Fun Uguisu Facts For Kids

Anusuya Mukherjee
Nov 08, 2022 By Anusuya Mukherjee
Originally Published on Aug 05, 2021
Edited by Luca Demetriou
Fact-checked by Shikha Sharma
Uguisu facts like they are found in many countries like Japan, China, Russia, Taiwan, Korea are interesting

Small uguisu birds are also known by several other names like the Japanese bush warbler, the singing bush warbler, and the oriental bush warbler. Although the uguisu bird species are associated mostly with Japan, it is found in different countries like China, Korea, Manchuria, and the Philippines.

Japanese bush warblers are better known for their song than their appearance. This species does not have a colorful plumage.

They look rather dusky in pale green and brown shades. This species belongs to the order Passeriformes, kingdom animalia, and has the scientific name cettia diphone.

Japanese bush warblers are found in certain areas depending on the season. This species is found throughout Japan all around the year.

In the summer months, the uguisu birds can be spotted in Japan’s northernmost prefecture, the large Japanese island of Hokkaido, certain areas of central China, and Korea. In the cold winter months, the uguisu prefers to live in the lower altitudes to avoid the cold mountain winters.

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Uguisu Interesting Facts

What type of animal is an uguisu?

Uguisu are migratory birds flying from county to country as the season changes.

What class of animal does an uguisu belong to?

Uguisu birds belong to class Aves.

How many uguisus are there in the world?

It is difficult to state the exact number of uguisu birds living in the wild. According to IUCN Red List, their conservation status is of the ‘Least Concern’ as their population is stable.

Where does an uguisu live?

Uguisus live in lowlands and the forests in the mountains.

What is an uguisu's habitat?

The Uguisu bird inhabits different regions of Japan and the northern Philippines all year round. Uguisu are migratory birds and with the changing season, the Japanese bush warblers fly to different countries in order to try and find food.

Some uguisu species are also native to China, Korea, Taiwan, and southern Russia. Uguisu birds are found in mountainous regions and lowland hills during the cold mountain winters. These birds can be spotted in bamboo forests and dense seasonal forests with plenty of foliage and ample food supply.

Who do uguisus live with?

Uguisus are solitary birds. They come together during the breeding season. In winter these birds are relatively quiet and make only low chirping noises.

As the early spring starts, these spring birds sing their distinct song in order to attract a mate. Due to their secretive nature and camouflaged body color, the uguisu’s song is heard more than that bird is seen. German naturalist Heinrich von Kittlitz first documented this bird species.

How long does an uguisu live?

In the wild, an uguisu’s lifespan is from two to five years.

How do they reproduce?

Early spring is the ideal uguisu breeding season. At this time the males sing their beautiful song in order to attract females. Japanese bush warblers are polygamous, which means they mate with multiple females in one breeding season.

A female uguisu makes a nest among dense foliage with leaves, twigs, and other plant material. The average clutch size is three but they can lay up to five eggs.

The uguisu female keeps the eggs warm and protects them. The chicks hatch in two to three weeks. The mother bird feeds them until the fledglings are two weeks old.

What is their conservation status?

The Uguisu is classified as ‘Least Concern’ on the IUCN Red List. There is no imminent threat to the species and it is thriving in its natural environment. Their habitat is stable but the number of these birds is declining due to deforestation in a number of countries. Uguisus predators include snakes birds of prey and wild cats.

Uguisu Fun Facts

What do uguisus look like?

The uguisu is a small-sized bird. Both males and females of this bird species have dull plumage colorations of light brown and olive green on top. They have darker plumage on the tips of both the wings and the tail.

The under-belly part is beige. They have distinct creamy colors above the eyes. The plumage color of these birds slightly varies between the subspecies.

This spring bird of Japan is also known as the Japanese nightingale for its beautiful song. The straight feathered tail of an uguisu bird is comparatively longer than the size of its body.

That makes them similar in appearance to other songbirds of their size and long-tailed tits. Their thin legs and long claws help them to hold on to branches easily in order to try catching worms from trees.

