Fun Colombian Lesserblack Tarantula Facts For Kids

Iram Ashfaq
Oct 20, 2022 By Iram Ashfaq
Originally Published on Aug 06, 2021
Edited by Luca Demetriou
Colombian Lesserblack Tarantula Fact File

The Colombian lesserblack tarantula, Xenesthis immanis is one of the most fascinating invertebrates on Earth. This arachnid has an armored body with eight long, spindly legs and two sets of fangs for attacking or defending itself.

These creatures are found in South America, mainly in Colombia, where they live in humid forests near rivers and streams. Though they're carnivorous by nature, these spiders will eat almost anything to survive including insects, slugs, frog, and even other spiders with a body that is similar!

Colombian lesserblack tarantulas are among the most beautiful and popular pet spiders.

Since they have a docile temperament, these make excellent pets for people who want to get into arachnid care but don't yet feel comfortable handling larger species. The Xenesthis immanis frequently displays a commensal with a few species of frog, including microhylid frog and sometimes even an adult tree frog!

The Xenesthis immanis lives in rainforests on the Pacific coast of Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. The Xenesthis immanis species are inactive during the day because their habitat is mostly high-humidity areas where it’s too hot to be out hunting for food or mates.

They like to hide under logs, rocks, and tree bark during the day, but come out at night when it's cooler to hunt prey such as insects and other small invertebrates that have been drawn by the light from their burrow or homes.

They don't grow very big and they tend to live in burrows. They can live for up to 10 years and they only bite if provoked.

The Xenesthis immanis also uses its legs attached to its abdomen as sensory organs to feel vibrations in the ground which allows it to locate food or escape danger.

Did you know that adult females of Xenesthis immanis sometimes eat adult males after mating? That sounds like something straight out of science fiction!

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Colombian Lesserblack Tarantula Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a colombian lesserblack tarantula?

The Colombian lesserblack tarantula, Xenesthis immanis is one of the most famous spider with a body to die for, and a controlled growth rate it's just as prolific as any other critter out there.

What class of animal does a colombian lesserblack tarantula belong to?

The Xenesthis immanis species belong to a vast class of animals called Arachnida and genus Xenesthis. This family includes any spider with a body having eight legs! These guys were named so because they're not as big or aggressive compared with their cousins like the Carolina wolf spider.

How many Colombian lesserblack tarantulas are there in the world?

The Colombian lesserblack tarantulas, Xenesthis immanis are one of the most common species in Colombia, but it is not known how many of them exist. However, there have been 800 different species of tarantulas discovered so far and they remain a fresh discovery for scientists to study.

Where does a Colombian lesserblack tarantula live?

The Xenesthis immanis arachnids of genus Xenesthis, a relatively large spider species, typically inhabit natural forests with drier climates and moderate temperature, that dot the lush land where they were born just like a terrestrial bird spider.

The immanis xenesthis and terrestrial bird spider usually live near water sources like rivers or streams, but have been known to wander into other areas for food purposes, especially the bird spider.

What is a Colombian lesserblack tarantula's habitat?

Many people are fascinated by the colombian lesserblack tarantula, but not many have seen one in person, as they are believed to be originating from a deep burrow within Amazon rain forest with moderate temperature and spend most of their lives hiding under logs or stones to avoid being eaten alive themselves.

The Xenesthis immanis, a relatively large spider group.

live on the forest floor of Colombia, and are most often found in dry areas.

Who do Colombian lesserblack tarantula live with?

The Colombian Lesserblack tarantula, Xenesthis immanis is a relatively large spider and solitary creature, preferring to live by itself. However, it will sometimes share its burrow with other critters if the space allows for multiple individuals and there are enough prey items in the area so that they don't have to compete too fiercely for food.

How long does a Colombian lesser black tarantula live?

The Xenesthis immanis species life is about 10 years on an average. However, their life can extend up to 12 years too!

How do they reproduce?

Xenesthis immanis is one of the most dangerous and venomous tarantulas in the world known to reproduce by laying eggs. The Colombian lesserblack tarantula, Xenesthis immanis reproduction takes place when two mature adults, one male and one female, meet to mate and breed.

What is their conservation status?

The Colombian lesserblack tarantula, Xenesthis immanis, one of the most popular pet tarantula in captivity due to their docile nature and low maintenance requirements, is considered by experts as Least Concern for extinction.

Colombian Lesserblack Tarantula Fun Facts

What do colombian lesserblack tarantula look like?

The Colombian lesserblack tarantula, scientific name Xenesthis immanisare, are large, hairy insects that have a dark brown to bright purple color. They can be found on the ground or in trees and bushes originating anywhere from Mexico through America.

