Fun Munchkin Cat Facts For Kids

Abhijeet Modi
Nov 02, 2022 By Abhijeet Modi
Originally Published on Aug 06, 2021
Edited by Jacob Fitzbright
Munchkin cat facts, such as their short legs are because of a genetic mutation, are interesting.

The munchkin cat, also known as the sausage cat, is a short-legged breed of cat. They are one of the newest cat breeds that were recognized by The International Cat Association (TICA) in 2003.

The Wizard of Oz fans would recognize the cat breed name since the munchkin cats get their name from the famous novel 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

Munchkin cats are unlike regular cats because of their shorter legs and have been evolved due to accidental natural genetic mutation as well as some cat breeding. Even today, when a munchkin kitten is born, they usually form 25%-50% of the litter.

The munchkin cat was discovered accidentally in the USA by a teacher named Sandra Hochenedel who adopted a pregnant stray cat and named her Blueberry. Blueberry went ahead and gave birth to more short-legged cats that were adopted by her friend Kay LaFrance.

These cats were then bred with some regular cats and some of the offspring were munchkin cat breed.

Kay LaFrance is said to play a major role in the introduction of this short-legged cat breed to the world. Even though there have been many notable discoveries of short-legged cats in many places around the world especially before the Second World War, the official documented discovery was made in the USA.

These short-legged cats come in a variety of colors and coats but the one thing that remains common is their short legs. Munchkin cats are playful and very friendly.

They make great house pets. Contrary to popular belief that these cats might have a shorter life span, they behave just like any other cat. They can be also be called dachshunds dog breeds of the cats.

Keep on reading to learn more interesting facts about Munchkin Cats. If you like this article, check out more such articles on Manx cat facts and Japanese bobtail facts.

Munchkin Cat Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a Munchkin cat?

The munchkin cat belongs to the feline family and is a type of domestic cat.

What class of animal does a Munchkin cat belong to?

The short-legged cat belongs to class Mammalia.

How many Munchkin cats are there in the world?

Since munchkins are domesticated felines, they are usually bred in controlled environments and hence there are many munchkin cats around the world.

Where does a Munchkin cat live?

Munchkins are a domesticated cat breed and hence they live with humans and have always done so.

What is a Munchkin cat's habitat?

Being a house pet, Munchkin cats can adapt to all living situations. These short-legged cats can live in apartments as well as big houses. The only factor to consider is that they get enough exercise.

Who do Munchkin cats live with?

Munchkin cats can live with humans, children, and also other pets easily.

How long does a Munchkin cat live?

The Munchkin cat's lifespan is just like any other cat. They can live as long as 10-13 years.

How do they reproduce?

The Munchkins are mammals. They reproduce sexually and give birth to a litter of kittens.

What is their conservation status?

The Munchkins are domesticated and hence they come under domesticated conservation status. Since they are being bred all around the world, they can not be considered endangered.

Munchkin Cat Fun Facts

What do Munchkin cats look like?

Munchkin cats are small in height, they have bodies just like any normal-sized cat except for their short legs. They have long as well as short coats that can be in a variety of colors.

The only distinctive feature about them is their small legs. Since the short legs of a Munchkin cat are caused due to a genetic mutation, they can take the coat color, coat length, and texture from either of their parents.

How cute are they?

Munchkins are one of the cutest cats that one can have as pets. The cute Munchkin cat has a soft furry coat and round faces with almond-shaped eyes making them look innocent and adorable.

How do they communicate?

They communicate through various sounds and body gestures.

How big is a Munchkin cat?

Munchkin cats are considered small to medium-sized cats. These cats are usually in three sizes. The standard leg length, the super short leg length, and the rug hugger leg length.

The standard leg length Munchkin will be 2-3 in (5- 7.6 cm) shorter than a normal cat. The super-short leg length will be 3-4 in (7.6-10.1 cm) shorter, and the rug huggers will be extremely short.

These are the ones that have heterozygous genes. This munchkin breed has very tiny legs that hug the rug while walking. So, in comparison to a normal cat, munchkins are anywhere between 2-5 in (5- 12.7 cm) shorter.

How fast can a Munchkin cat move?

Munchkins can move just like any other cat. However, due to their short legs, they have difficulty jumping and climbing high places.

How much does a Munchkin cat weigh?

Munchkin cats come under the medium-sized to small-sized categories and hence they do not weigh much. Male munchkins will weigh a little more than their female counterparts. The males will weigh between 6-9 lb (2.7-4 kg) and the females will weigh anywhere between 4-8 lb (1.8- 3.6 kg)

What are the male and female names of the species?

In the context of all cats, the male cat is called a tomcat, and the female is called a queen.

What would you call a baby Munchkin cat?

Just like any other cat breed, the baby is called a kitten.

What do they eat?