The Japanese bush warbler has small dark eyes. The top of each eye is covered with a light line or strip. Their beaks are straight and tan-hued. The curved beak makes the bird appear to be smiling.

How cute are they?

Uguisu is a cute, tiny bird species that fly throughout Japan and a number of countries as the season changes.

How do they communicate?

The male and female uguisu have different vocalizations. The male sings ‘Hoh, hokekyo’ in a loud voice. They also shriek "Pirrrrrr-kekkyo, kekkyo’ a sound, that’s called ‘Taniwatari’ or the valley crossing call. The male uses the same song while courting a female but in a whispering tone.

The female uguisu whispers softly ‘chee, chee’ while nestling and incubating. The females sing ‘chatt, chatt’ or their Sasanaki or bamboo grass call when they are not rearing the nestlings. The same is also used by the male during the winter months and not during the breeding season.

How big is an uguisu?

Compared to the largest bird of prey the Andean condor which can weigh up to 33 lb, the uguisu is 687 times lighter and weighs about 0.048 lb.

How fast can an uguisu fly?

An uguisu can fly at a speed of up to 18 miles per hour.

How much does an uguisu weigh?

An uguisu weighs 0.033-0.048 lb (15-22 g).

What are their male and female names of the species?

The male and female uguisu do not have any special names.

What would you call a baby uguisu?

A baby uguisu is called a chick, fledgling, or a nestling.

What do they eat?

Uguisu is an omnivorous bird. They feed on insects, like beetles, moths, flies, grasshopper, and also eat fruits and berries. Finding food is one of the primary explanations for these birds to migrate to different countries.

Are they dangerous?

Uguisu or the Japanese bush warbler are small and not dangerous.

Would they make a good pet?

Uguisu is a wild bird that lives the happiest life when free. They are sometimes kept as cage birds but that makes this bird’s life miserable.

Did you know...

Heinrich von Kittlitz, the German explorer and naturalist was the first person to describe and document this species. The uguisu species is closely related to some small songbirds like the bushtits and nightingales. These birds are similar in appearance but the uguisu is slightly larger compared to bushtits and nightingales.

The loud song of the uguisu can be heard throughout the mountainous forests of the Far East. It is difficult for predators like snakes, cats, lizards, and birds of prey to spot the bird due to its natural camouflage.

The most interesting fact about the uguisu species is the guano of these birds are used in manufacturing face creams as it is thought to make skin soft and supple.  It’s said to be a century’s old ingredient used by geishas and Japanese theatre kabuki actors throughout Japan as a moisturizer.

The uguisu's song

The distinct song of this spring bird is not only about a mating call. It also declares its territory with this tune in early spring. The song of uguisu signifies the arrival of spring coming to Japan. That has earned uguisu the name of spring bird and the Hanami bird.

History of the uguisu

The uguisu is a native bird species of Japan. Also known as the spring bird or the Japanese warbler, the uguisu has been depicted in traditional Japanese art and poetry for its characteristic springtime song.

The wild birds were often kept as cage birds for their sweet song and guano, as it was considered as a skin softener and enhancer. Due to deforestation and land clearance for urbanization, and agriculture, the population of uguisu has declined throughout the species natural range.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other birds including toco toucan, or great green macaw.

You can even occupy yourself at home by drawing one on our Uguisu coloring pages.

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Written by Anusuya Mukherjee

Bachelor of Arts and Law specializing in Political Science and Intellectual Property Rights

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Anusuya MukherjeeBachelor of Arts and Law specializing in Political Science and Intellectual Property Rights

With a wealth of international experience spanning Europe, Africa, North America, and the Middle East, Anusuya brings a unique perspective to her work as a Content Assistant and Content Updating Coordinator. She holds a law degree from India and has practiced law in India and Kuwait. Anusuya is a fan of rap music and enjoys a good cup of coffee in her free time. Currently, she is working on her novel, "Mr. Ivory Merchant".

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Fact-checked by Shikha Sharma

Bachelor of Commerce

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Shikha SharmaBachelor of Commerce

Shikha has a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Delhi. She also holds a Diploma in Information Technology, which has helped her acquire technical and design skills.

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