What Do You Call A Group Of Fish? A School Of Fascinating Facts!

Jaba Sharma
Mar 04, 2025 By Jaba Sharma
Originally Published on Mar 12, 2022
Edited by Pete Anderson
Fact-checked by Amatullah Gulbargawala
In a group of fish, the group fellows learn how to identify predators and how to hunt successfully.

A group of fish is a general term for any collection of fish gathered or swimming together in a specific location.

However, it is unjust. This incredible creature demands a more appropriate title to describe this crowd of fish.

Isn't it more correct to call a group of fish a school or a shoal?The words 'school of fish' and 'shoal of fish' are the collective nouns commonly used to describe groups of fish swimming together. When discussing a large number of animals at once, proper collective nouns are the best choice.

Fishes are extremely social creatures. The majority of fish swim in groups to avoid natural predators or find a mate.

A large school of fish can be perplexing and even terrifying to a predator since there are so many diverse bodies packed together. A school or shoal of fish can appear to be one single, larger, and more formidable creature because it moves in such a precise and coordinated manner.

When a dogfish move in a group, the group is known as a troop of dogfish. A swarm of eels is a group of eels that move together, and a group of angelfish is called a host.

The flying fish is referred to as a glide of flying fish. A 'swarm' or 'bloom' is the term for a sudden increase in the population of jellyfish. A smack is a term used to describe a group of jellyfish by some sources.

Sea mammals such as whales, dolphins, porpoises, and seals are aquatic mammals, not fish. When these aquatic mammals congregate, the collective noun to employ is a pod. We have whale pods, pods of dolphins, porpoise pods, and seal pods, to name a few. For protection, these aquatic mammals live and move in pods.

The dugong is a medium-sized marine mammal also referred to as the sea cow. They move in pairs, groups of three to six, and even groups of 7-10. Groups of dugongs are called a herd of dugongs or a nutcluster of dugongs.

Although there are specific names for groups of certain species of fish, there is nothing wrong with simply referring to a group of fish as a shoal of fish or a school of fish, depending on the situation. Read on to find out what to call a group of fish.

What is a group of fish called?

A huge group of fish is alluded to as a shoal of fish or a school of fish in basic language. The words 'school' and 'shoal' are derived from Middle Dutch 'schle,' which is of West Germanic origin.

Most species of fish swim in groups to protect themselves from natural predators, much like hiding in a crowd.

The collective noun used to refer to such a group of fish will differ depending on the species. The words school and shoal are most commonly used to describe fish that move in groups.

A shoal of fish is simply a group of fish that have been grouped together.

Shoaling comprises many different kinds of species.

Shoal can be formed by any age group, or gender for purposes such as feeding, hunting, and protection.

Because all age groups are present, shoaling provides the best opportunity to hide small fish behind larger ones.

Shoaling occurs in a situation where there is a large number of different kinds of fish, and all these are all looking for food at the same time, making it easier for them to find food.

Working together in a larger school also allows fish to find mates.

Any shoal species can leave at any time and start living on their own. Sometimes fish shoal up for feeding prey. They take pleasure in snatching other fish prey in this area.

The fish shoal is disorganized. A school of fish comprises many fishes from the same species.

Typically, these fishes are seen swimming in unison and moving in a more synchronized fashion. Do you know 80% of all known species of fish will participate in schools!

Schooling has a variety of advantages, including the ability to move more easily through the water since schooling helps to reduce friction between the various bodies and the water.

Schooling fish comes with certain shortcomings too. Schooling could lead to oxygen depletion or excretory matter buildup in the medium.

When fish shoaling, they join a group for a social reason like searching for food, finding a new home, or protecting themselves from predators.

Even when the fish swim independently, they still swim in such a way that they behave in a connected manner, forming a shoal of fish.

Approximately one-quarter of all fish live their whole lives in such a group, and half of all fish live in such a group for at least part of their lifetimes.

In addition, fish may be able to swim faster and more effectively in groups rather than alone.

Science has also shown that fish prefer group mates who are of the same species and are similar in size and appearance to themselves and that when they recognize them, they prefer healthier group mates and their kin.

Anchovy, herring, and tuna are among the fish that spend practically all of their time schooling.

Because they are so used to being a member of their school, these fish species can get highly disturbed if they are separated from it.

When referring to a group of fish, you can use species-specific collective nouns to refer to the specific species, or you can refer to the group based on the specific social activity in which the group is involved.

You should probably call the group of fish a shoal if you witness a shoal of fish swimming around hunting for food, and note that the group is made up of several different kinds.

