35 No Man's Sky Facts: A Survival Game Mostly Loved By Kids

Rajnandini Roychoudhury
Sep 19, 2022 By Rajnandini Roychoudhury
Originally Published on Apr 14, 2022
Edited by Urvashi Mukherjee
It is interesting to learn about No Man's Sky Facts.

Developed by Hello Games, No Man's Sky is a game of survival.

It was launched in the year 2016. Hello Games is a British video game company.

All science fiction fans would love this game. It is available on Playstation 4, Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X and Series S. No Man's Sky does not have an infinite universe.

After getting released in 2016, the game did not receive great reviews. Most of the players complained about the repetitive and tedious nature of the game. Despite these criticisms, No Man's Sky did manage to win great awards in the world of gaming. Since then it has gone through some major content updates.

You get to explore various unknown planets and name them according to your preference. Some planets might be devoid of any form of life, while some may be bursting with living matters, and some can also be filled with various death traps, that you need to avoid for your survival.

The music of the game gets automatically changed, depending on your action and location in the game.

Details About Gameplay And Creators

Do you love playing video games? If yes, then you will love reading about this particular game of survival that was released in the year 2016.

No Man's Sky is grouped as a survival game that was developed by a British video game company called Hello Games.

You can get access to this game via Playstation 4, Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X and Series S. Primarily, when it was first launched in the market, it was only available on Playstation 4 and Microsoft Windows.

By the year 2020, the above-mentioned video game consoles were included.

With different planets and alien species, this particular game has gone through various content updates over the years. The following are some of the most interesting facts about this game.

No Man's Sky does not have an infinite universe.

You can play the game both from a first-person perspective (FPP) or a third-person perspective (TPP).

The total number of planets in the universe is 18 quintillion.

The main activities in this game are - survival, exploration, combat, and trading.

The character of the player is named the Traveller.

The players get to earn units while exploring the many planets, fauna, and flora.

There is also a character in this game, called the Atlas, whose main task is to guide the players to the center of the galaxy.

This particular game, unlike most other video games, does not follow any particular story.

The main task of the players in this game is to get to the center of the galaxy.

When you discover any new planets or new species of creatures, not only do you get to earn credits or units, you also have the authority to be the first to name the planet.

One of the most valuable resources in this game is the jetpack, which will help you reach those places in the universe that otherwise would have been very difficult or impossible to reach.

With the help of ancient artifacts, you can discover new technologies, that will help you to add new improvised features to your resources, as well as add some new unique abilities.

Awards And Popularity In Pop Culture

Since its introduction in the year 2016, No Man's Sky did not receive such great reviews. Some claimed that although there is quite a large number of universes or planets for the players to explore, the gameplay was rather monotonous and tedious.

Despite these criticisms, No Man's Sky did manage to win some great awards in the world of gaming.

No Man's Sky bagged the innovation award.

It won the award of Most Evolved Game, at the SXSW Gaming Awards that was hosted in the year 2019.

In the following year of 2020, No Man's Sky was awarded the title XR Game Of The Year at the SXSW Gaming Awards.

In the same year of 2020, they also won the award of Best Ongoing Game at the award show of 2020, which was called The Game Awards 2020.

Apart from this, No Man's Sky was nominated for Best Evolving Game at the Italian Video Game Awards.

The development of the game was done by a small team of Hello Games and took almost 3 years to complete.

Each planet of the universe has a different landscape and also new species of life.

Various new features like surface vehicles and cross-platform play were added to the game over the years, to make it among the top games of the world.

The positioning of the many planets of the universe is done in a very unique manner.

As you move closer to the Sun, you will find most of the planets are barren, that is, devoid of any living matter.

Expeditions And Missions

Full of planets and creatures, this game has surely earned its name as the Most Evolved Game. Each planet has its structure. Not only does the landscape differ, so does the life on the planets. While some are barren and devoid of any form of life, others are bursting with various species or creatures.

Not every planet in No Man's Sky is safe for you to travel to, as some are filled with death traps that can quite easily kill you.

There is both day and night time in No Man's Sky.

You can choose your ship according to your travel requirements.

Getting killed does not mean the end of the game, as there are scopes of revival as well.

The music of the game gets automatically changed, depending on your action and location in the game.

Following the trade routes of any new ship leaving a space station can help you further your exploration.

There is always a backup ship available for you to use, even if you do not have any money to buy a new improvised one.

There are black holes in this game.

While playing the game, a person will encounter a wide variety of species of animals of different sizes, colors, and temperaments.

The sounds of these animals also differ, as each species has its unique sound as well as a behavioral pattern.

Resources like fuel and space ships are required for your ultimate survival.

You can buy fuel from the space station.


Q: What is the rarest thing in No Man's Sky?

A: One of the rarest things in No Man's Sky is the exotic ship which is called the Gold Guppy Ship. It comes with a cowled rear thruster.

Q: What is the point of No Mans Sky?

A: The four main tasks of the players in this particular game are survival, trading, combat, and exploration.

Q: How to install No Man's Sky mods?

A: To install the mods of this game, you first need to go to your No Man's Sky PCBANKS folder. Upon reaching there, remove the DISABLEMODS.txt file. Then create a new folder with the name MODS. Transfer the mods.pak file to this folder, and then launch the game.

Q: How to get a freighter in No Man's Sky?

A: To achieve the freighter in this game, you need to first kill the last pirate. Upon doing so, you will automatically receive the offer of Freighter from your captain, as a reward for saving them. You just need to accept the offer.

Q: How many stars are in No Man's Sky?

A: The number of stars in this game range between 122-580.

Q: How many planets are in No Man's Sky?

A: There are as many as 18 quintillion planets in this game.

Q: How to get antimatter in No Man's Sky?

A: There are two ways to get your hands on the antimatter in this game. The easiest way is to simply buy it from the terminal. Another way is by searching for it among the abandoned buildings on a planet's surface.

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Written by Rajnandini Roychoudhury

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English, Master of Arts specializing in English

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Rajnandini RoychoudhuryBachelor of Arts specializing in English, Master of Arts specializing in English

With a Master of Arts in English, Rajnandini has pursued her passion for the arts and has become an experienced content writer. She has worked with companies such as Writer's Zone and has had her writing skills recognized by publications such as The Telegraph. Rajnandini is also trilingual and enjoys various hobbies such as music, movies, travel, philanthropy, writing her blog, and reading classic British literature. 

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