The Halticotoma valida usually referred to as the yucca plant bugs, is of the order Hemiptera and is associated with or related to other sucking pests like stink bugs and leaf feet, although significantly smaller. They fall in the category of true bug.
Adults feature a vivid shining reddish-orange head, a brown abdomen, and a dark bluish-black thorax, as well as dark bluish-black wings.
Immature yucca plant bugs or nymphs appear to be similar to adult bugs because immatures do not have completely grown wings. The nymphs have a noticeable color scheme, but their black wing pads have malfunctioned and now cover their entire abdomen, making them appear more reddish.
The formation of small, yellowish-white spots, which may combine and cause the leaves to turn yellow then brown, is linked to feeding damage by adults and nymphs.
By depositing discarded yucca extract in the form of dark, tarry waste areas, the bug further lowers the ornamental value of yucca blades. Controlling the yucca plant bug infestation with insecticidal soap is typically successful.
One technique that is related to get rid of this pest is to spray the plant with insecticidal soap detergent and then wash the soap off.
Horticultural oil works best by blocking the yucca plant bug's air openings, causing it to asphyxiate. You can also read about stick bugs and wheel bugs.
Yucca Plant Bug Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a yucca plant bug?
Yucca plant bugs are little red and black insects or pests belonging to or related to the order Hemiptera that feed on yuccas, a drought-tolerant ornamental plant that has grown fully in popularity.
What class of animal does a yucca plant bug belong to?
The yucca plant bug belongs to the class Insecta.
How many yucca plant bugs are there in the world?
There are around 120,000 species of flies that have been scientifically described. There are likely to be many more species of flies in the globe than those that have been described by science.
Where does a yucca plant bug live?
The bug lives on the yucca plants or the yuccas in the bases of the desert mountains and is native to the high deserts of the southwestern United States and Mexico. Many true bugs spend most of their lives underwater, but will occasionally surface for breath.
What is a yucca plant bug's habitat?
The yucca plant bugs or pests are likely to be found all over the yucca plants. In one location, these bugs are also covering all other plants of the same kind. The yucca bugs are usually found in huge groups on the upper leaf surface and cluster at the plant's base.
Who do yucca plant bugs live with?
Yucca plant bug lives in clusters with their own species and also sometimes can be found in clusters with elm seed bug and lace bug.
How long does a yucca plant bug live?
Yucca bugs or pests have a moderate three-stage life cycle, consisting of an egg, a nymph, and an adult. Adults can't tell the difference between immatures and nymphs since they don't have completely lit wings.
How do they reproduce?
Yucca plant bugs are fast reproducers. The fertilized eggs of female adults are implanted into the yucca leaves by female adults.
The insect is spent the winter in the yucca leaves like an egg. Since the eggs are overlapping in the early spring, populations can develop swiftly, with at least three generations overlapping. The deposited eggs are overwintered late in the season and hatched in the spring.
What is their conservation status?
Overall, the conservation situation is considered to be in good shape. Their conservation status is Least Concern.
Yucca Plant Bug Fun Facts
What do yucca plant bugs look like?
With an orange thorax and head, the yucca plant bug has a navy blue to virtually black abdomen and wings. The bodies of both adult and immature (nymph) yucca plant bugs appear oval in shape and are brown and black in hue.
*Please Note: This is an image of the tarnished plant bug from the same family as the yucca plant bug. If you have an image of the yucca plant bug, please let us know at
How cute are they?
Yucca plant bugs are tiny red and black insects or pests. The cute aspect in them is that they are shy having a dark brown abdomen, wings with an orange thorax, and a tiny little head.
How do they communicate?
Bugs or pests communicate by releasing chemical molecules that other species may recognize in their environment. Bugs also communicate to defend their area. If they notice people approaching, these bugs become quite visible and drop from the yucca blades immediately.
How big is a yucca plant bug?
A yucca plant bug is very small and is 10 times bigger than fairyfly and robber fly.
How fast can a yucca plant bug move?
Adult yucca plant bugs have rapid, bright orange legs, and if they realize they're being watched, they quickly migrate to the other side of the leaf or back down to the plant's center to hide.
How much does a yucca plant bug weigh?
The yucca plant bug is a very tiny insect and it weighs approximately 0.046-2.2 lb (0.021-1 g).
What are the male and female names of the species?
There is no such different given to the male and female bugs.
What would you call a baby yucca plant bug?
The baby yucca plant bugs are called nymphs.
What do they eat?
The yucca plant bugs pursue their feeding by drinking the plant's juices. Immatures and adults feed on the plant by using their mouthparts to pierce adult yucca plant tissue.
Are they harmful?
Yucca plant bugs are not harmful to humans but can cause serious harm to the host as the plant dries out because of their constant piercing-sucking mouthparts to extract the essence of yucca and in the process, the plant dies out.
If unchecked, a colony of these, like the ground beetles, can eventually destroy the entire yucca plant by feeding on them.
Would they make a good pet?
Yucca plant bugs are a kind of sucking pests and they cannot be domesticated as pets.
Did you know...
Yucca plants have good pest resistance. However, cane borers, scale insects, or bugs are some of the diseases and pests that adult yucca plant bugs may contract. Leaf stains caused by fungus are also possible.
Humans have never been known to be poisoned by yuccas. They, like certain other plants we eat, contain cyanide residues. Also, it contains steroid saponins, which can cause problems but are poorly digested by the body and are related to displeasure.
Yucca is high in calories and antinutrients, and when cooked incorrectly or consumed in excessive quantities, it can induce cyanide poisoning. This is primarily an issue for those who feed on yuccas as a source of nutrition.
The yucca plant bug name
The yucca plant insect is little on its own, but when in large numbers, it can be quite destructive, destroying the yucca plant itself, which is why it was named after it.
How to get rid of bugs on the yucca plant
Yucca plant bug control is difficult because they travel fast into the heart of an afflicted plant to hide when people approach it.
It is necessary to ensure that the pesticide is thoroughly covered on the plant in order for the insects to come into contact with the pesticide. Insecticidal soap should be used to treat yucca plant bugs because it will take care of the majority of the problem while without affecting beneficial insects.
Active substances include horticultural oil, azadirachtin (neem), and pyrethrin are some of the other insect control options.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other arthropods from our pill bug facts or kudzu bug facts pages.
You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable yucca plant bug coloring pages.