Fun Wolf Cichlid Facts For Kids

Aashita Dhingra
Jan 13, 2023 By Aashita Dhingra
Originally Published on Aug 06, 2021
Edited by Jacob Fitzbright
Fact-checked by Ankit Shinde
Wolf Cichlid facts about the species Dovii wolf cichlid.

Do you like fish? Do you like to know about the different types of fish?

Here is some information that will help you to know about a fish which is known as wolf cichlid (parachromis dovii). It is one of the most popular fish that is kept in aquariums by a large number of people for its unique appearance.

In terms of diet, this fish is a carnivore and feeds on smaller fish, crustaceans, and insects. This species has its scientific name Parachromis dovii, common name wolf cichlid from Central America where this species is found in Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica.

This fish is also known as Guapote rainbow bass for its colorful appearance. This species of fish is important for the locals as they are commercially fished and sought after as gamefish.

Here are some interesting facts about the Parachromis dovii (wolf cichlid) species for you. Afterward, do read our other animal fact files on sockeye salmon facts and anchovy facts.

Wolf Cichlid Interesting Facts

What type of animal is Wolf Cichlid?

Wolf cichlids (parachromis dovii) are a type of fish that is native to Central America, where this species is found on the coasts of Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica.

What class of animal do Wolf Cichlids belong to?

Wolf cichlids (parachromis dovii) belong to the class of ray-finned fish as their fins are webs of the skin that are supported by bony or horny spines.

How many Wolf Cichlids are there in the world?

There is no accurate and exact number as to how many wolf cichlid (parachromis dovii) fish are there are in the world as the number of the same is determined by different factors which cause an increase or decline in the number of dovii cichlids.

Where do Wolf Cichlids live?

Wolf cichlids usually live in water either in the wild or in the aquarium. But, when they are kept in an aquarium, they should be taken care of properly. Their natural habitat is in the open waters of Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica.

What is a Wolf Cichlid's habitat?

The wolf cichlid’s habitat includes water as this fish species can survive equally well in open waters as well as in an aquarium. This fish can be found widely in its natural habitat across its region of origin, Central America.

Who do Wolf Cichlids live with?

Wolf cichlids prefer to live alone and only come together during the time of mating.

How long do Wolf Cichlids live?

The lifespan of a wolf cichlid is known to be around 30 years if they are kept with proper care. The lifespan of the fish is dependent on different factors such as changes in the weather conditions and eating habits which determine the lifespan of the fish.

How do they reproduce?

The Wolf Cichlid breeding takes place efficiently in captivity. When a breeding pair has been established in the aquarium, the male starts to court the female with his erect fins to entice her to accept the invitation to breed.

After the female is ready, they will clean a surface and lay the eggs. The female will lay between 1,000-2,000 eggs which the male will fertilize to complete the process of breeding.

Both the parents guard the eggs as well as the fry fiercely. The eggs usually hatch within a period of five to seven days and the fry are born.

What is their conservation status?

The conservation status of the wolf cichlid is that of Least Concern as per IUCN. Hence, it is safe to assume that the population of the wolf cichlid fish is stable and there is no need for any conservation efforts as of now.

Wolf Cichlid Fun facts

What do Wolf Cichlids look like?

The wolf cichlid is a type of fish that has a mouth that is large and teeth that are big in size which shows that it is a voracious predator.

The males have a color pattern that is rich in golden yellow and has a silver background which is with different shades of blue, black, and purple color whereas the females are primarily yellow in color.

How cute are they?

Wolf cichlids are cute in their appearance but are also aggressive in their nature especially when they are spawning. Wolf Cichlid teeth are very sharp and as a result, care must be taken around this fish breed as a Wolf Cichlid bite can be extremely painful.

How do they communicate?

There is no accurate information about how wolf cichlids communicate. It has been reported by experts that wolf cichlids use their body language for communicating with each other.

How big is a Wolf Cichlid?