If you see a group of fish swimming in a tight formation and the entire group is made up of a single species of uniform fish, then you should call the group a school of fish.

Which of the following fish belong to the group 'superclass agnatha'?

Agnatha is a type of fish with no jaws. This category includes lampreys (class Cephalaspidiformes) and hagfish (class Myxini). Scientists have discovered agnathan fossils dating back 500 million years from the late Cambrian Period.

Members of the agnatha class are most likely the first vertebrates.

Their mouths are similar to holes in their heads with no moving parts.

This group's members were generally small, heavily armored, and lacked paired fins.

They swam along the seafloor, scavenging a diverse array of arthropods.

Their gills were quite enormous, and they functioned as both food filters and breathing organs.

Osteostraci, Galeaspida, and Pituriaspida are the three subgroups of the Cephalaspidiformes fish family.

These jawless fishes have eyes and a backbone but no paired fins.

Lampreys can grow to be 5-40 in (13-102 cm) long and can be found in temperate rivers and coastal seas. Lampreys begin their lives as larvae in freshwater.

Lamprey (order Petromyzontiformes) larvae are found on muddy rivers and lakes and are filter feeders that feed on aquatic creatures.

The larval stage may extend up to seven years.

At the end of its larval stage, the lamprey turns into an eel-like creature that swims and usually attaches itself to a fish.

They feed on chunks of flesh from larger vertebrates as adults, using a sucker-like mouth lined with bony teeth.

Osteostracans, anaspids, and lampreys all have a single dorsal 'nostril,' now called a 'nasohypophysial opening.'

There are approximately 38 living lamprey species, but the vast majority of these fish have become extinct.

Which group of fish have soft, slimy skin?

Hagfish (order Myxinidae) are commonly called 'slime eels,' however, they are not eels at all. It is pinkish and looks like an eel. It has glands on its sides that produce a thick, sticky slime as a defense mechanism.

Hagfish have no backbone and have a primitive appearance.

Hagfish have a flexible rod called a 'notochord' that allows them to tie knots in their bodies.

Hagfish are classified as 'fish-like chordates' rather than fish because they are not vertebrates.

Despite being nearly blind, the hagfish has a good sense of touch and smell.

An adult hagfish can produce enough slime in minutes to turn a 5 gal (20 l) bucket of water into slime.

It may do this to rid itself of slime or to evade predators. The hagfish may also sneeze to clear slime from its nostrils.

Hagfish range in length from 7 in (18 cm) for the Myxine kuoi and Myxine pequenoi to 50 in (127 cm) for the Eptatretus goliath. The average length of a hagfish is 19 in (50 cm).

Hagfish have four hearts and two brains.

Their eyes are simple rather than compound, and they lack true fins.

They have whiskers-like barbels around their mouths that are sensitive to touch and chemicals.

Hagfish are most commonly found in large groups on or near the seafloor.

Hagfish eat sea worms and other invertebrates.

Its metabolism is extremely low, and it can go for up to seven months without eating.

Newborn hagfish are smaller versions of adult hagfish.

What is a group of fish eggs called?

A fish lays a cluster of eggs called roe. Roe refers to the fully ripe, unfertilized internal egg masses in the ovaries, as well as the exterior egg masses expelled by fish and other marine creatures.

Female fish eggs are referred to as fish roe, commonly known as sturgeon roe.

Roe can be found in shrimp, scallops, squids, lobsters, and other seafood.

When we talk about 'roe,' we're talking about all of the unfertilized eggs that have been recovered from marine animals.

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Written by Jaba Sharma

Master of Business Administration

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Jaba SharmaMaster of Business Administration

A highly skilled content writer and editor, Jaba brings over six years of experience in the field to her role. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Science from Lucknow University and a Master's degree in Business Administration with a specialization in finance from the Institute of Environment & Management, Lucknow. Jaba's meticulous approach and creative mindset naturally led her into the world of content writing. She began her career as a Website Content Writer and Backend Admin at EventTraveler Pvt. Ltd, where she gained extensive experience in creating web pages, writing, and editing content and conducting in-depth web research. 

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Fact-checked by Amatullah Gulbargawala

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English, Bachelor of Education specializing in the Language Arts

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Amatullah GulbargawalaBachelor of Arts specializing in English, Bachelor of Education specializing in the Language Arts

Amatullah is a passionate student pursuing a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education from Ashoka College of Education. With a keen interest in literature, she has excelled in elocution competitions and is an accomplished writer. She has completed courses like "History of English Language and Literature", "Introduction to Western Political Thought and Theory", and "Development of Soft Skills and Personality". In her free time, Amatullah enjoys reading books and writing poetry.

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