Fun Mansourasaurus Facts For Kids

Iram Ashfaq
Nov 30, 2022 By Iram Ashfaq
Originally Published on Oct 04, 2021
Edited by Monisha Kochhar
Discover the most thrilling Mansoursaurus facts that will blow your mind

The Mansourasaurus dinosaur was one of the first dinosaurs to be discovered.

It was a herbivore and lived about 170 million years ago in Egypt during the Cretaceous period when it preyed upon plants such as ferns or cycads that grew along riversides near crocodiles called Allosaurids.

An ancient team of scientific researchers including Sallam, and Sertich Erik believe this animal used its teeth to grind up food before swallowing - similar to how cows chew cuds today!

This new species also possessed long spikes jutting out from their skulls which may have protected them against large predators like Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Its name means 'Egyptian lizard' and it had an unusually short tail like most other dinosaurs from this time period, but also possessed longer legs than any animal group of its species before or after them!

Its name was given after Dr. Mansoura Zayed who first studied the evolution of this amazing animal group!

It has many unique features that make it different to other dinosaurs, such as its small head and neck area compared with a body length; robust hind limbs for moving around on two feet rather than four (like most large herbivores). It was a creature with an unusual body shape found in the western deserts of Africa and Europe.

It had features of both theropods and sauropods, which were not very common in animals that lived during this time period!

It is not only one of the most unusual-looking African dinosaurs, but it also has some interesting facts.

For example, this herbivore had two horns on its forehead that were called sigmoidal crests; they may have served as sensory organs or formed part of predators' defense mechanisms against potential threats like biting insects when away from water sources at night time for instance.

This dinosaur also had rather unusual teeth compared with most animals today - instead, each square inch (6.45 sq. cm) consisted mostly of one separate tooth surfaces so think crowns without any serrations along their edges, unlike traditional razor-sharp cravings you might find in other species.

The fossils are preserved in the Museum of Natural History!

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Mansourasaurus Interesting Facts

How do you pronounce 'Mansourasaurus'?

This species of Southern Africa, Europe, and Asia is correctly pronounced as 'mann-saw-raa-saw-rus'.

What type of dinosaur was a Mansourasaurus?

The recently discovered new species of the dinosaur Mansourasaurus is believed to be a Sauropod dinosaur!

In which geological period did the Mansourasaurus roam the Earth?

Mansourasaurus was one of the last dinosaurs to go extinct. It lived during the Cretaceous period and then died out probably due to a lack in population numbers and natural disasters.

When did the Mansourasaurus become extinct?

The new Titanosaur species found recently by scientists like Sallam are now preserved in the museum of natural history somewhere in Africa or Egypt. These species went extinct around 80 million years ago.

Where did a Mansourasaurus live?

The answer is not as straightforward to define.

A great many have speculated on the possible habitats this sauropod dinosaur could've called home, but there's no concrete proof that any existed at all outside of Africa or Egypt (Mansaurs were only found in Asia).

Some people think it may simply just stay put near water sources or other areas with abundant vegetation-based food sources while others believe they roamed more expansive regions such as oasis, or western desert of the African continent without altogether dropping out their search for nutrients elsewhere; after all these animals did require significant amounts of grasses each day!

What was a Mansourasaurus' habitat?

Mansourasaurus, one of the most bizarre and interesting dinosaurs ever discovered may have been a tree-living herbivore. This species thrived during seasonal changes in its habitat by moving from lowland swamps into higher ground and desert as winter approached in regions of Africa, and Egypt!

Who did a Mansourasaurus live with?

Did these African dinosaurs from continents Egypt, Africa, and Europe live with another dinosaur? Scientists are not sure. It was a genus of sauropod that lived during the Cretaceous period and might have been related to Apatosaurus or Diplodocus in some aspects but it still remains unknown if they shared any traits together.

How long did a Mansourasaurus live?

Mansourasaurus was a long-lived dinosaur. It lived for about 45-50 years, which is much longer than most other species of animals at that time! The discovery of this elusive species will make it possible for scientists around the world to finally unlock more information on these ancient monsters!

How did they reproduce?

This species was a cousin of Triceratops that lived in continents like Egypt and Africa during the Cretaceous period about 150 million years ago. It reproduced through mating and females laid eggs after which they incubated them on their own! The young would get food scraps from the parents' plates.

Mansourasaurus Fun Facts

What did a Mansourasaurus look like?

The newly discovered vegetarian dinosaur had a long neck bone with a small skull bone on either side of it, which were probably used for protection when they hunted their food in packs during the Late Cretaceous era 65 million years ago after its discovery by Sallam!

The fossilized skeleton and skull bones of the Mansourasaurus have been found in South Africa, East Asia, and Europe.

