Bubble Nest Curious Facts: What Is Betta Fish Bubble Foam All About?

Christian Mba
Oct 23, 2023 By Christian Mba
Originally Published on Nov 05, 2021
Betta splendens is building bubble nest

Betta fish need a lot of care and understanding as they are prone to depression and stress.

It is important to keep coves and plants that these Siamese fighting fish can explore and move around in order to keep it happy. Betta fish recognize care-taking humans when placed in a tank and tend to become excited whenever that human approaches.

These fish have labyrinth organs that enable them to breathe from the surface of the water, taking in oxygen from inside and outside the water. They require both these sources for oxygenation. After reading all about betta fish bubble nest building, do read about betta fish facts and bats as pets.

Mystery Of Betta Fish

It is interesting to know that the nest buildings of Siamese fighting fish. These fish were first discovered in the paddy fields of Southeast Asia.

Over the years, these fish adapted and developed a special form of breathing. Bettas are considered labyrinth species as they take in oxygen from the water as well as from the surface. However, it cannot survive by taking oxygen from just one of the sources.

What is even more interesting is the source of their name. In ancient times, betta derived from a clan of warriors, signifying that, irrespective of the environment, they will survive. Their breeding techniques are also a little unusual. They breed by mating and then protecting the eggs by placing them in bubble nests.

Tank bettas maintain their health by eating special pallets available in the market, while the free, natural roaming bettas tend to rely on water surface worms, brine shrimp, or daphnia. The species is known to have longevity when left in nature.

Unlike most other fish, this nest-building species does not move around in shoals. They tend to blow bubble nests and then wait for mating. Male bettas tend to fight when other male bettas are around and therefore prefer solidarity most times.

The temperature of the water must always be a little warm as research shows that cold water lowers their immunity and increases their proneness to diseases.

Another interesting fact is that apart from building different patterns of bubble nests, these bettas also possess different patterns and shapes of tales, each with a unique set of names such as half-moon-shaped tales, crown tales.

Female betta fish do not play a role in building bubble nests.

How long does a bubble nest last?

Male betta fish have an instinct to build bubble nests. These bubble nests are sometimes also called foam nests because the clusters look like foam from a distance.

They tend to make these nests in their natural habitat as well as in the aquariums they are kept in unless the flow of water is too fast for the bubble nest to be formed.

Male betta fish are committed animals and make a bubble nest on a yearly, monthly, or sometimes even daily basis. Betta fish bubble nests can consist of many bubbles covering a large part of the water area or can be made of just a few bubbles.

Male bettas build a bubble nest, which stays in existence until destroyed by flowing water or human interference. A betta bubble nest could also cease to exist if it is broken by force caused by some floating materials or when a fish or boat cuts through it while moving forward.

Male bettas use the bubble nests for at least two weeks before leaving them unguarded. Betta fish make bubble nests protect their young ones.

It is their protective instinct to do so. It is interesting to know that male bettas indulge in making nests only after they reach a certain age.

When male bettas are 10-12 months of age, there is a spike in the building of foam nests. This is the peak time when male betta fish mate with female betta fish and build bubble nests.

Forming a bubble nest is important because the eggs cannot survive without it. The water temperature also assists to build bubble nests and keep the breeding process safe.

As mentioned before, bettas live in shallow muddy water with lower levels of oxygen. Therefore, without the building of a nest, it would be difficult for the eggs to receive nourishment and moisture.

The eggs will not be able to hatch into healthy fry. Newly born fry might not survive for long without the protection of these foam nests. Building bubble nests is a sign that the male betta is happy and healthy.

However, in a tank, it is not necessary that if the betta is not making bubbles it is unhappy. There could be several reasons behind not wanting to build a nest.

Maturity and age is a big factor. Water parameters and temperature play a huge role in deciding whether or not the nest will be built. The eggs are protected by the male betta at all times.

In a natural environment, the water temperature of 78-82 degrees F (25.5-27.7 degree C) is maintained in the shallow ends of the water. In an aquarium, the filter must be set at a minimum so that bettas can blow the foam nest without any trouble.

The fry needs a supportive environment for two to three weeks after they hatch. They need a flow of air that is present within the nest prepared by the male bettas.

What does a betta bubble nest look like?

Male bettas make bubble nests that float on the surface of the water. Siamese fighting fish wait for a female betta fish to start the breeding process.

