the planet as these ferocious beasts.

Tiger Prawn Fun Facts

What do tiger prawns look like?

Tiger prawns are a type of natural freshwater wild shrimp that come in black, brown, blue, green, or sometimes even pink or red. These orangish colors along with a few stripes make them resemble a tiger.

They can usually be found on the sea and the ocean floor feeding and burrowing into the sediment to search for food.

They have antennae, a shell, and exoskeletons which make them look like they're wearing armor.

The black tiger prawns, also known as freshwater penaeid shrimp, use their antennae, which are like feelers, when hunting prey underwater. These legs allow them to walk swiftly along the ground searching for a meal at their desired depth level in the ocean while maintaining safety from larger animals such as sharks or other predatory fish close by.

How cute are they?

People might say that marine tiger prawns or Penaeus monodon aren't the cutest aquatic creature out there. But don't let their looks fool you because they taste really good in a pinch or on an appetizer tray at your next seafood party.

If you love colorful vivid arthropods, check out the Mantis shrimp. You will fall for them, they are absolutely gorgeous!

How do they communicate?

A recent study showed that when one shrimp is threatened, the others come to its aid; this implies some form of communication between them exists. Scientists have found that black tiger shrimp use their antennae to communicate with each other.

How big is a tiger prawn?

The mighty tiger shrimp! Tiger prawns are typically around 7.8-9.8 in (20-25 cm) in length, giving them a very wide variety of sizes that makes for an exciting seafood experience!

The tiger shrimps cultivated in the fisheries through aquaculture have been associated with a few diseases. These diseases can even be fatal for the populations of these shrimps. These are seven or eight times bigger than a ghost shrimp.

How fast can a tiger prawn swim?

Tiger prawns usually do not exceed the swimming speed of about three body lengths every minute.

How much does a tiger prawn weigh?

Tiger prawns are small, but they pack a punch! With an average weight of 0.3-0.7 lb (150 to 350 g), this tiny crustacean can be found on many plates at seafood restaurants across the globe.

What are the male and female names of the species?

The adult tiger shrimp invasive species come in both males and females species, but no matter which you are looking for it's still called a tiger prawn and has no specific name for the females and males species.

What would you call a baby tiger prawn?

The females lay eggs which later turn into babies. The babies of this wild invasive species do not have any specific names and are commonly known as baby tiger prawns.  A baby tiger prawn is a cute little shrimp with a graceful, elegant physique undergoing multiple stages during development.

What do they eat?

These large crustaceans live in the Indo-Pacific region, where they feed on small animals like clams, crabs, fish larvae, and other invertebrates that come into their habitat. The tiger shrimps can get eaten by a blacktip shark pretty often!

Are they poisonous?

The giant tiger shrimp or prawns are not poisonous and make a good addition to any seafood dish. They have been described as sweet, succulent, tangy flavors that come with every bite you take.

Would they make a good pet?

The black tiger shrimp or prawns invasive species are so soft and cuddly. You should pet one to feel how smooth their skin is, or you could make a bed for them in your palm if they're not too big!

Did you know...

The nonindigenous aquatic species of tiger shrimp is considered to be an invasive species. The tiger prawn, an adult shrimp with incredible speed and strength that is destroying the environment of other animals, has been categorized to be an invasive species for the same reason.

Humans have been breeding tiger prawns for centuries and they do this through aquaculture farming along the gulf.

Aquaculture farming of tiger prawns is done by farming in farms, fisheries, or man-made lakes inside those farms and fisheries that are filled with clean fresh water to keep the animals healthy through major natural aquaculture processes, especially in the South of the Gulf of Mexico. However, a disease has been associated with shrimps associated with aquaculture.

This disease even proves fatal sometimes.

Why are tiger prawns expensive?

These invasive species are a delicacy in many countries around the world, but they're so much more than just another seafood.

Tiger prawns are more expensive than other types of nonindigenous aquatic shrimp species because they're usually larger in size.

The giant tiger shrimp also have a stronger flavor and sweeter taste, which makes them perfect for seafood dishes like ceviche or salads with mangoes.

The tiger prawn's distinctive flavors make them ideal for culinary creations that span the globe from New England clam chowder to Thai curry soup, but it's their large size that sets these shrimps apart as an elite class on their own among all others - especially when you consider the fact that most giant tiger prawn recipes need only one individual shellfish rather than multiple smaller ones due to its extravagantly generous proportions!

Why are they called tiger prawns?

There's an interesting story behind how we got the name for this tasty black tiger prawn. Tiger shrimp are called as such because it has an orange or red stripe on its back and a white underbelly, similar to a tiger.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other arthropods including morpho butterfly or viceroy butterfly facts pages.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable Tiger prawn coloring pages.

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Written by Iram Ashfaq

Bachelor of Dental Surgery, Master of Public Health

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Iram AshfaqBachelor of Dental Surgery, Master of Public Health

With a Bachelor's degree in Dental Surgery from Shaney Institute of Health Sciences and a Master's degree in Public Health from Imperial College London, Iram is a highly qualified and accomplished writer from Srinagar, India. Over the course of a year, she has acquired multiple writing certifications, focusing on health sciences and research studies. Prior to joining Kidadl, Iram gained valuable experience working as a content writer for Indian firms and interning at a New York-based company. Her expertise and passion for writing shine through in her ability to create compelling content across a variety of topics.

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