The wolf cichlid can extend up to 28 in (45cm), making it a medium-sized fish as compared to the other species of fish.

How fast can a Wolf Cichlid swim?

There is no specific speed so as to how fast a Wolf Cichlid can swim. The speed of the fish’s swimming varies according to its body structure. They tend to swim fast when they see their predators approaching them.

How much does a Wolf Cichlid weigh?

A wolf cichlid weighs around 0.22 lb (100g). The weight also depends on their diet and habitat.

What are the male and female names of the species?

The wolf cichlid fish is known by different names but there are no specific names for the male and the female wolf cichlids. Males are larger in size than females with longer and pointier fins.

What would you call a baby Wolf Cichlid?

A wolf cichlid baby is known as a fry after being born and before attaining sexual maturity. The wolf cichlid's growth rate is extremely impressive and can grow up to 3 in long within four months of being born.

Do humans eat them?

Wolf cichlids have big scales, bony heads, and also a coloration that is drab and they do not appear to be appetizing. Despite all of this, the fish is edible and can be eaten.

People who reside in Central and South America eat these fish, but you need to be careful as they have a lot of bones that you must dig through.

Are they dangerous?

Yes, wolf cichlids are dangerous and also aggressive in nature. They become more aggressive, especially during spawning. They are aggressive and are highly territorial as they belong to categories of American cichlids.

Would they make a good pet?

No, they do not make good pets as they are known to be aggressive in nature as per description by experts. Some people still keep wolf cichlids as pets in the aquarium.

If you are looking to adopt a yellow wolf cichlid for sale, then other than the wolf cichlid price, you must pay attention to several other factors as well including the water filtration requirements and desirable hardness of the water. Their diet comprises flake or pellet, frozen, and live food.

Wolf cichlid feeding habits and wolf cichlid tank mates are some of the aspects that deserve your attention for they are known to kill their tank mates. Hence, the only preferred tank mates are the other fish of the same breed.

Did you know...

Wolf cichlids are fish that have bony heads and a mouthful of teeth. These breeding fish can grow to massive sizes based on their diet and eating habits for flake or pellet, frozen, and live food.

They are sought by the anglers for their aggressive takes and also strong fights. There are different species of fish.

Wolf cichlids can breathe air in order to make up for low oxygen levels in the water. These breeding fish are edible and can be eaten.

What continent does the Wolf Cichlid come from?

The wolf cichlid is found in Central America. The wild fish migrates according to its body temperature and also depending on different factors.

How to pet a Wolf Cichlid?

A wolf cichlid needs to be taken care of very carefully and properly. These freshwater fish are very large in size and are aggressive in nature.

Even if they are kept in the aquarium, they need to be taken care of very neatly. When some specimens of this species are kept in the aquarium, the base that they have as food is pellet base, and they are provided with different types of fish and meaty foods.

According to one fish keeper, it is said that they like to eat floating foods. The pH of the freshwater should be between 6.8-7.4 and the temperature must be between 72-81 degrees Fahrenheit. Regular filtration and water changes are required with these fish. The hardness of the water is also an important factor that required due consideration.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other fish including white tuna facts, or warmouth facts.  

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable wolf cichlid coloring pages.

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Written by Aashita Dhingra

Bachelors in Business Administration

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Aashita DhingraBachelors in Business Administration

Based in Lucknow, India, Aashita is a skilled content creator with experience crafting study guides for high school-aged kids. Her education includes a degree in Business Administration from St. Mary's Convent Inter College, which she leverages to bring a unique perspective to her work. Aashita's passion for writing and education is evident in her ability to craft engaging content.

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Fact-checked by Ankit Shinde

Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication

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Ankit ShindeBachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication

Ankit is a Journalism and Mass Media graduate from the University of Mumbai. With experience in SEO, blog and article writing, and fiction writing, he is a versatile writer and content creator. In his free time, Ankit enjoys reading, writing, and listening to music.

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