Fun Yellow-chevroned Parakeet Facts For Kids

Anusuya Mukherjee
Oct 20, 2022 By Anusuya Mukherjee
Originally Published on Aug 06, 2021
Edited by Jacob Fitzbright
Yellow-chevroned parakeet facts, is also known as a canary winged parakeet. It is arboreal with a cute hook-shaped beak.

Have you ever heard birds mimicking or imitating humans? It is possible to hear this from the yellow chevroned parakeet (Brotogeris chiriri), the most commonly found parrot in South America.

They are classified as medium noisy parrots, and they make noises around their surrounding areas. They cannot speak, but they can practice how to whistle and mimic sounds. They like to sleep snuggled together and hang upside down in a towel.

They closely resemble the white-winged parakeet or canary-winged parakeet, but some features are different. Both canary-winged parakeet and yellow chevroned parakeet live together. Yellow parakeets are also referred to as Budgerigar or budgies.

The yellow chevrons are affected by some diseases such as bird fever, avian polyomavirus, malnutrition, giardia, and Pacheco's disease. So it is important to examine these parrots every six months to avoid diseases.

Read on to knowledge of such beautiful facts on yellow chevroned parakeets, and get more wondering facts about Carolina parakeet and monk parakeet.

Yellow-Chevroned Parakeet Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a yellow-chevroned parakeet?

The yellow chevroned parakeet (Brotogeris chiriri) is a lovable friendly bird. It has light green plumage and folded wings and has a trailing yellow edge that can be viewed when the bird flies.

What class of animal does a yellow-chevroned parakeet belong to?

The yellow chevroned parakeet belongs to the class Aves like the carrion crow from the Psittacidae family like the green macaw.

How many yellow-chevroned parakeets are there in the world?

As per few studies, the population of the yellow chevroned parakeets is unknown. However, the flocks of the parakeets are spread worldwide. The North American wild population of the parakeet is better than the white-winged parakeet.

Where does a yellow-chevroned parakeet live?

The yellow chevroned parrots are spread over North America, Brazil, Paraguay, and California. They mostly prefer open habitats that include rainforests, savannas, open woodlands, gallery forests, subtropical and denser forests.

In search of food, they also visit urban parks, farms, and gardens where humans live. The parakeets have developed stable, feral colonies in Florida, Connecticut, the downtown area of Rio de Janeiro, and New York after being released on purpose or by mistake by their American owners.

What is a yellow-chevroned parakeet's habitat?

Yellow-chevroned parakeets (Brotogeris chiriri) are inhabitants of the torrid region of South America, south of the Amazon River basin from southern to eastern Brazil to Bolivia, northern Argentina, and Paraguay. The wild population is more remarkable in North America than related species of canary-winged parakeets.

Who do yellow-chevroned parakeets live with?

Yellow-chevroned parakeets(Brotogeris chiriri) are gregarious birds. They live with up to 20 members in a group. The yellow chevroned parakeet is noisy when discussing with their mate; however, it is calm when alone.

How long does a yellow-chevroned parakeet live?

The life span of the yellow chevroned parakeet(Brotogeris chiriri) is 10-15 years.

How do they reproduce?

The yellow chevroned parakeet(Brotogeris chiriri) is a termite nest breeder. As per the studies of Brotogeris species, termite mounds indicate the completed construction of the vertical nesting tunnel, and to lead the nest cavity, the termites seal off nesting tunnels.

Thus, the birds are entirely isolated from the nest until the termite's action. The nest is about 14.8 ft (4.5 m) from the ground and is well protected against rain and wind.

The breeding season is from May to September in South America and, breeding begins in January in Florida, Miami, and Brazil. For every breeding season, the species will mate with new mates.

The females lay eggs four to six on their nest and continue to sit on their eggs for few days until hatching. The average size of the egg is 0.9 in (22.4 mm), weight is 0.1 lb (4.3 g), and the size of the eggshell is 0.005 in (0.13 mm).

The incubation period is around 26 days. After hatching the egg, the female-only will continue to take care of kids, and the male will reach the nest only for sleep.

The female will leave from eggs only for foraging. The male also helps their mate and offspring at this foraging.

What is their conservation status?

Yellow chevroned parakeets and white-winged parakeets are not secured, as they are being caught for the pet trade in the U.S. However, they are still found abundantly, and therefore, yellow chevroned parakeets are not threatened in their native tropical South America. These species are listed as a species of Least Concern by the ICUN Red List.

