The Echigo mole (Mogera etigo) belongs to the genus Mogera and the family Talpidae. Many moles of the Mogera genus are found in Asian countries such as China and Japan and Echigo moles are primarily found in Japan. In fact, the species is native to the Honshu region of Japan.
These moles are carnivores and mainly prey on insects, earthworms, snails, and centipedes. The species has cylindrical bodies while their pelage or fur is brownish-black, and their claws are well-developed. These claws are used while preying on other animals and for digging holes.
The population of this mole species has been declining, and the International Union for Conservation of Nature has listed Echigo moles as Endangered.
Keep on reading to learn more interesting facts about the Echigo mole. If you want to know more exciting information about different animals, check out these giant ground sloth and two-toed sloth facts too.
Echigo Mole Interesting Facts
What type of animal is an Echigo mole?
The Echigo mole (Mogera etigo) is a carnivore mammal that preys on insects, earthworms, and centipedes. The species is primarily found in Japan.
What class of animal does an Echigo mole belong to?
The Mogera etigo species belongs to the class of Mammals, the genus of Mogera, and the family of Talpidae.
How many Echigo moles are there in the world?
There is no exact data on the population of Echigo moles, but the species is the most threatened and endangered species in the Mogera group. Other mole species, such as the large mole and the Japanese mole, are not of major concern.
Where does an Echigo mole live?
Echigo moles (Mogera etigo) are primarily found in Japan and are native to the Honshu region of Japan.
What is an Echigo mole's habitat?
The Mogera etigo species primarily lives around soil invertebrates, and burrows in plains serve as the ideal Echigo mole habitat.
Who do Echigo moles live with?
Unlike many other mammals, the Morega etigo species is solitary and prefers to live alone. These mammals can be found in a group during the breeding season, however. The lifestyle of the species is quite unusual as several pieces of research suggest that they work and sleep in a four-hour shift.
How long does an Echigo mole live?
There is no exact data related to the lifespan of Echigo moles (Mogera etigo) but several moles of the Morega genus generally live for around three to six years so it can be estimated that the lifespan of Echigo moles is similar to this.
How do they reproduce?
Like other species of moles, Echigo moles follow the same process of mating. During the breeding season, male territorial moles extend their burrows in search of females.
Also, these moles release pheromones to attract each other. Generally, the incubation period for moles lasts for around three to four weeks and most species of the Morega genus give birth to between two and five offsprings in each breeding season.
What is their conservation status?
The International Union for Conservation of Nature has listed the Mogera etigo species in the Endangered category as this species' population has been constantly declining over the years. These moles are one of the most affected species in the Talpidae family.
Echigo Mole Fun Facts
What do Echigo moles look like?
Like European moles, Echigo moles have cylindrical bodies while their pelage or fur is brownish-black in color. Their well-developed claws are used while preying on animals and for digging holes.

*Please note that this is an image of a mole from the Talpidae family, not an Echigo mole specifically. If you have an image of an Echigo mole please let us know at
How do they communicate?
Every species of moles, including the Mogera etigo, marks their territory using their urine. Both male and female Echigo mole animals have a scent gland that is used to find their partners, but the male mole has a larger scent gland compared to females.
They release pheromones (chemicals) to attract a partner during the breeding season. They also make several vocal sounds to warn others during predation.
How big is an Echigo mole?
There is no exact data on the size of the Mogera etigo species. The length of the Ussuri mole, a species from the same group, is 6-7 in (15.2-17.7 cm) and Ussuri moles are twice the size of the American shrew mole.
How fast can an Echigo mole move?
The speed of the Mogera etigo species is not known as of now due to a lack of data but these moles are known for their predatory skills. These moles are neither nocturnal nor diurnal and remain active throughout the day, they are also known for their fast digging abilities.
How much does an Echigo mole weigh?
Data regarding the average Echigo mole weight is not known. The species is believed to be heavier than the weight of American shrew moles.
What are their male and female names of the species?
Male moles are known as boars while people refer to female moles as sows. The scent glands in the male Echigo moles are larger than those of females.
What would you call a baby Echigo mole?
People often use the term pup to refer to the baby of an Echigo mole.
What do they eat?
The Mogera etigo species is a carnivorous species and they primarily prey on small insects, earthworms, snails, centipedes, and other soil invertebrates.
Are they dangerous?
Very little data is available regarding the social behavior of the Mogera etigo species but these moles are not considered to be very dangerous or harmful to humans. These moles, like other species, are known for invading and causing damage to gardens though.
They usually make burrows to find food and can often cause damage to the root system of grasses. The Mogera etigo species can use its well-developed claws if someone threatens it, or to avoid predation.
Would they make a good pet?
People generally don't keep any mole species as pets and often consider them as garden pests due to their digging habits. Also, unlike other mammals, moles are not used to living in man-made habitats, and they often die in captivity. These moles generally prefer to live alone and are very hard to tame.
Did you know...
An interesting fact about these moles is that they have 'kitchens' in their burrows in which they store soil invertebrates. A study revealed that more than 450 worms can be stored in the tunnel of this mole.
How did the Echigo mole become endangered?
The population of Echigo moles (Mogera etigo) is considered at risk currently, and the International Union for Conservation of Nature has declared the species as Endangered. the major reasons for this population shrinkage are human interference and a loss of habitat.
Is the Echigo mole endemic?
Yes, Echigo moles are endemic to the Honshu region of Japan. Apart from this species, several other moles are native to Japan such as Kobe moles, Sado moles, and many more.
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You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable echigo mole coloring pages.
*Please note that the main image is of the European mole, a species of the same Talpidae family. If you have an image of an Echigo mole, please let us know at