As their name suggests, they have a more slender and graceful appearance than the other types of arachnids with long spindly legs. The Xenesthis immanis can be identified by their black hairs covering which is actually gray or light brown in color.

The outer body of the tarantula is made of carapace. This carapace is very vital for these creatures.

How cute are they?

Time to get your hands dirty with these Colombian lesserblack tarantulas, with the scientific name Xenesthis immanis! They're not only the most beautiful, but they also happen to be one of the gentlest spiders around.

How do they communicate?

The Colombian lesserblack tarantula, Xenesthis immanis, communicates with each other through a variety of means. The Colombian lesserblack tarantula communicates by using a complex system of vocalizations and body language.

How big is a Colombian lesserblack tarantula?

The Xenesthis immanis has a dark brown to purple body originating from the Andes region of Colombia. It can reach up to a size of 2-2.5 in (6-8 cm) long with a 7.5-9 in (20-24 cm) wide leg span, making it one of the largest species in Latin America! It is almost double the size of a rain spider!

How fast can a Colombian lesserblack tarantula move?

Do you ever find yourself wondering how fast a Xenesthis immanis tarantula can move? Well, wonder no more because according to sources they are capable of moving over 8 in/s (20cm/s).

How much does a Colombian lesserblack tarantula weigh?

The Colombian lesserblack tarantula, Xenesthis immanis is a light and speedy little creature. The average weight of these spiders ranges from about 0.04-0.06 lb (25-30g). Despite this insect being so small compared to others on earth, the little rascal still packs quite a punch: holding up powerful jaws capable of delivering painful bites or stings if provoked.

What are the male and female names of the species?

The male and female of the Colombian lesserback tarantula species have no specific name, and they're often referred to as Colombian Lesserback Tarantulas.

What would you call a baby Colombian lesserblack tarantula?

The babies of Colombian lesserblack tarantula are called a spiderlings.

What do they eat?

The Xenesthis immanis tarantulas are small creatures that feed on insects and worms. The Colombian lesserback tarantula, although tiny, has the appetite of an elephant as it can eat up to one-half of its own weight in one sitting!

Are they poisonous?

This Colombian tarantula species is not poisonous. The x immanis, however, will bite if provoked or threatened with mishandling but they have no toxic effects.

Would they make a good pet?

The practical answer is "yes". The Colombian lesserback tarantula speciescan be found in many different regions of Colombia, as well as other parts of Central and South America. This spider is not too big or heavy, so it does not require much space; they are very docile animals that don't bite humans unless provoked severely

Did you know...

Many people think the colombian lesserblack tarantula shares a special relationship with the microhylid frog and tree frogs, and are a part of an unlikely friendship where the former frequently displays a commensal.

Tree frogs and microhylid frog species live in trees because they love eating insects that may be living high up off the ground, but not so much at night when their food is hiding out from predators.

The immanis xenesthis relationship with the microhylid and tree frog has been studied by scientists who found that it's likely this arrangement benefits both parties: even though spiders generally don't eat anything else besides bugs, sometimes there just aren’t enough to go around!

The very common tarantulas of genus Ischnocolus, was coined and discovered by Ausserer. Ausserer was a great researcher of his time!

The "x immanis" name comes from a Spanish word meaning "little terrier," which describes the x immanis spider's feisty personality and small size.

What eats Colombian lesserblack tarantula?

These tarantulas are an important food source for the pythons. But not just your regular frog!

How many eggs do Colombian lesserblack tarantula lay?

Colombian lesserblack tarantulas lay 30-50 eggs.

The female compresses her body to create a false abdomen, where she lays up to 50 eggs in a sac that will hatch about one month later. Colombian Lesser Black Tarantula females compress their bodies and make an egg sack with as many as fifty unborn spiders within it!

These bundles of joy are usually laid at the end of summer when they've reached sexual maturity (around eighty days old) and typically take around thirty more days until hatching into fully grown baby arachnids who then go on mischief adventures looking for food or whatever else interests them

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! For more relatable content, check out these red rock crab and green crab facts pages.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable Colombian lesserblack tarantula coloring pages.

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Written by Iram Ashfaq

Bachelor of Dental Surgery, Master of Public Health

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Iram AshfaqBachelor of Dental Surgery, Master of Public Health

With a Bachelor's degree in Dental Surgery from Shaney Institute of Health Sciences and a Master's degree in Public Health from Imperial College London, Iram is a highly qualified and accomplished writer from Srinagar, India. Over the course of a year, she has acquired multiple writing certifications, focusing on health sciences and research studies. Prior to joining Kidadl, Iram gained valuable experience working as a content writer for Indian firms and interning at a New York-based company. Her expertise and passion for writing shine through in her ability to create compelling content across a variety of topics.

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