The Munchkin cat breed is carnivorous. They need non-vegetarian foods to maintain their health. Although every cat has unique likes and dislikes, the Munchkin cat breed needs nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, and fats that come from animal foods.

Are they hypoallergenic?

Since munchkins have long-haired coats and can produce dander, they are not considered hypoallergenic. However, some of these cats have shorter coats or semi-long-sized coats and hence they produce less dander. If you are severely allergic to cats, then munchkins are not your ideal pet.

Would they make a good pet?

Munchkins make excellent house pets. These are one of the best domestic cat breeds. They are playful, curious, and get along with everyone. Even as kittens, munchkins are really adaptive to their environments. The kittens are really playful and need lots of attention when they are adopted. These short-legged cats are really intelligent and like to play with puzzles.

One of the best things about having a Munchkin cat as a pet is their ability to be easily trained. They can be trained to do a lot of tricks because they are extremely intelligent.

Also, they do really well with kids. So, if you have a house full of kids then you can be assured that your Munchkin kitten or cat will not be scratching any of them.

They also have an affinity towards shiny objects, so if they do end up stealing some of your jewelry, know that’s just their nature. Since they are very active, you will usually find them moving around the house trying to find things to play with.

Also, this breed of cats can have different kinds of furs from long-haired coats to short-haired but their grooming needs are pretty moderate.

Munchkins are really friendly and hence they do not mind being held. They are also very social and need a lot of attention.

However, just like any other cat, these short-legged cats also need to be trained to socialize and they should not be manhandled. They are very intelligent and you can start training them even when they are kittens.

Did you know...

Since they have bigger hind legs, they do sit on them from time to time. This characteristic has earned them the name ‘Stalingrad Kangaroo Cat’ since these cats look like they are kangaroos while sitting on their hind legs.

Characteristics and health

The personality of a munchkin is as cute as its appearance. They are a very friendly cat breed.

These cats are friendly with adults and children, as well as other pets including most dog breeds. They are one of the rare cat breeds that can be considered extroverts. They need a lot of love and attention.

Even though it might seem like their short legs keep them away from jumping and running around, this is not at all the case. These cats are as active as any other cat out there.

They love to play and cuddle and will not mind being held. However, the temperaments of each cat also differ based on their individual personalities. They are very intelligent and like to indulge in puzzles and games. They can learn tricks if trained properly.

Despite the scientists being concerned about the shorter lifespan of these cats due to their short structure, they are usually healthy. However, they can sometimes develop genetic health problems.

However, this is just as common as it is in the other cat breed. Some of the common health problems they face are spinal problems as well as issues related to their chest. The two health issues that are seen especially in the Munchkin cat breed are lordosis and pectus excavatum.

Pectus excavatum is a condition also known as the hollowed chest. These conditions are also seen in humans and other pets. Lordosis is a type of spinal problem.

Because of the small legs, munchkins are also at a high risk of developing osteoarthritis. Additionally, they can also suffer from other health conditions as normal pet cats and hence need to be vaccinated and checked regularly.

It was believed many years ago that due to their small legs and the structure of their backbone, munchkins may face spinal problems such as pain during their life span. However, this has been ruled out by numerous doctors, scientists, and even TICA.

Munchkins do face some health problems related to their backbone and chest area but this does not mean that they are in constant pain. Also, these short-legged cats have a normal life span just like any other cat if taken care of properly.

The only health problem or concern that is seen is during breeding. The Munchkin gene mutation which is the small legs gene is also called the lethal gene.

The breeders usually don’t breed two small-legged munchkins together because of this munchkin gene mutation. The short-legged gene is an autosomal dominant gene and only one of it is enough to cause the genetic mutation that creates short-legged Munchkin kittens.

Having your own Munchkin Cat

A lot of people love these cute munchkin cats and like to have them as pets. So, if you are one of those people, you can get these cats either from the breeders or just adopt them from a shelter. Getting Munchkin cats or kittens from licensed breeders is the safest way to do it.

Apart from the buying costs, there are some other costs associated with owning a munchkin cat that includes vet bills. Even though these cats have been considered healthy, their small size can cause some body deformities, such as Lordosis and hollowed chest.

However this is not the case with every cat, these cats need regular vet visits for checkups because of their delicate nature.

Since breeding the munchkin cat is a tough process, getting their kittens from a breeder will cost anywhere from $500-$2000, or more.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! For more relatable content, check out these Maine coon facts and Devon rex facts for kids.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable Munchkin Cat coloring pages.

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Written by Abhijeet Modi

Master of Computer Science

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Abhijeet ModiMaster of Computer Science

An experienced and innovative entrepreneur and creative writer, Abhijeet holds a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Computer Application from Birla Institute of Technology, Jaipur. He co-founded an e-commerce website while developing his skills in content writing, making him an expert in creating blog posts, website content, product descriptions, landing pages, and editing articles. Passionate about pushing his limits, Abhijeet brings both technical expertise and creative flair to his work.

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