Where Do Butterflies Live? Identifying The Butterfly's Lair

Sridevi Tolety
Mar 28, 2023 By Sridevi Tolety
Originally Published on Dec 09, 2021
Edited by Lara Simpson
Fact-checked by Gowri Rao
Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve.

Butterflies are beautiful creatures that can succeed in energizing our spirits.

A butterfly is a tiny insect that can fly with the help of its comprehensive, colorful wings. These species are closely connected to moths, which also have bigger wings in proportion to their body.

Butterfly's wings are transparent and are coated in many tiny scales, hundreds of them. The colors you observe when the butterfly flies through your garden reflect distinct colors through the scales.

There is almost 20,000 distinct family of butterflies existing around the globe currently. Interestingly, butterflies taste with the help of their feet. However, it isn't so unusual from the butterfly's point of view.

If you have found some facts about butterflies interesting, you can also refer to articles such as butterfly antenna and butterfly life span.

Where do butterflies live and sleep?

Butterflies are eye-catching insects found in an astonishing array of locations. Let's learn more about their habitats.

These species are cold-blooded, and they require warm and tropical climatic conditions to survive. You will almost find numerous butterflies in places where the climatic conditions remain warm for the entire year, like California, Mexico except Antarctica.

Of course, butterflies require food resources that involve the extraction of nectar from flowers, so they must also reside and spend time in places where flowers blossom and are lush with greenery and fruit. So you can comprehend why Antarctica that is cold and dry, fails to be a warm, welcoming home to butterflies.

Butterfly species could also be found in mountain ranges, salt marshes, through coastlines, and also nearby sand dunes.

Butterflies are energetic during the day and go to sleep at the end of the day after seeking a secret place like under leaves, middle of rocks, and sometimes in the middle of blade grass. Unlike butterflies, moths are sporty during the night, lethargic and sleepy during the day.

Where do butterflies usually live?

The United States is a warm shelter to almost 750 types of butterflies. Irrespective of wherever you travel in the US, you can find a varied array of beautiful butterflies which are absent in your home locale. However, you might find some visiting your area while their migration trek and few species commonly found all over the country's regions.

Distinct butterfly species have different habitats. Even though most species are tropical, butterflies live across the world ranging from the equator to northern regions above the arctic circle, from sea level to the mountain range of 6000 meters tall!

Butterflies are found in almost all habitats incorporating desert, wetlands, alpine, grasslands, and forests. Butterflies of the family Lycaenidae live some part of their lives underground. Ants tend their caterpillars after providing the tiny ants the sweet honeydew.

A butterfly's habitat is dependent on the type of its species. Various species like Karner Blue, also known as Lycaenidae melissa samuelis, are particular with their habitat and cannot live in all places.

The Karner Blue butterfly inhabits an ecosystem called Oak Savannah as a habitat, but these species are now extinct as most of Ontario's Oak Savannah shattered. Alternatively, Cabbage white species of butterflies are quickly adaptable and are found in various habitats and distinct continents.

Do butterflies live in trees?

There are various trees on this globe that butterflies find attractive for the extraction of nectar and host plants for caterpillars.

Oaks, willows, and chokecherries support dozens of butterfly species and moth species.

Oaks support butterfly species like Arizona sister, California sister and imperial moth, polyphemus moth, and rosy maple moth.

The chokecherry tree is another tree that is spread all over the United States and southern Canada and can quickly adapt to different types of soil and plant conditions. This tree seeks the attention of both host plants for caterpillars and the extraction of nectar for adults.

Butterflies that utilize chokecherry trees are Lorquin Admiral, the tiger swallowtail, the two-tailed Swallowtail, Spring azure, and the coral Hairstreak.

Various willows act as host plants for many butterfly species such as Viceroy, mourning cloak, red-spotted purple, Tiger swallowtail, Lorquin's Admiral. Willows are present in almost every part of the United States and Canada.

These trees are very adaptable to nearly all soil types and grow very quickly. They exist in all shapes and sizes. Many willows do good in full-scale sunshine and moist environments.

Trees serve as a shelter to butterflies during bad weather and a spot to perch during the sunrise and roost during nights.

Unique Butterflies And Their Homes

Due to cold winters in Northeast areas, many butterflies hibernate or voyage to warmer and cozy locations. During temperate seasons, the area welcomes a large group of butterflies.

Canadian Tiger Swallowtail is regularly found in Pennsylvania and Maine. These butterflies are large and have black, yellow markings on their bodies.

American cooper butterflies reside in Virginia, ranging from North to Maine. This medium-sized species of butterflies are gifted with copper-color wings with black blemishes.

Holly Azure are small butterflies. This tiny butterfly resides in places ranging from south New Jersey to South Carolina. Males are in light blue coloration, and the female butterfly has a blue body with black pigmentation and grey wings.

The common buckeye species of butterflies inhabit North Carolina through Maine. This butterfly is medium-sized and has dark wings with copper, white, and light blue pigmentation with patterns of circles in white.

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail is a widespread species of butterfly from Florida to Pennsylvania. This butterfly has a hefty body with yellow and black spots, and female species are in black or yellow coloration, whereas the males have yellow markings.

