Fun Yellow-collared Macaw Facts For Kids

Divya Raghav
Oct 20, 2022 By Divya Raghav
Originally Published on Aug 06, 2021
Edited by Luca Demetriou
Fact-checked by Pradhanya Rao
Read these yellow-collared macaw facts about this intelligent species known to speak phrases and words better than other species.

The yellow-collared macaw (Primolius auricollis) or yellow collar parrots live in rainforests in Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil, and northern Paraguay.

These birds are small in size and are brown, gray, green, blue, and yellow. They have big wings with amazing flight feathers and small tails, their neck has a yellow-colored collar, and they are very attractive birds.

The Ara auricollis species is one of the most intelligent species of parrots and is very friendly and social birds that make amazing pets that can be kept in a cage. Not even one person in the world can deny this.

During the breeding season, females lay about two to three eggs in tree holes which hatch after a few weeks into nestlings, and these nestlings are known to attain sexual maturity at the age of three to four years. These are expensive pets that can be kept in a cage.

They can cost between $1500-2500, but the Hyacinth macaw remains the most expensive, with a market value of about $40,000.

If you liked reading about these facts, note that you could also check out some facts on the great green macaw and the scarlet macaw.

Yellow-Collared Macaw Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a yellow-collared macaw?

Yellow-collared macaw (Primolius auricollis) is a parrot from central-south America. It is a member of the group of macaws.

What class of animal does a yellow-collared macaw belong to?

Ara auricollis bird belongs to the class of Aves.

How many yellow-collared macaws are there in the world?

The exact number of these parrots is unknown, but it is estimated from research that there are less than 10,000 mature birds of this species.

Where does a yellow-collared macaw live?

This bird lives in the rainforests of Central and South America's countries like northern Paraguay, Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil.

What is a yellow-collared macaw habitat?

This bird is often seen feeding on fruits and seeds, and its habitat includes the rainforests. They live inside tree cavities in low woodlands and tropical forests.

Who does yellow-collared macaw live with?

This yellow-naped bird is known to live in pairs or flocks of 10-30 members.

How long does a yellow-collared macaw live?

The yellow-naped macaw bird is a social bird. If it is given attention and taken care of properly, it can live up to 50 years.

How do they reproduce?

This bird is known to live in pairs, and during extended periods of the breeding season, females nest in holes in big trees where they lay about one to three eggs per clutch. These eggs are taken care of by the female, whereas the male protects his family and brings the female food.

After a medium incubation period of about 26 days, the eggs hatch into nestlings and do not leave the nest for the extended periods of the first ten weeks until they can fly.

What is their conservation status?

The yellow-naped macaw currently has a conservation status of Least Concern. Still, the population of this bird has been seen decreasing over the years because of various reasons like habitat loss, predators in the wild.

Yellow-Collared Macaw Fun Facts

What does a yellow-collared macaw look like?

Mini macaws have great green-colored feathers and a black-brown forehead. They have big wings that help them in having an amazing flight. The beak-tip is gray, the neck has a yellow-colored collar, and the tail is blue. This macaw species is known to be very colorful. The beaks of these birds are half gray and half black.

How cute are they?

Mini macaws are small parrots that are in green, brown, yellow, and blue color. They have a black forehead and a small blue tail.

These mini birds are known to communicate with vocals and can even repeat a call by a human. They are adorable cute creatures that make amazing pets that can be kept in a cage and are the cutest when they are young.

How do they communicate?

The golden-collared parrot species are not very loud and are known to communicate with the help of vocalizations and speeches. These birds are also known to be gifted talkers as their calls are more clear and they are even talented in saying several phrases and words.

How big is a yellow-collared macaw?

They are mini macaws found in the wild and are often considered mini birds compared to other macaws.

They have a weight of 8.8-9.9 oz (250-280 g) and a length of 14.9-15.7 in (38-40 cm)

These birds are small and are almost half the size of one of their predators, the eagles, and nearly three to four times smaller than monkeys.

How fast can a yellow-collared macaw fly?

The yellow-collared macaws are wild animals and are known to have a great flight. These birds do not prey on other animals but rather try to save themselves from becoming someone else's feast.

