Fun Violaceous Trogon Facts For Kids

Anamika Balouria
Jan 11, 2023 By Anamika Balouria
Originally Published on Mar 23, 2022
Edited by Luca Demetriou
Fact-checked by Pradhanya Rao
Read violaceous trogon facts to learn more about the trogon birds from the Central American and Amazonian forests.

The violaceous trogon, also known as Trogon violaceus, is a native species of America that can be found in Central, North, and South America. They are also found in the southern regions of Mexico.

Trogons are found in a wide variety of habitats, ranging from tropical rainforests to rural towns.

Trogons can be found throughout their range, from Central America to South America. They are found in tropical forests at elevations that range from sea level to 3,300 ft (1,006 m).

Their wide range of habitats varies from savanna forests to evergreens and covers varied plantations. The violaceous trogons were previously classified as the Amazonian trogons, Trogon ramonianus, and gartered trogons, Trogon caligatus, of South America.

As per information based on genetics, along with vocalization, most authorities now consider them as two distinct species. The species of white-tailed or green-tailed trogon, Trogon viridis, blue-crowned trogons, Trogon curucui, Amazonian trogon, and other French trogon species are closely related to each other.

The occurrence of strange behavior that is known as 'anting' in these bird species is remarkable.

These birds let ants release formic acid on them in ant nests. Some people believe that the reason for this strange behavior is to get rid of feather mites or other types of parasites; nevertheless, some argue that this is the bird species' pleasure activity.

Violaceous Trogon Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a violaceous trogon?

The violaceous trogon also known as Guiana trogon or Trogon violaceus is beautiful bird species known for its pleasant sound and beautiful color feathers. The color of these birds and sound helps to differentiate them from gartered trogons, Trogon caligatus, and other trogon bird species.

What class of animal does a violaceous trogon belong to?

The Guianan trogon, with the scientific name Trogon violaceus, belongs to the family of Trogonidae and the class of Aves. The species is from the genus Trogon and the order Trogoniformes. The phylum this bird belongs to is Chordata.

How many violaceous trogons are there in the world?

The exact number of Guianan trogons is unknown and is not estimated from around the world. 

Where does a violaceous trogon live?

Guianan trogon, Trogon violaceus, is native species of America. It is found in northern Brazil, Central America, and South America, along with some parts of North America. They are also found in Venezuela, the Guianas, and Trinidad. They are apparently found in South America.

What is a violaceous trogon's habitat?

Trogon violaceus lives in open tropical forests along with savannas and evergreen forests. They can also be found near clear fields and plantations such as coffee and cacao.

Thin woodlands and shrub areas are also the places where they are found. Amazonia has a preference for forests near the canopy and at the edges of transition forests, as well as igapó and terra firme forests.

Who do violaceous trogons live with?

Except for the breeding season, Trogon violaceus, which lives in Central and South America, is known to live alone. The clutch size of these birds ranges from two to three. 

How long does a violaceous trogon live?

The lifespan of trogon violaceus, which belongs to the family of Trogonidae, is unknown.

How do they reproduce?

The trogons are mostly solitary, but their relationship is monogamous. The hatchlings of these birds are seen in the cavity nests or the decaying wood of dead trees.

It is thought that nesting in an ant nest provides them some protection from their predators. The average number of eggs in a clutch is two to three. The nesting period is about 17 days.

What is their conservation status?

The conservation status of the violaceous trogon, or Guianan trogon, found in Central America is of Least Concern as per the listing by IUCN. If you search for these birds, they will be easily seen in the woodland area. 

Violaceous Trogon Fun Facts

What do violaceous trogons look like?

The violaceous trogon has beautiful feathers and can be spotted by its physical description. The bill of the male violaceous trogon is light blue-gray, while the orbital ring color is pale yellow.

The mid-breast and head are violet-blue, while the throat is black. The upper side of the breast has a white band with shades of vibrant yellow and gray-green.

The wings and flight plumage are dark black with three white stripes or bands on the tail. The black color could also be gray.

The female violaceous trogon has a black beak and an eye-ring of white color close to the eyes.

