Fun Black Stingray Facts For Kids

Iram Ashfaq
Jan 09, 2023 By Iram Ashfaq
Originally Published on Aug 12, 2021
Edited by Isobel Murphy
These interesting black stingray facts will interesting kids.

The black stingray is a fascinating creature.

The female black stingray is larger than the male black stingray and both have one tail. These rays use electroreception, which means they navigate using electric fields, and this is very unique for an animal who lives primarily underwater where light doesn't penetrate much at all!

Carrying venomous thorns which are disc-shaped along its upper surface, the black stingray is one of the most dangerous predators in coastal waters.

The danger these stingrays pose isn't only due to their size though, these black stingrays are also known carriers of bacteria such as E. Coli (Escherichia coli) which causes diarrhea, vomiting, fever, and headaches! In addition, some people can become allergic or have anaphylactic reactions after touching these animals' stings so it's best not to get too close.

Divers are often taught to stay away from black stingrays because they have highly venomous stings.

These rays can be found in various habitats, including coastal regions and freshwater rivers.

They tend to spend their time on sandy bottoms or rocky shores where there is plenty of food for them to eat like crabs, shrimps, and worms.

They also eat other small prey that live near the bottom of bodies of water such as clams and oysters. They can look like a dark shadow beneath the moonlight, but they're actually just blending into their surroundings to avoid detection from predators!

If you ever have an encounter with this cool creature near a boat and want to get up close for a better view without scaring it away, be sure not to make any sudden movements: that'll scare them off before you know what happened!

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Black Stingray Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a black stingray?

The black stingray is a type of fish of the genus Dasyatis that has rightfully earned the title 'devil's creature' because its tail spine sting can deliver excruciating pain.

What class of animal does a black stingray belong to?

The black stingray has been placed in the class Chondrichthyes due to its lack of air-filled bladders and its dependence on its dorsal fin for movement.

How many black stingrays are there in the world?

There are an estimated 62,000 black stingrays in the world.

Where does a black stingray live?

The black thorntail stingray of the genus Dasyatis is an uncommon animal that lives in the warm, coastal waters of southern Australia and New Zealand along with some sharks. It spends most of its time under sand or mud and emerges to feed at night.

What is a black stingray's habitat?

These creatures go about their day-to-day lives shrouded from human view below the surface of shallow waters along coastlines in their habitat range. The shallower depths of the sea offer protection for eggs to incubate until maturity.

Sadly, there have been cases where a thorntail stingray laid its eggs on top of fishing nets, which resulted in some dying as fishermen were unaware that the eggs were there.

Who do black stingrays live with?

Black thorntail stingrays of the genus Dasyatis spend their time in groups of two or three, but they have been seen living with a maximum of six other stingray pals at one time.

How long does a black stingray live?

Some say they live for up to 50 years while others claim that it's closer to 20-30 years of age. This can depend on factors such as food availability and reproductive success.

How do they reproduce?

The black thorntail stingray has a rather interesting way of reproducing. The female will release eggs into the water which are then fertilized by sperm that was left on her body from mating with males earlier in the year.

A few weeks later, she lays one or more egg cases containing 6-10 eggs each. The female dies soon after this because her reproductive cycle is very short (unlike most other animals). Both sexes court at different times during the year so as to have multiple male partners available.

What is their conservation status?

Black stingrays of the genus Dasyatis have not been studied very much, and we don't know too much about them or their conservation status because they live in the deep sea where it's hard for humans to go. So, for now, their IUCN conservation status is Data Deficient.

Black Stingray Fun Facts

What do black stingrays look like?

The black stingray species of the genus Dasyatis is one of the largest ray species. They have a sleek body and are dark in color with a forked tail.

They have no hard scales but instead, utilize a stinging spine and muscular tissue to protect themselves from predators such as sharks.

This ray has a long black or brown tail full of disc-shaped thorns and spines. Their eyes can detect light even when it is dim or nonexistent which helps them hunt prey at night without giving away their position by using bioluminescence as camouflage!

How cute are they?

These black stingrays of the genus Dasyatis differ greatly in size and shape from other types of rays and other fish but they are still very visually appealing to look at with their black and brown body with spines. Their spin-shaped disc is especially interesting!

How do they communicate?

Black stingrays use sound to create ripples that are sent out of the water. They also vibrate their tails as they swim through the ocean so all nearby rays can sense when danger is near or if food appears onshore.

How big is a black stingray?

They can grow up to 6.5-7.5 ft (2-2.2 m) in length. They use their long, barbed stinging spine and thorns along their tail for both defense and offense purposes against predators such as sharks and rays and against species that they may want to catch as prey.

How fast can a black stingray swim?

A black stingray is not the fastest swimming fish in their family, but they are still able to travel up to 13 mph (20 kph).

How much does a black stingray weigh?

A black stingray species of the genus Dasyatis is one of the most fascinating sea life species. These giants can weigh anywhere from 600-700 lb (270-320 kg), which means that they’re not only big but also heavy!

What are their male and female names of the species?

Both male and female rays of this species are simply referred to as stingrays!

What would you call a baby black stingray?

Black stingray babies are known as pups. What distinguishes this species from other fish is the black prickly skin that covers most of this animal's body has no scales.

What do they eat?

These brown animals spend their time foraging along the ocean floor in their habitat in search of food like worms, crabs, and shrimps that wash up onshore. During this search in their habitat distribution range, they avoid predators like sharks and rays!

Are they poisonous?

A stingray's tail has a venomous barb at its tip which can cause extreme pain to people who come too close and can cause damage to tissues or organs if left untreated.

Would they make a good pet?

These black stingrays are not a suitable species to be kept as pets as they are too dangerous. They should be left in the wild, in their natural habitat distribution range.

Did you know...

Stingrays are not only beautiful but they are also very rare. The smalleye stingray may be one of the most threatened out there. It is so difficult to find, and even if you do see one they're unlikely to let themselves get too close to anyone as a defensive mechanism.

Different types of stingray

There are many different types of stingrays: the bat ray, the southern stingray, the butterfly ray, the bluespotted ribbontail ray, the eagle ray, the spotted eagle ray, the electric ray, the manta ray, the round stingray, the sixgill stingray, the skate and the whiptail stingray

Do black stingrays bite?

No, the barb that is located at the end of its tail has no teeth or spikes on it so it cannot bite. Instead, these rays have a highly toxic venom that can be released if touched!

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other fish from our hogfish facts and ladyfish facts pages.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable black stingray coloring pages.

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Written by Iram Ashfaq

Bachelor of Dental Surgery, Master of Public Health

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Iram AshfaqBachelor of Dental Surgery, Master of Public Health

With a Bachelor's degree in Dental Surgery from Shaney Institute of Health Sciences and a Master's degree in Public Health from Imperial College London, Iram is a highly qualified and accomplished writer from Srinagar, India. Over the course of a year, she has acquired multiple writing certifications, focusing on health sciences and research studies. Prior to joining Kidadl, Iram gained valuable experience working as a content writer for Indian firms and interning at a New York-based company. Her expertise and passion for writing shine through in her ability to create compelling content across a variety of topics.

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