Which Is The Largest Eel? Curious Eel Species Facts Revealed For Kids!

Joan Agie
Oct 12, 2023 By Joan Agie
Originally Published on Nov 25, 2021
Eel fish in clean river.

Eels belong to the fish family and are commonly found in freshwater bodies across the world.

Eels have a body that is shaped like a snake. They are slender fish with elongated bodies.

However, their fins are poorly developed. This leads to the slipperiness in their bodies. Depending on the species, eels have a life expectancy of anywhere between 7-85 years. Electric eels are unique eel species that hunt their prey using electric power. There are many interesting facts about eel species that will certainly intrigue you. Read on to learn more!

After you have read about the largest eels, also read about eel facts and poisonous spiders in Ohio.

What is the largest eel ever recorded?

Eels are of various sizes. One of the biggest eels to be discovered was the conger eel. The world's biggest conger eel ever recorded was a gigantic fish that had a weight of 350 lb (158.8 kg). It was found trapped in nets off Iceland's Westman Islands.

The first of these conger eels were caught off the British coast. An average eel of this species tends to weigh around 14.5 lb (6.59 kg) and has a length of 52 in (132.0 cm). A normal eel lives anywhere between 7-85 years.

Some small eels may measure around 2 in (5 cm) in length. The one jawed eel is also known as Monognathus ahlstromi and it measures 2 in (5 cm) in size.

The slender giant moray is another type of eel that goes up to 13 ft (4 m). Different colors of eels are also seen in the ecosystem, such as deep black or drab gray. Deep seas tend to be home to certain species of eels that are colorful and patterned.

What type of eel inhabits the largest area?

Eels are known for living in the shallow waters of the oceans. They make burrows like rabbits in the sand and mud, but on the seafloor instead of the ground. The holes they make are called 'eel pits'. Most of the eel species are nocturnal, such as the European eels.

The type of eel that is found mostly all across the globe is moray eels. They seem to have almost 200 different sub-species. These marine animals feature the highest number of eels. The Honeycomb moray eels can be identified by their leopard-like spots.

Apart from the deep ocean, they are seen in brackish or saltwater as well. A few other of these eel species are found in freshwater too. However, these moray eels are said to reside in tropical oceans apart from temperate oceans. They seem to find shelter in dead patches of reef and the rubble rocks of corals.

What is the largest fresh water eel?

The New Zealand longfin eel is a long-living fish, with records of females reaching 106 years old and weighing up to 52.8 lb (23.9 kg). There are various different types of eels, but the largest freshwater eel would be the New Zealand longfin eel.

They have the potential to surpass a lifetime of 100 years, which allows them to grow into large sizes. The European Conger Eels, which reside in the oceans, can weigh up to 159 lb (72.1 kg). European congers have a length of 5 ft (1.5 m).

These are the measurements of an adult. They are gray in color but have no scales on their bodies.

This makes them look a darker color than they are, resulting in their black color. These have an aggressive nature, which is a threat to divers. These European eels can be found in the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Black Sea.

American congers are mostly found in the Atlantic Ocean. They can never be found in any type of fresh water source. They can be seen in shallow places as well as in deep water.

They live along the seafloor as well. They have a weight of 88 lb (39.9 kg) and a length of up to 6.5 ft (2 m). They have a white-colored belly as well.

Some of the other gigantic eels are the Giant Moray Eel, which is 9.8 ft (3 m) long and weighs 66 lb (30 kg). The giant moray (Gymnothorax javanicus) is the largest moray eel.

The Green Moray Eel is 8 ft (2.4 m) long and weighs 65 lb (29.5 kg), the Grey Conger, also called the Antillean conger, is 5.2 ft (1.6 m) in length and weighs 55 lb (24.9 kg), the Slender Giant Moray goes up to 13 ft (3.9 m) in length and 40 lb (18.1 kg) in weight and the Fangtooth Moray is 4 ft (1.2 m) in length and weighs 30 lb (13.6 kg).

Some other large eels are the American eel, California Moray, and Southern Conger. The Fangtooth Morays have long, sharp teeth that can be dangerous to divers.

What is the largest eel caught in South Carolina?

South Carolina is home to the American eel, which lives in freshwater. They enter the Atlantic Ocean and spawn in the Sargasso Sea. This is the area where the eels lay their eggs and leave them to hatch.

Another name for these eels is Anguilla rostrata. These eels almost look like snakes and are economically important as well for their use in the food industries of Japan, Europe, and the US.

They have a grayish tinge to their color and have small pectoral fins too. Some of these eels have glass-like bodies, and most adult eels die after the process of spawning.

Eels are a unique fish variety and the longer they live, the larger they grow. These eels may sometimes be a risk to divers as they are hidden among the coral reefs and shoot out when they are intimidated.

Otherwise, they are deep-seated. Aggressive eels, however, can pose a risk to all the divers. But one thing we can all agree on is that eels are unique and have special characteristics.

Apart from the large fish of common species like the New Zealand longfin eels and the largest specimen of the giant morays, you may find some electric eels. The Volta electric eel is the largest species of the electric eel.

You may find it in all sorts of deep-water bodies. Like the eastern coast, the Pacific Ocean, the eastern Atlantic, and other deep-water bodies.

But thankfully, till now, no incidents have ever been reported of a moray eel killing a human.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for which is the largest eel? curious eel species facts revealed for kids!

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Written by Joan Agie

Bachelor of Science specializing in Human Anatomy

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Joan AgieBachelor of Science specializing in Human Anatomy

With 3+ years of research and content writing experience across several niches, especially on education, technology, and business topics. Joan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Human Anatomy from the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria, and has worked as a researcher and writer for organizations across Nigeria, the US, the UK, and Germany. Joan enjoys meditation, watching movies, and learning new languages in her free time.

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