Can Dogs Drink Orange Juice? Here's All You Need To Know!

Deepthi Reddy
Jan 09, 2023 By Deepthi Reddy
Originally Published on Nov 04, 2021
Edited by Lara Simpson
The nice hound drinks a orange juice

Do you know that a dog is neither wholly carnivorous like the wolves nor herbivorous!

A dog is an omnivore and can receive its nutrients from both meat and vegetables. Therefore, a balance of both meat and vegetables would be an ideal diet for your canine.

What makes a great dog diet? A dog's diet can be designed based on its bodily exertions. Today, a wide variety of canine food is available in the market, including dry, wet, semi-moist, and dehydrated dog food. Most commercial canine food is made from meat and bone, offal, animal digest, animal by-products, and sucrose or fructose.

It is essential to consider certain aspects of your dog's diet when selecting the right food for your dog. Quality, digestibility, and energy density of the canine's food play an essential role in your dog's proper growth and development.

Do you know that dogs' eating habits have evolved for thousands of years, and canines have adapted themselves and survived on leftover human food? But, that does not mean you can share everything you eat with your canine, especially if you are concerned about your dog's well-being.

Many pet dog parents want to know if dogs can have some orange juice. If you want to know too, then continue reading this article!

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Is orange juice poisonous to dogs?

Yes, dogs can drink fresh orange juice but in tiny quantities.

Orange juice contains citric acid, and it can cause acidity leading to gastrointestinal problems for your dog. Studies suggest that it would be advisable to serve a little bit of raw orange rather than orange juice.

So, if your canine is looking at that glass of orange juice, drink a large part of it and leave only a tiny bit for the canine to lap up.

If your dog particularly enjoys the orange juice, then you can give some more, but it would be better to limit the quantity of orange juice you give to your dog.

Orange juice is extracted from different varieties of orange fruit; orange juice can be from Valencia orange, blood orange, tangerine, or navel orange. There is juice containing orange pulp, where the juice extract contains juice vesicles that add flavor and texture to the orange extract.

Orange juice may be available as freshly squeezed orange juice or commercially available packed under different brand names in the market.

Orange juice, though rich in vitamin C, contains a high amount of sugar. Most citrus extracts, especially fruit pulp, provide a number of health benefits.

Also, orange juice contains citric acid and is acidic. Orange juice also contains folate, thiamin, and potassium that can be harmful to your pet. Commercially produced orange juice has added sugar, calcium, vitamin D, and ascorbic acid.

No, orange juice is not poisonous to dogs when given in minimal quantities, but it can cause acidity. Orange juice, mainly commercially available orange juice, contains a high amount of sucrose or fructose, which can harm your dogs' health, especially if your pet dog has diabetes.

Therefore, raw orange is better than commercially available orange juice that contains many ingredients that can potentially harm your canine. Consumption of large amounts of orange juice or orange peel can cause dogs' poisoning and require a vet's attention.

Another unconventional drink you can let your dog have (only) a few sips of is sparkling water. If your dog is licking that glass of sparkling water, don't panic. It is ok to let your dog drink sparkling water, but in small quantities and only if it does not contain any added flavors.

What happens when dogs drink orange juice?

Give water to your dog to keep it well hydrated. Nothing beats a bowl of cool water to keep your canine in good health and vitality.

There are a variety of fruit extracts available, and if you think you should give your dog some juice, choose a juice that is not acidic. Too much acid in the juice can make your dog sick in the stomach and may take some time to recover.

However, a few slices of apple or baby carrot can be a better choice for your dog than juice.

However, when canines drink orange juice rich in vitamin c, it helps strengthen their immunity levels. Orange juice also helps remove harmful toxins from the dog's body, and your veterinarian may also recommend it.

If your dog has been feeling sluggish lately, then giving a small quantity of orange juice provides the much-needed hydration and extra burst of energy that will send your dog bouncing off its bed early morning.

Can I give my dog oranges?