Once they mate with a female betta fish and eggs are laid, male bettas start their instinctive protection. The female betta does not play an active role after laying the eggs. It is the duty of the male betta to carry each egg in its mouth and carefully place it in the bubbles for proper rich oxygen.

The betta fish blow bubbles which form a cluster floating on the surface of the water. Betta bubble nests are unique in design and patterns. The nest building is majorly done by a male betta.

The nest is where the eggs would get moisture and nourishment to hatch as healthy fry. Male bettas may also build nests to attract the female bettas for mating. Females may decide which male betta fish they want to mate with by inspecting the nest.

A betta bubble nest always floats on the water surface. It looks like a cluster of water bubbles. There is no designated size or shape of a bubble nest. It all depends on the male betta.

Different male bettas make different patterns and sizes of bubble nests. There are certain factors that influence the formation of a bubble nest. These could include the age of the betta fish, its health condition, the flow of water, the water type, and so on.

Bubbles Nest of Betta fish

The natural habitat demands the formation of such water bubble nests because the muddy, shallow waters do not have enough oxygen for the healthy growth of eggs. Since they make the bubble nests in the natural environment, it is a part of their instincts and therefore makes the bubble nests even when the male bettas are in an aquarium.

The ideal temperature for betta fish is 78-82 degrees F (25.5-27.7 degree C) .

They are most comfortable in performing their activities at this temperature and their survival rate also increases. The male betta fish stay under the bubble nest to ensure that all eggs are protected and safe.

Nest building is the art of blowing bubbles and arranging them. The nest that is created looks beautiful and is a natural process in which all male bettas involve themselves.

A betta’s natural environment comprises plants and cave-like structures. Tanks in which betta fish are kept must also have some plants in them so that the betta remains happy and follows its natural instinct of building nests. Floating plants can also help.

Betta’s nests can be kept safe in the protection of floating plants. The bubble nests look like foam when seen from a distance.

These foam nests are essential for the growth and development of eggs and fry. The male betta blow bubbles and secure the future of their young fry. The floating plants act as an added protection from predators and other things that might destroy the form nest before its usage comes to an end.

How to clean a fish tank with a bubble nest?

Betta fish love clean water. Sometimes they may lose interest/ stop making bubble nests simply because the water is not clean.

Bubble nests are always a part of the tank in which a betta male resides. A fish tank that has betta fish needs to be cleaned as regularly as any other fish tank.

Sometimes it becomes difficult to clean because you do not wish to destroy the bubble nest. However, male bettas do not take much time to build them and do not hold on to the destruction as a grudge.

Still, if you feel that you do not want to break the bubble nest, the best way to clean the tank is to pick the bubble nest up with a cup or plastic spoon. Nests that are built on the floating plant can be removed easily by lifting the floating plant out of the aquarium.

You can store it in some other place till the tank is cleaned and water changes. Once the cleaning of the tank is complete, place the bubble nest back gently.

Clean water in the tank ensures that the fish stay healthy and have more oxygen present. Clean water encourages betta fish to create more bubble nests.

Setting the temperature of the tank at the ideal level also ensures promotion. It is interesting to know that the kind of diet that male betta fish eat also influences their desire to make bubble nests.

The speed of the filter should be set at a minimum so that the water is still enough for the formation of bubble nests.

Why will a female betta break a bubble nest?

The behavior of a female betta is very different from that of a male betta. She never makes bubble nests on her own. There are very few instances wherein the female may assist the male betta to make a bubble nest.

The female betta usually swims away after laying eggs. 78-82 degrees F (25.5-27.7 degree C) is the best water temperature for breading and formation of bubble nests.

The fry is looked after and protected by the male bettas. When fry hatch, they are trained and kept safe by the male bettas. Even before the eggs hatch, it is the male betta that keeps constant watch.

There are no recorded instances of a female betta intentionally breaking bubble nests. They usually just swim away from the place.

Betta builds the bubble nests as part of their natural environment and marks their own territory with it. The role of a female betta fish is very limited. Unlike male bettas, it is possible to keep two female betta fish in the same tank.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for bubble nest curious facts: what is all about betta fish bubble foam?

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Written by Christian Mba

Bachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

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Christian MbaBachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

Christian Mba is an experienced blogger and content writer with over a decade of experience. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Nigeria and has a keen interest in Python programming. Along with his writing and blogging expertise, he is also an SEO specialist with more than six years of experience. Chris, as he is commonly known, has a passion for music and enjoys playing the piano.

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