The animal group is considered to be a herbivore with short legs that would not allow it great speed or power during its day-to-day activities but rather used them just enough so as not to become lost on foot!

It had short length stout legs with large flat feet used for traction while moving through the complete muddy ground or walking on grassland environments like we do today; its tail didn’t seem too different either on its discovery by Sallam which may have helped balance itself when balancing precariously high up off the ground after eating leaves fallen onto the forest floor.

We've been unable to source an image of Mansourasaurus and have used an image of Aegyptosaurus instead. If you are able to provide us with a royalty-free image of Mansourasaurus, we would be happy to credit you. Please contact us at

How many bones did a Mansourasaurus have?

This dinosaur species of Africa is believed to have possessed around 320 bones after its skeleton discovery.

How did they communicate?

The complete communication modes of this evolutionary New Titanosaurian are still a mystery and under final scientific research. Scientists are puzzled over how Mansourasaurus communicated.

It was thought that they might make a series of grunts and yells, much like modern elephants do today but this new study of evolution found no evidence for an early form of language in their vocalizations or any recognizable speech sounds at all!

How big was a Mansourasaurus?

It is the largest known evolutionary creature in its genus. It measured 32 ft (9.75 m) long and 25 ft (7.62 m) high!

It was found mostly in Africa and was a cousin of T-Rex. Its skeleton and foot bone had the same size as an African elephant but with much shorter legs than its relatives, which gave it more of an upright walking posture similar to the evolution of modern giraffes or whales.

How fast could a Mansourasaurus move?

This new Titanosaurian was a fearsome creature that lived in the continents of Africa and Europe in the Cretaceous.

It was herbivorous, so it might not have been as fast or agile on its feet bones compared with other dinosaurs who showed up later to feed on this extinction event 68 million years ago but still- how fast could these things go?

This titanosaur could run at speeds up close to 40 mph (64.37 kph)!

How much did a Mansourasaurus weigh?

These African dinosaurs have been estimated to weigh up to 4.4-5.5 tons (4000-5000 kg) after their discovery, similar to that of an adult African elephant today!

What were the male and female names of the species?

After the discovery of this species by Sallam, the females and males were not given any scientific terms and both went by the name Mansourasaurus dinosaurs!

What would you call a baby Mansourasaurus?

These babies are popularly referred to as Mansourasaurus baby dinosaurs! They have no scientific terms attached whatsoever!

What did they eat?

It was a plant-eater, and it's evident in its feeding habits. Mansouraursauruses preferred to eat plants with leaves or needles instead of ferns which had no chlorophyll pigment cells inside them but were still nutritious enough for this herbivore!

How aggressive were they?

These African dinosaurs were not bloodthirsty creatures. They would only fight if they felt threatened or cornered into a situation that made them feel forced and turned them aggressive.

Did you know...

Some researchers believe that these herbivorous new species rarely would eat meat if they would run out of plants or vegetation to feed on.

Why is it called Mansourasaurus?

It is a rather fitting name for this newly discovered species by Sallam as it was discovered near the Mansur region in Egypt. The Mansur region in Egypt has always been rich with history and ancient cultures, so it makes sense that one day they would be home to some incredible discoveries made by scientists from around the world!

Today the fossils are safely preserved in a final field museum for eternal preservation!

What adaptations did Mansourasaurus have?

It is still a mystery!

This new species of the Desert of Egypt differed from other species because not only did it have two large horns on top but it also sported spines all over her body!

This suggests these features indicated some level of protection against predators here since any would-be attacker has their chances cut down if faced off single combatant versus animal bigger than themselves!

In addition to having large eyes for night vision (needed since its habitat was often dark), it also had more flexible limbs than other species of the time!

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly dinosaur facts for everyone to discover! For more relatable content, check out these Hesperosaurus facts and Xenotarsosaurus facts for kids.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable Mansourasaurus coloring pages.


First image is an illustration by Nobu Tamura.

Second image is an illustration by Levi Bernardo.

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Written by Iram Ashfaq

Bachelor of Dental Surgery, Master of Public Health

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Iram AshfaqBachelor of Dental Surgery, Master of Public Health

With a Bachelor's degree in Dental Surgery from Shaney Institute of Health Sciences and a Master's degree in Public Health from Imperial College London, Iram is a highly qualified and accomplished writer from Srinagar, India. Over the course of a year, she has acquired multiple writing certifications, focusing on health sciences and research studies. Prior to joining Kidadl, Iram gained valuable experience working as a content writer for Indian firms and interning at a New York-based company. Her expertise and passion for writing shine through in her ability to create compelling content across a variety of topics.

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