Orange Sulphur butterflies are tiny. These yellow in color butterflies occupy places in Florida north to Delaware.

Zebra longwing butterflies are usually found from Florida to North Carolina. This butterfly has extended black wings imprinted with thin yellow stripes.

Queen butterflies are copper in color with black markings and white spots on the outer surface of wings and are usually found from Florida to Virginia.

Monarch species of butterflies are large in size are reside throughout most of the areas of the Midwest, as well as the country. It has copper-orange color wings with black and white blemishes. Upper wings are black, with black lower wings, and blue with white markings.

Great Spangled Fritillary butterflies are found in hilly regions to Midwest. This butterfly has orangish-yellow wings with black spots.

Spicebush Swallowtail butterflies reside in the country's eastern part; this huge and beautiful winged butterfly is available in Midwest.

Checkered white butterflies are found in the Midwest; this tiny butterfly has black spots on its white wings.

These are some of the few species, yet more species exist around the globe.

How do you tell moths and butterflies apart?

Butterflies and moths both are insects belonging to the order Lepidoptera. There are almost 1,80,000 species of Lepidoptera existing in the ecosystem. The body structures of Lepidoptera have many varieties, which turned out to be advantageous in lifestyle and distribution.

Butterflies are very sporty during the day, meaning they are diurnal. In contrast, moths are nocturnal, which means active during the night and sleep during the morning.

Butterflies generally recline, closing their wings. On the other side, Moths relax, keeping their wings open.

Butterflies have long and lean antennae, whereas moths have short and feathery antennae.

Butterflies accumulate their food during the daytime, and in contradiction, the moths gather up food during the nighttime.

Butterflies are heftier in size when compared to moths. There is an absence of frenulum in butterflies, whereas the frenulum, also called the wing-coupling device, is present in moths.

Butterflies construct dazzling chrysalis. On the other side, the moths make a smooth cocoon. Moths lack camouflaging wings. On the other side, butterflies possess vibrant color wings.

Why do butterflies migrate?

There are so many varieties of butterflies that migrate. Some of them are Monarch butterflies, cloudless Sulphur, Sachem, skipper, common buckeye, red admiral, American lady, Fiery skipper, mourning cloak, and many other butterfly species.

There are several reasons why cold-blooded creatures migrate. They cannot tolerate the cold weather and migrate to warmer places.

They also need to reside where they have access to proper food resources, and that is not possible in the winter season as there will be no flowers for nectar.

Butterflies in tropical regions often migrate to form new colonies because if they live in a place for a long time, the butterfly caterpillar will snatch all their food in that area.

As a result, the butterfly would starve to death. So migrating to new regions guarantee them survival and food sources.

Monarch butterflies cannot survive the chill winter seasons of the United States, so they drift off to the south and west each autumn to break free from the cold weather and spend some part of their life in a warm and cozy area.

The monarch migration generally begins in October every year but can start early if the weather gets colder.

The monarch butterfly spends most of its life in the winter season hibernating in countries like Mexico and some areas of California where the weather is warm the entire year. If the monarch resides in the eastern states, generally the rocky mountains in the east, they will drift off to Mexico and seclude themselves in oyamel fir trees.

If the monarch butterfly lives in the west rocky mountains, it will seclude nearby Pacific grooves and eucalyptus trees in California.

Monarch butterflies are the only species that depart to a warmer climate, 2500 miles away, every year.

How we can help butterflies

These beautiful creatures enthrall us, and they are fascinating. We can take some precautions to save the colorful butterflies that add beauty to the entire ecosystem.

You can grow milkweed plants in your garden or yard. There are plenty of milkweed plants found in North America. So irrespective of where you live, there are at least a native species residing in your area.

Preventing pesticides in your garden is super important to save your insects. Stay committed to preventing spraying insecticides in your garden.

America's native grasslands are typically crucial for monarchs. They offer nectar plants for adult butterflies. Currently, most grasslands have been transformed into cropland and development purposes. Grasslands are vanishing rapidly compared to any other ecosystem in North America and, it is a growing problem for butterflies.

NWF's garden for wildlife program helps you create an outdoor or open space into a complete and secured habitat for butterflies.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created many interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for where do butterflies live, then why not take a look at butterfly dust or Red Admiral butterfly Facts

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Written by Sridevi Tolety

Bachelor of Science specializing in Botany, Master of Science specializing in Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs

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Sridevi ToletyBachelor of Science specializing in Botany, Master of Science specializing in Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs

With a Master's degree in clinical research from Manipal University and a PG Diploma in journalism from Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Sridevi has cultivated her passion for writing across various domains. She has authored a wide range of articles, blogs, travelogues, creative content, and short stories that have been published in leading magazines, newspapers, and websites. Sridevi is fluent in four languages and enjoys spending her spare time with loved ones. Her hobbies include reading, traveling, cooking, painting, and listening to music.

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Fact-checked by Gowri Rao

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Economics

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Gowri RaoBachelor of Arts specializing in Economics

With a bachelor's degree in Economics from Krea University, Gowri is a highly skilled data analyst and an expert in regression and causation modeling. Her interests in economic trends, finance, and investment research complement her professional expertise. In addition to her professional pursuits, Gowri enjoys swimming, running, and playing the drums, and she is also a talented tutor.

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