Ever wondered about a Pek-a-chi or Pee-chi dog? In the next few minutes, you will get to know about one of the most wonderful designer dogs known as the Pekingese Chihuahua mix. The most accepted name for the breed is Cheeks. The Cheeks is a well-mannered and playful dog at the same time.
While talking about their parent breeds, the Pekingese breed originated in China before 700 BC, while the Chihuahua breed was found in Mexico around the 1800s. The Pekingese dog was developed as a companion and was known as a lion dog in China.
Traits like its small size and companionability of Chihuahua dogs attracted visitors from other countries. The Chihuahua and Pekingese breeds were recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1904 and 1906, respectively.
The Cheeks is a small-sized dog that weighs around 3-9 lb (1.3-4 kg), while the average height of a dog of this breed is 8-14 in (20-36 cm). The dome-like head has been inherited from the Chihuahua and the flat broad skull from the Pekingese.
The breed possesses a double-layer coat with a thick undercoat covered by soft fur and feathering around the tail, ears, and feet can also be seen.
The dark round eyes of the Chihuahua Pekingese mix look quite lovely. The dog can vary in appearance as it can look more like a Pekingese or more like a Chihuahua dog.
When it comes to maintenance, these small dogs require baths a few times a week but need frequent brushing. Regular dental check-ups are recommended as this breed is prone to several dental and eye problems. Like other domestic breeds, the International Union for Conservation of Nature has Not Evaluated the conservation status of the mixed breed.
Let's read more interesting facts about the Pekingese Chihuahua, and if you found this article insightful, don't forget to check out exciting information about different animals like the Brazilian Terrier and Peekapoo.
Pekingese Chihuahua Mix Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a Pekingese Chihuahua mix?
The Pekingese Chihuahua mix is a designer dog that is a hybrid of Pekingese and Chihuahua breeds. The dog is known by several names such as Pek-a-chi, Pee-chi, Pekachi, Pikachu, but the most common name is Cheeks.
What class of animal does a Pekingese Chihuahua mix belong to?
The Chihuahua Pekingese mix belongs to the class of Mammalia, the family of Canidae, and the Canis genus. The parent breeds of the dog, Pekingese, originated in China before 700 BC, while the Chihuahua breed was found in Mexico around the 1800s.
How many Pekingese Chihuahua mixes are there in the world?
The exact population of Pikachu dogs is not known as of now, but these designer dogs are found in several countries around the world. These dogs have gained popularity in countries such as the United States, the Philippines, Australia, the United Kingdom, and China.
Where does a Pekingese Chihuahua mix live?
The Pekingese dog originated in China before 700 BC, while the Chihuahua breed came into existence in Mexico around the 1800s. One can find these hybrid dogs in the United States, and several Asian and European countries.
What is a Pekingese Chihuahua mix's habitat?
Like other domestic dogs, the Chihuahua Pekingese mix dogs live in homes, shelters, and farms. The dog also serves as a great pet for people living in small apartments. This dog can also be found at any reputable kennel club.
Who do Pekingese Chihuahuas mix live with?
Cheeks generally live with humans as a pet and being a family dog, Cheeks love playing with children and other pets as the parent breeds were also kept as companion dogs.
Also, they are quite wary of strangers, and it is very important for the dog to be socialized with other pets early as it can cause problems later in life.
If the owners spend large amounts of time with the pet, the dog becomes very attached to them.
How long does a Pekingese Chihuahua mix live?
These designer dogs can easily live up to 10 years and one of the advantages of having small breeds is the dogs generally live well when they are young, unlike big dogs. Also, the life span is generally determined by human care.
If proper care and health are maintained, one can expect a higher life span for these dogs. The average life span of domestic dogs is 10-13 years.
How do they reproduce?
Like other domestic dogs, the same breeding methods are followed by Cheeks. These dogs generally attain sexual maturity after six months. At this time, the females go through an estrous or heat cycle, and the duration depends on the individual dog.
After mating, females bear their litters or puppies and the gestation period generally lasts for around 58-68 days. The litter size is not known as of now, but females usually give birth to around two to four puppies at a time and nursing and feeding are performed only by the mothers.
Studies reveal that interbreeding decreases the litter size and survival of dogs. Many owners neuter their pets to avoid the euthanization of puppies. These dogs are normally bred at reputable kennel clubs
What is their conservation status?
Like other domestic breeds, the International Union for Conservation of Nature has Not Evaluated the conservation status of this mixed breed. The Pekachi breed is prone to several health-related problems such as mitral valve disease, hydrocephalus, patellar luxation, and heart and eye problems. This cross breed requires regular physical examinations for avoiding such problems.