The exact flying speed of these birds is not known, but some estimations say this bird can reach as much as 35 mph (56 kph) at its top speed.

How much does a yellow-collared macaw weigh?

These are small-sized birds, and their weight is very less compared to large-sized macaws. They are known to weigh the range of 8.8-9.8 oz (250-280 g).

What are the male and female names of the species?

Yellow-collared macaws have no particular names for the male or female species. This bird is known by other names like the golden-collared macaw (Ara auricollis) or yellow-naped macaws. When it comes to scientific naming, this mini bird is known as Primolius auricollis.

What would you call a baby yellow-collared macaw?

Baby golden macaws do not have any names in particular but are generally referred to as young macaws, nestlings, or chicks.

What do they eat?

Yellow-collared macaws are a herbivorous parrot species, and their diet generally includes food items from the vegetation. These birds are known to feed on a diet of seeds, nuts, fruits, and greenery in the wild.

As these are small-sized macaws, they are hunted by a lot of wildlife in their natural habitat. Eagles, monkeys, and snakes are generally seen feeding on this bird.

Are they dangerous?

The yellow-collared macaws are wild parrot species that are known to be small-sized macaws. These birds are not very aggressive or dangerous as in the wild.

They often fly away from situations that make them angry. These birds are intelligent and effective in training. Generally, this bird does not bite humans, but in rare case scenarios, the tip of the beak can cause serious injuries.

Would they make a good pet?

Yellow-collared macaws are crafty and charming birds. This parrot species offer all the personalities of a large macaw in a compact package, and these birds are easier to care for and afford.

These parrots make great pets which makes the training easy and fast. These birds can be kept in a medium-sized cage if they are kept as pets and can be provided with seeds, fruits, and parrot food as food.

They are intelligent and can even speak or imitate some words. They are not one-person birds and make amazing family pets that can be kept in a cage.

They are social and need a friend in you, so make sure to always be there for them. They are also slightly high-maintenance.

Did you know...

Yellow-collared macaws (yellow collar) parrot species have tendencies to convert their vocal calls into words. It is amazing to listen to a macaw speaking and imitating humans.

Hahn's macaws are the smallest macaws.

What is the rarest macaw?

Yellow-collared macaws, which are known for their yellow collar, are not rare at all in the world and have a current conservation status of Least Concern. According to research, the rarest macaw species globally is the Spix's macaw (Cyanopsitta spixii) which is listed as an Extinct species in the wild according to the IUCN Red List.

These macaws are blue and white mostly and are native to the South-American country, Brazil.

What is macaws' favorite food?

These parrot species (Ara auricollis) are known to be birds with a herbivorous diet found generally living their life in tropical forests and mostly rainforests. These birds are typically seen feeding on their favorite food like berries, seeds, fruits, nuts, and vegetation like leaf buds in the wild.

They are also known to enjoy the parrot food that is available in the market.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! For more relatable content, check out these blue and yellow macaw facts and hyacinth macaw facts pages.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable Yellow-collared macaw coloring pages.

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Written by Divya Raghav

Bachelor of Commerce specializing in Accounting and Finance, Master of Business Administration

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Divya RaghavBachelor of Commerce specializing in Accounting and Finance, Master of Business Administration

With a diverse range of experience in finance, administration, and operations, Divya is a diligent worker known for her attention to detail. Born and raised in Bangalore, she completed her Bachelor's in Commerce from Christ University and is now pursuing an MBA at Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore. Along with her professional pursuits, Divya has a passion for baking, dancing, and writing content. She is also an avid animal lover who dedicates her time to volunteering for animal welfare causes.

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Fact-checked by Pradhanya Rao

Bachelor of Commerce specializing in Marketing and HR

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Pradhanya RaoBachelor of Commerce specializing in Marketing and HR

With a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce from Christ University, Bangalore, Pradhanya's passion for the English language and literature led her to explore the field of content writing, where she has gained extensive experience in writing, reviewing, editing, and fact-checking. She has also earned certifications in Google Ads Search, Google Ads Display, and Social Media Marketing, showcasing her proficiency in digital marketing.

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