The violaceous trogon is duller in comparison to the male of the species. They are darker in colors such as black or gray, with white strikes or bands.

The hue of the male's head is blue, which is also the point of difference between the Guianan trogon and the gartered trogon, Trogon caligatus.

If you search for this trogon species, the Guianan trogon from the forests of South America or Central America, then look for their head color to differentiate them from the gartered trogon, Amazonian trogon, French trogon, and many others.

How cute are they?

Violaceous trogons are one of the beautiful birds in the Trogonidae family. They are cute and beautiful, like other similar species such as the gartered trogon and Trogon caligatus, who mostly reside in the Amazonian forests. 

How do they communicate?

Guianan trogon species are among those birds that have pleasant sounds and communicate with each other by singing a song. During the building of a nest, these birds are often seen pecking each other's feathers.

If you search for these birds from the family of Trogonidae, then you will be able to hear their pleasant sound of 'kyu...kyu...kyu...' which might be a call to search for a partner.

How big is a violaceous trogon?

These birds are 9 in (23 cm) in length, among other Amazonian trogons. 

How fast can a violaceous trogon fly?

The exact flying speed of these birds is unknown while building a nest or when searching for food, but they have been seen with quick locomotive motions. These birds do not fly very far, but their flights are very fast in speed.

How much does a violaceous trogon weigh?

Guianan trogon or violaceous trogon is 2 oz (56 g) in weight. 

What are their male and female names of the species?

The male and female of the species do not have different names. They are called by their common names, the Guianan trogon or violaceous trogon.

What would you call a baby violaceous trogon?

A hatchling is the baby of a violaceous trogon. 

What do they eat?

Guianan trogon or violaceous trogon are insectivorous and fructivorous on the basis of their diet food. They feed upon small invertebrates, worms, and fruits. They also feed upon larvae.

Are they dangerous?

No, these cute little creatures are not dangerous and no other evidence has been reported of their causing any harm to humans. 

Would they make a good pet?

Yes, they would make good pets, but their nest-building behavior might not provide an ideal condition or natural environment in an artificial environment.

So, it is better to leave these birds in their own space, and even if you want to keep them as pets, it is advisable to keep a large and spacious bird cage where they can live and fly similarly to that of natural environmental conditions.

Did You Know...

Violaceous trogons are not endemic considering their abundance in their native habitat. They don't tend to migrate more often than not.

The other similar species to violaceous trogon is the white-tailed trogons that have blue rings around their eyes instead of yellow. They are comparatively bigger when they have a white-tail. The lower part of the tail in the male of the species has no banding.

How many eggs do violaceous trogons lay?

The average number of eggs laid by female violaceous trogonsin a clutch is two to three. The nesting period is about 17 days. 

What is the wingspan of violaceous trogon?

The wingspan of the Guianan trogon or violaceous trogon is unknown, but they are black or gray in color with white stripes on them. 

*We've been unable to source an image of a violaceous trogonand have used an image of an elegant trogon instead. If you are able to provide us with a royalty-free image of a violaceous trogon, we would be happy to credit you. Please contact us at

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Written by Anamika Balouria

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English, Bachelor of Education specializing in Secondary Education and Teaching, Master of Arts specializing in English

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Anamika BalouriaBachelor of Arts specializing in English, Bachelor of Education specializing in Secondary Education and Teaching, Master of Arts specializing in English

A dedicated and enthusiastic learner, Anamika is committed to the growth and development of her team and organization. She holds undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in English from Daulat Ram University and Indira Gandhi Institute for Open Learning respectively, as well as a Bachelor of Education from Amity University, Noida. Anamika is a skilled writer and editor with a passion for continual learning and development.
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Fact-checked by Pradhanya Rao

Bachelor of Commerce specializing in Marketing and HR

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Pradhanya RaoBachelor of Commerce specializing in Marketing and HR

With a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce from Christ University, Bangalore, Pradhanya's passion for the English language and literature led her to explore the field of content writing, where she has gained extensive experience in writing, reviewing, editing, and fact-checking. She has also earned certifications in Google Ads Search, Google Ads Display, and Social Media Marketing, showcasing her proficiency in digital marketing.

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