Pekingese Chihuahua Mix Fun Facts
What do Pekingese Chihuahuas mix look like?
The Cheeks dog inherited the dome-like head and flat broad skull from Chihuahua and Pekingese breeds respectively. These small-sized dogs have a double-layer coat with a thick undercoat covered by soft fur. There is also feathering around the tail, ears, and feet. Unlike the Chihuahua, the ears of Cheeks are rarely upright.
How cute are they?
Apart from their cute appearance, there are numerous things that will surely impress you. This cross breed loves to sit on your lap and play with children and other pets. One would love to groom the long hair of the puppy. The playful nature of these dogs makes them more endearing.
How do they communicate?
These small-sized hybrid dogs follow the same methods of communication as their parents and other crossbreeds. These animals generally bark, growl, or use their body to express to humans or other pets.
Humans primarily teach their pets several words and commands to ease the interaction. For these designer dogs, socialization and training becomes very important as they are quite wary of strangers and new pets. To avoid their aggressive behavior and frantic barking, training is very important.
How big is a Pekingese Chihuahua mix?
These designer dogs are very small and weigh around 3-9 lb (1.3-4 kg), while the average height of these hybrid dogs is 8-14 in (20-36 cm). These dogs are twice as big as their parent breed, Pekingese. They are also twice the size of Miniature Poodle dogs.
How fast can a Pekingese Chihuahua mix run?
The exact speed of a Pekachi is not known as of now, but this dog is known for its playful attitude. A Chihuahua, one of the parent breeds, can run at a speed of 21 mph (34 kph) which is quite fast when compared to other small-sized dogs. Unlike other toy dogs, Cheeks are quiet and generally like running.
How much does a Pekingese Chihuahua mix weigh?
The average weight of a Pekingese Chihuahua mix is around 3-9 lb (1.3-4 kg).
What are the male and female names of the species?
There are no specific names used to describe the male and female Pekingese Chihuahua mix dog. People generally use terms such as dog and bitch to refer to males and females of the species, respectively. The term sire is used for adult male dogs, while the word dam is used to call an adult female dog.
What would you call a baby Pekingese Chihuahua mix?
Just like other dogs, the baby of a Pekingese Chihuahua mix is known as a puppy. A puppy loves a morning walk with its owner.
What do they eat?
Pekingese Chihuahua mix dogs are omnivores and generally eat meat, grains, vegetables, and dog food. Like other small-sized dogs, they also do not need much food. As they are prone to several diseases such as mitral valve disease, hydrocephalus, and patellar luxation, proper healthy food with high nutritional value should be provided to them.
Are they slobbery?
They are not considered slobbery dogs, but regular dental check-ups should be performed to avoid drool strains in your home. Also, do not worry if your pet drools a bit while playing or cuddling with you.
Would they make a good pet?
Like their parents, the Pekingese Chihuahua mix is considered a companion breed. These designer dogs are very loyal and affectionate towards their owner.
They generally are quiet and do not require much space and would love to live in a small apartment as well. In terms of their temperament, this cross breed of dog makes a great pet if given sufficient training. The exercise requirements are moderate, and morning walks are sufficient to keep them healthy.
Also, these dogs go well with Teacup Yorkies and Bulldogs. If you want a small dog that would love to sit on your lap, then the Pekingese Chihuahua mix is the best option for you.
Did you know...
Hiking is considered the best exercise for dogs.
Akita is considered the most aggressive dog in the world.
Are Pekingese dogs aggressive?
While talking about the temperament of the breed, these dogs are quite friendly with humans, but socialization is very important for them. They get along with dog breeds quite easily. Also, it is always advised to carefully supervise if small children and large animals are around.
They are quite wary of strangers and new pets and these dogs will bark at them frantically. Also one of their parent breeds, the Pekingese dog, becomes aggressive to strange animals.
To avoid this behavior, the owner should provide proper training at an early stage. Training will help in preventing issues such as stubbornness, aggression, small dog syndrome, and excessive timidity.
What is the rarest Chihuahua color?
Generally, there are two types of Chihuahuas which are the smooth-haired and the long-haired Chihuahua. These dogs are found in multiple colors such as white, black, fawn, beige, and chestnut. Colors and patterns can also be mixed, but the rarest Chihuahua color is snow white. It is very difficult to get a white Chihuahua with no hair markings.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other mammals from our Asian elephant facts and beluga whale facts pages.
You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable Pekingese Chihuahua coloring pages.
Thank you to Kidadler Gena Boyd for providing the image of their pet Pekingese Chihuahua Mix dog in this article.