What Is A Baby Rabbit Called? Interesting Facts You May Not Know

Oluwatosin Michael
Oct 13, 2023 By Oluwatosin Michael
Originally Published on Nov 04, 2021
A group of wild rabbits sitting outside.

Rabbits are the cutest of cutest creatures that you can have as a pet. 

Rabbits are lovely animals. Rabbits are playful and can make you laugh with notorious activities which rabbits like to do. 

Rabbits make great pet friends for children. Rabbits are also called bunnies or bunny rabbits.

These are small little lovely creatures that are best for people who can devote time and effort to their care. Rabbits do have a lot of interesting characteristics and facts that will make you fall in love with them, as many people often find these animals adorable. Rabbits do come with different color coatings.

Most people often have the presumption of rabbits being white. But rabbits can be black, brown, chocolate, fawn, brew, broken chestnut color, and orange.

Rabbits are herbivores by nature. It is important and interesting to note that rabbits are the most dramatic animals. Rabbits are fearful animals and can easily die from a heart attack.

The owner must take care that the rabbit is not scared or feels threatened. Ever wondered what a baby rabbit is called? A small bunny or bunnies?

Well, it would be highly fascinating to note that a baby rabbit is called a kitten. Isn’t it surprising that the babies of rabbits as also called kittens? Yes, it is. Most people often get confused between hares and rabbits.

The babies of hares are called leverets. But a rabbit is actually different from hares. Baby hares or rabbits may also be called kits and kitties.

It is interesting to note that a newborn baby rabbit is not furry. Newborn rabbits are actually underdeveloped and even have closed eyes, and are born without fur in nature.

The fur of a bunny grows within a month sometimes, and the cute little creature looks amazing with mesmerizing eyes, cute bear ears, and soft fur.

Another interesting fact to note is that a baby female rabbit (doe) is named a doe, and a young baby male rabbit is termed a buck. It is however not very likely for someone to spot a bunny or even the animal litter and be able to tell if it is a male or female at first glance.

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What is a baby rabbit called?

Usually, people are often curious about these cute furry animals.

They wonder if baby rabbits are what we refer to as bunnies. But the truth is a rabbit, whether it is a baby or an adult, is named a bunny. The other name for a rabbit is a bunny.

So, we also refer to baby rabbits as bunnies, just like cubs, calves, and lambs. Baby rabbits do have a name assigned to them.

They are called kittens, kits, or kitties. Yes, it is surprising to learn this fact because everyone knows that a cat's baby is also called a kitten. Is there a reason behind young rabbits also being called kittens?

How big is a baby rabbit?

Wild rabbits are comparatively big as these giant breed rabbits can be 12-16 lb (5.4-7.2 kg). These wild rabbits share a powerful trait of vision.

The animal can see better with their nearly 360° panoramic vision to detect food content. They don't have to search in such cases.

Other rabbits we may have seen are the children of a doe and usually called kittens. These kittens are furless by birth. An interesting fact here is that a doe will line the nest with her fur before birth.

Another curious question about rabbits would be the sizes of the babies. Most rabbits are brought home as pets when the rabbits are three to four months old.

During this time, too many rabbits are way too small and are still in the growing stage. Some would often be curious about the size of the newborn rabbit.

Well, wild baby rabbits are only 2 in (5 cm). Most wild newborns share the nest and never come out until they are at least 20-25 days old. This animal can live on its own after the first three weeks and they leave the nest usually after this period.

They get to see everything new for the first time. They may search for food first and they come to terms of survival with whatever content is accessible for them.

Rabbits are really short during birth and remain so until they leave the nest after 20-25 days. The chances of survival of a young bunny highly depends on the caring mother.

A bunny would grow until it attains 14 months of age. Up to nine months, a rabbit is still considered a baby and they don't look longer until after a year.

The children or kit group of the mother bunny lives and they run around like furballs, especially with those ears. A rabbit grows way faster in size that one can imagine.

What does a baby rabbit eat?

While keeping and petting a baby rabbit, it is highly necessary to take care of the baby rabbit's hygiene and feeding practices. Young rabbits can eat a variety of foods which is almost the same as what adult rabbits would eat.

Baby rabbits tend to eat fresh veggies like cabbage leaves and carrots. These are considered healthy feeding foods for babies.

At the same time, one can also feed alfalfa pellets and alfalfa hay to baby rabbits. But the entire diet of a baby bunny must not be kept dry.

Pellets and hay must be fed within a certain amount. If a baby bunny has to eat pellets and hay or any other dry foods for a day, then you need to remember to feed water to baby rabbits as well.

If the baby rabbit is too small, then one can use a syringe to feed ground baby food to the rabbit. Special baby bunny milk is also available at pet stores, which can also be fed to baby rabbits that are in the mother care stage.

Caring for a baby bunny is a lot of work and one must be cautious about what to feed and what not to feed.

Facts About A Baby Rabbit

There are some interesting baby rabbit facts that will make you fall more in love with these adorable little creatures. Baby rabbits are, after all, babies.

So just like human babies, baby rabbits like making a mess and are notorious. Baby rabbits love to have playtimes and toys to play with. One interesting characteristic of baby rabbits to note is that a baby bunny would often like to arrange its toys after playing or while playing with it. Isn’t it adorable?

Baby rabbits can also be seen hopping around, pushing and biting their toys. As soon as baby rabbits start growing teeth, it must be noted that the teeth are sharp enough and should not be underestimated.

Rabbits’ teeth keep growing throughout their lives. A baby rabbit can often fall asleep while hugging its toys or even its owners. This is a heartwarming moment to experience while caring for a baby rabbit.

Baby rabbits crave attention and are way more curious about everything they see. Baby rabbits can be scared easily, just like adults.

Too loud noises or different sounds produced can scare these bunny species. Even a baby would be scared if someone spoke too loudly. It must be the owner's duty to maintain a low pitch and warm tone while being around the rabbit.

Rabbits do have many names, and all these different names of rabbits do have historical context attached to them. New rabbit owners must research on the needs of the bunny and the maintenance requirements of rabbits. It is advisable to consult a vet for more rabbit-related information for upbringing a healthy and happy rabbit. 

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for what is a baby rabbit called then why not take a look at what is a baby giraffe called, or can bearded dragons ea

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Written by Oluwatosin Michael

Bachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology

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Oluwatosin MichaelBachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology

With a Bachelor's in Microbiology from the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Oluwatosin has honed his skills as an SEO content writer, editor, and growth manager. He has written articles, conducted extensive research, and optimized content for search engines. His expertise extends to leading link-building efforts and revising onboarding strategies. 

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