17 Fun And Important Facts About Music Education: You Should Know!

Akinwalere Olaleye
Oct 06, 2023 By Akinwalere Olaleye
Originally Published on Jan 20, 2022
music education is the study of music

Simply put, music education is the study of music and it involves teaching music, and the concepts related to it, both in theoretical and practical approaches.

Music is just like a universal language where some might understand it and others don’t. Some know it well and some can relate even if they don’t know what it is.

It brings people together and lets them express themselves in a way that suits them the best. Music education is taught to those interested in music and who aspire to be a musician or a coach, so they can lay the foundation of their career.

As per the American Music Conference, attending music classes improves the motor skills and intellectual curiosity of music students. Benefits of music training also include improved self-confidence and better grades.

What exactly comes under the purview of music education? Why is it important for music students to attend a music program curated by the school? Read on for some important aspects related to the benefits of music for school students. Afterward, also check Mexican music facts and metal music facts.

What are the benefits of music education?

Musicians multitask! Music is such a powerful subject that teaches us to multitask.

This develops work ethics and enables the musician to become more disciplined. Music is a skill that can make one learn many other skills. It has proven to have a positive impact on the work-life balance of people.

Also, some music is just meant to help people vent. Music works as a great stress reliever. In addition, all communication barriers are lifted when people are connected by music.

Who started music education?

Way back in the 18th century, the US was the first country to teach music. Learned people would travel to places, imparting their knowledge and entertaining along the way.

Music education as a subject was part of the middle school curriculum 1838. Then, in the 20th century, an American music educator by the name of Osbourne G. McCarthy developed a four-year degree program majoring in music and worked on the details of topics that will be covered in the subject.

Subsequently, this program was introduced in many colleges throughout the US.

Initially, it wasn’t taken well, but with how society progressed, people started to show an inclination towards music, and it was adopted as a subject in all levels of education. Now, institutions like Berklee are famous for imparting music education.

Statistics About Music Education

There are so many interesting facts about music education that are probably unheard of. Children learning music have greater vocabulary and retention capacity than children who don't learn music.

Children with disabilities like dyslexia are able to understand better by undertaking music lessons than those with disabilities who do not take any music lessons. Schools with music programs have witnessed students’ attendance to be twice as high as those schools that have no music programs.

There are so many studies that have proven that music is responsible for high rates of graduation and they have shown better results.

The Importance Of Teaching Music In Elementary Grades

Every ambition requires integrity and discipline to reach it. Music is no different. Music is something that needs a foundation so strong that it doesn't ever break.

Teaching music to children is beneficial in this aspect. Music is not only fun to learn but also boosts children's brains to retain and comprehend which is proven beneficial to the kids in the long run. This further improves their memory power and strengthens their hand-eye coordination. Everything is interconnected.

It is proven scientifically that music enhances the study habits of kids. They understand the necessary points clearly. Mental processing and problem-solving abilities are also increased in children who learn music compared to those who don’t.

Everybody can relate to the fact that music fills up the soul. No matter where you go, music is that one buddy who will be there.

Music has been a blessing to the world. People of every age can learn music or take up playing a musical instrument in order to become singers or idols and some are simply satisfied to learn about music or learn to play a musical instrument as a hobby.

Things You Learn In Music Education

Various research reports have indicated that a majority of school principals are of the view that music programs help the students in more than one way. Apart from learning an essential skill, the students experience the benefits of music in different aspects of life as well.

Before we explore the benefits of music for students, let us have a look at the various things that students learn as a part of their music education.

In music as a subject, many things are taught like history and origins of various genres of music; types of performances, for instance, a choir, band or even a concert; writing music; playing different instruments; ear training to understand and identify various sounds, and more.

At regular intervals, students will be required to showcase their skills in live concerts and events. This can be in the form of individual performance or group performance, depending on the skill that the student possesses.

The music teachers in school are focused on not only imparting theoretical knowledge but also practical knowledge of the most important aspects of music. This lays a strong foundation for the students who aspire to have a career in music and want to secure admission to music schools.

Having prior knowledge of music through school programs is certainly an added advantage. It can go a long way in students realizing their dream of having a career in music.

Now, let us have a look at the other benefits that music education programs offer to the students. Research reports have indicated that music training can help improve the self-confidence of the students, equipping them with better presentation and public training skills.

Improved motor skills are always useful in studies as the students are able to perform all the required tasks easily.

Several students are able to enjoy improved focus and are, therefore, also capable of understanding the lessons even better. School students who participate in music programs enjoy higher curiosity levels that push them to seek answers to all their questions, further helping with their academic performance.

Music Education Books

Teaching without books is nearly impossible as a student needs to know what the teacher is teaching and the teacher needs to know that their students are understanding.

Ever since music education was adopted as a subject, various books on the topic have been available, thus, making learning easier than ever. Some well-known books on music education are listed below.

'Advocate for Music! A Guide for User-Friendly Strategies' by Lynn M. Brinckmeyer.

'Music in the School' by Janet Mills.

'Guidelines for College Teaching of Music Theory' by John David White.

These are not all of them, however.  Many more books on music education are coming as the way of teaching and learning is ever-changing to keep up with this dynamic world.

It doesn’t come as a surprise that everyone nowadays relies on music for everything. A party occasion? Sure, we have music to suit the party’s mood. Are exams coming? There is music available that improves concentration capacity so students can be focused on their studies. Feeling down?

The world has happy songs for you. Feel patriotic? Songs with patriotism are your pick. We have music in so many languages too. Music is certainly a universal language that is bringing us together.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for 17 Fun and important facts about music education: You should know! then why not take a look at film music facts, or house music facts?

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Written by Akinwalere Olaleye

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature

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Akinwalere OlaleyeBachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature

As a highly motivated, detail-oriented, and energetic individual, Olaleye's expertise lies in administrative and management operations. With extensive knowledge as an Editor and Communications Analyst, Olaleye excels in editing, writing, and media relations. Her commitment to upholding professional ethics and driving organizational growth sets her apart. She has a bachelor's degree in English Literature from the University of Benin, Edo State. 

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