Toxic food that can harm your dog includes grapes, raisins, cooked bones, alcohol, chocolate, avocado, macadamia nuts, corn on the cob, onions, garlic, and chives.

If your dog eats anything from the foods mentioned above and feels sick, it would be advisable to take him to the veterinary doctor.

Yes, you can give your dog oranges but in moderation. Dogs can choke on seeds, and orange peel can cause toxicity in dogs. So, before providing the orange to your dog, make sure you remove the seeds and the rinds.

You can give your dog a couple of slices of the pulpy orange and eat the rest of the orange yourself.

Can dogs drink orange juice with pulp?

Dogs eat oranges that are rich in vitamin C and other nutrients. However, excessive intake of oranges can cause vomiting and other related gastrointestinal problems in your dog.

It would be advisable not to give orange juice to a puppy. The gastrointestinal system is not so well developed in a puppy, and it would be unable to bear the intake of citric acid-containing orange juice. Excessive intake of citric acid can lead to toxicity and requires immediate medical attention.

Orange contains several vitamins, and eating fruits is highly beneficial for a dog's growth and development. It is essential to keep a tag of the number of orange slices you give to your doggie. Vitamins can also be provided by other means, and excessive orange juice can lead to toxicity.

If your dog is feeding on your leftover food, ensure you don't feed excess orange juice to your pet dog. You may feed your dog some slices of fruits like apples or baby carrots.

Fresh orange juice in moderation is healthy for your dog and enhances immunity. Fresh orange should always be preferred while feeding your dog. If you are giving orange to your dog for the first time, you can leave a slice of fresh fruit on the floor and let your dog taste it.

Some puppies are eager to take a slurp from your glass of orange juice. It would be advisable to leave out orange juice while giving treats to your puppies. Natural extracts are healthier as compared to store-bought juice. Natural extracts are free from any additives and excess sugars.

If your dog has diabetes, the excessive sugars in the orange juice treats can harm your canine's health and well-being. If you want to treat your dog, you can give it a few slices of fruits like apples.

Small amounts of fruits do not cause acidity in the stomach, and they taste fantastic. There are many benefits of combining fruits in your canine's daily diet.

Having orange juice with pulp is not recommended.

Fruit extracts are acidic, and in excess, they can cause more harm than benefits. Plain water is healthy for your dog compared to other artificially flavored drinks and contains sugars in high amounts.

If you are concerned about your canine's health, you can give some energy-giving food and not any drinks or orange juices that are not healthy for your dog.

The bottom line is that you can let your dog taste some of the healthy orange juice you are having for breakfast. There are many benefits of including vitamin-rich fruits in your dog's daily routine.

Store-bought juices contain a lot of sugar and can cause an upset stomach for your dog. Such drinks are high in sugar, and too much orange juice can lead to toxicity in dogs.

Oranges are safe for dogs only in small quantities.

Some dogs cannot stand oranges, but some others like oranges. But as we know that oranges in large quantities are not suitable for your canine's health. Leave a little bit of orange juice in the bowl for your dog. Oranges rich in vitamin c have a tangy flavor, and most dogs may not like them without sugar.

You can let your dog eat oranges in small quantities. If your pets eat oranges, they will get their dose of vitamin C and develop good immunity. They will also get a boost of energy. Vitamin C is suitable for your dog; thus, give your dog fruits rich in it for proper growth and development.

Remember not to give your dog any orange pulp you are making for yourself as it can lead to toxicity in the dog.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Can Dogs Drink Orange Juice? Here's What All You Need To Know! Then why not take a look at Can Cats Eat Cashews?

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Written by Deepthi Reddy

Master of Business Administration

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Deepthi ReddyMaster of Business Administration

With an MBA under her belt, Deepthi has discovered her true calling in content writing. Her writing repertoire is diverse, covering travel, movies, pet care, parenting, animals and birds, and more. Her joy of learning and creating has helped her craft well-written and engaging articles. When she isn't writing, Deepthi enjoys exploring new cultures, trying different foods, and spending quality time with her two children aged 7 and 12.

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