71 Brilliant Basswood Tree Facts: Uses, Problems, And Much More!

Abhijeet Modi
Oct 25, 2023 By Abhijeet Modi
Originally Published on Mar 03, 2022
read the facts about basswood tree

If a tree is deemed a native species of the U.S., then it's a good bet that it's an American basswood.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Plants Database, this tree is native to the Eastern USA and carries the scientific name 'Tilia Americana'. This tree is small, with a single trunk that forms a low, open crown.

Its dense, shiny green leaves turn yellow in autumn. Basswood plants are famous for their lovely, light-colored wood, which is excellent for carving and making furniture, musical instruments, and veneer.

This wood is also used to make tool handles and woodenware (utensils and dishes). Such a tree grows up to 90 ft (27.4 m) tall, but can grow up to 120 ft (36.6 m) in the Western part of its range.

Where do basswood trees grow?

Basswood trees grow in North America and Europe in warm climates.

The American basswood is considered a pioneer species, as it is one of the first trees to grow on recently cleared land. This tree is often planted in urban spaces as a street tree.

The tree is also planted in parks and gardens. Moreover, it is often used to help control erosion along stream banks.

Additionally, it is very attractive, spreads quickly, and tolerates air pollution. The tree is also commonly used for making crates, furniture, and baskets.

The tree is also used to make paper, and is used in folk medicine.

The American basswood (also known as American linden or Bee-tree) is a medium-sized deciduous tree that can grow up to 60 ft (18.3 m) tall and has a dense, broad crown of leaves. The trunk is generally short, crooked, and has thick, corky bark. The bark is dark brown or grayish-brown with narrow, flat ridges and furrowed.

The Lifecycle Of A Basswood Tree

The life cycle of a basswood tree starts with the germination of a seed, which will grow into a seedling. Once the seedling has reached a specific size, it will become a sapling, and then finally a full-grown tree.

Basswood trees can live for many years - some have been known to reach over 200 years old!

This fast-growing tree features a trunk with a buttressed base. The tree grows best in fertile, moist, well-drained soil. They have a distinctive leaf shape and can grow up to 130 ft (39.6 m) tall.

The life cycle of an American basswood tree is 25 years. The tree starts growing in its first year, producing flowers the following spring. Flowering occurs over the next two years, followed by seed production in the fifth year.

Uses Of Basswood Trees

Basswood trees are softwood, but are very strong and heavy. Basswood is used to manufacture furniture, paper, and some musical instruments.

Wood from basswood trees was used for the hulls of some early wooden ships. The basswood tree also has other uses, such as creating basswood oil. For that reason, it is essential in making various types of paints, varnishes, inks, dyes, and other similar products.

These trees are used as ornamental plants in parks and gardens, as the leaf base is heart-shaped. The leaves themselves are arranged in alternate or opposite pairs on the stem. The leaf veins are sunken and spread out.

The leaves are shaped like the linden's, but the margin is more coarsely toothed, and the leaf is bigger. The leaf of the basswood tree is dioecious; that is, there are separate male and female trees.

The twigs of the American basswood are used to make violin bows. These twigs are brownish.

Issues With Basswood Trees

You may have to deal with some pests and problems with root growth. One major potential issue is rodent damage.

Rodents might be drawn to your yard if there are trees because the trees add to their food supply. To solve this problem, you should trim any dead or dying branches and make sure that you keep the area around your base trimmed down.

These rodents likely won't climb the tree without any support. This can help keep them away from the ground.

Many people plant these trees to supply shade in their yards, but unfortunately, this can cause problems. In the wild, basswood trees grow in colonies along riverbanks or lakeshores, and their roots spread out underground to store nutrients.

Bronze birch borers and Asian long-horned beetles are more common problems than most people realize. The beetles will often lay their eggs on the bark of basswood trees, which then hatch and eat their way into the tree.

Fun Facts About Basswood Tree

Its genus name comes from the Latin word 'tilia', which means 'lime tree', followed by the scientific name 'Tilia Americana'.

American basswood trees make a fine ornamental tree for many landscapes. They need sun and well-drained, moderately fertile soil. The bark is light gray and smooth.

Dark green or dark gray, with a lot of blue mixed with green, describes its color. This way, you can tell it is an American basswood. The tree has fragrant flowers that are usually white to light pink.

This American tree is a part of the plant family known as the Ulmaceae.

The flowers of the American basswood are pale yellow, and the seeds grow in clusters.

Young trees have smooth bark and grow 4 ft (1.2 m) a year. You will see basswood leaves in the spring, summer, and fall.

American basswood is a valuable wood for woodblock printing. Basswood is considered ideal for wood carving for it is easy to work with and has excellent finishing properties.

American basswood also provides dense shade, and is an ideal habitat for many other species, such as birds and squirrels.

If American basswood is grown in a pot, then an excellent way to achieve a straight trunk is to choose a tree that has a naturally straight trunk, and plant the tree in a pool at least one year before you decide to take it to the ground.

The basswood is a large tree with a trunk that is usually straight for the first few feet and has a slight taper. The bark is a light brown color with narrow stripes. Its leaves are large and heart-shaped.

The American basswood is a shade-tolerant tree with beautiful white flowers in the spring and a light honey scent.

The basswood grows well in moderately rich soil and thrives in wet areas, and they have a short growing season.

The dried flowers of these trees are used for making furniture. These flowers are also used as incense.

The American basswood makes the best quality tonewood. These trees prefer shade and deep, moist, slightly acidic soils. You'll have to plant this tree in a partly-shaded area, like a park or backyard.

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Written by Abhijeet Modi

Master of Computer Science

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Abhijeet ModiMaster of Computer Science

An experienced and innovative entrepreneur and creative writer, Abhijeet holds a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Computer Application from Birla Institute of Technology, Jaipur. He co-founded an e-commerce website while developing his skills in content writing, making him an expert in creating blog posts, website content, product descriptions, landing pages, and editing articles. Passionate about pushing his limits, Abhijeet brings both technical expertise and creative flair to his work.

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