Yellow-Chevroned Parakeet Fun Facts

What do yellow-chevroned parakeets look like?

The yellow chevroned parakeet (Brotogeris chiriri) looks closely related to a white-winged parakeet, but a few things are different. It has bright green plumage, pale green underparts, border of the underwings is yellowish-green. The wings are a bit darker, and the trailing edge of the folded wings is yellow, which is seen clearly when parakeet flight.

How cute are they?

Yellow chevroned parakeets are very enchanting and cute birds. Beautiful to look at, they have greenish plumage, a hooked curved beak with white eye-rings, and brown eyes.

How do they communicate?

The yellow chevroned parakeet communicates with other birds using their vocalizations. Unfortunately, the vocalization of most Psittacidae bird's families is abysmal to understand. In addition, the species have a different sound for different situations: Chatter, chirp, antiphonal duet, and mutters. They are also good at mimicking.

How big is a yellow-chevroned parakeet?

The yellow chevroned parakeet(Brotogeris chiriri) has 7-10 in (20-25 cm) long and weighs around 0.13-0.15 lb (62-70.8 g). The species are slightly bigger than popular love birds, the tiny African parrots, and larger than its other cousin, the orange-winged parakeet.

How fast can a yellow-chevroned parakeet fly?

The flight speed of the yellow chevroned parakeets is almost similar to the same species of white-winged parakeets. The species can fly fast just above the canopy. The height level of flight is up to several hundred meters, and they have longer flights towards roost sites or their nest.

How much does a yellow-chevroned parakeet weigh?

The species of yellow chevroned parakeets weigh around 0.13 - 0.15 lb (62 - 70.8 g).

What are the male and female names of the species?

They have no sex-specific names.

What would you call a baby yellow-chevroned parakeet?

The baby of the yellow chevroned parakeet is called a chick.

What do they eat?

The yellow chevroned parakeet is herbivorous. It requires nutritional food during the breeding season; the vital nutrient is calcium to strengthen bones and eggs. Usually, these birds eat seeds, nuts, fruits, nectar, plant-based food, and berries. If the parent's parakeet takes soft food, it can easily feed to their chicks.

The species may feed on commercially prepared, high-quality nutrients such as oats, the seed of sunflower, millets, safflower, and hemp seeds. The hemp seed contains amino acids, micronutrients, omega 3 and omega 6, and more proteins, and it will improve nutrients levels and boost the species.

Are they poisonous?

No, the yellow chevroned parakeet is not a poisonous bird.

Would they make a good pet?

The yellow chevroned parakeet is a tame and soft-natured bird. Therefore, we can make them good pets in our homes. However, the parakeet shows jealousy towards other pets, so it is better to have it as a solitary bird in a separate cage.

Some diseases and bird fever affect these birds, and they should be treated early. Otherwise, it may be infectious to humans, whoever is taking care of the parakeet bird. While handling yellow chevroned parakeets, pet owners should wear suitable materials to feed pets or clean their cages and accessories.

Did you know...

The yellow chevroned parakeet roosts in silk floss trees. The silk floss tree has spikes on its trunk and bright green leaves, and pods like things.

Almost all these birds are precisely the same as the colors of leaves of the tree, so they blend with trees. If parakeets don't make noise, we cannot observe their presence in the trees.

The Australian budgerigar, also known as a budgie, is the most common parakeet. In North America and Europe, it is the most common parakeet kept as a pet.

How much does a yellow parakeet cost?

The cost of each yellow chevroned parakeet cost is around $325.

Do parakeets kill other birds?

Usually, the Yellow chevroned parakeets are not aggressive to other birds. Instead, they are gregarious birds so that they can adapt to other birds as a new friend. However, the common parakeet is killing their sick babies to avoid spread disease to other babies.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other birds from our plain parakeet facts and kea parrot facts pages.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable yellow chevroned parakeet coloring pages.

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Written by Anusuya Mukherjee

Bachelor of Arts and Law specializing in Political Science and Intellectual Property Rights

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Anusuya MukherjeeBachelor of Arts and Law specializing in Political Science and Intellectual Property Rights

With a wealth of international experience spanning Europe, Africa, North America, and the Middle East, Anusuya brings a unique perspective to her work as a Content Assistant and Content Updating Coordinator. She holds a law degree from India and has practiced law in India and Kuwait. Anusuya is a fan of rap music and enjoys a good cup of coffee in her free time. Currently, she is working on her novel, "Mr. Ivory Merchant".

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