Do Worms Have Eyes? Eye-Opening Earthworm Adaptations

Deepthi Reddy
Jan 19, 2023 By Deepthi Reddy
Originally Published on Nov 24, 2021
Edited by Sarah Nyamekye
Fact-checked by Gowri Rao
Know how worms see and if they have eyes.

Earthworms live in the dirt and construct their homes there on earth.

In order to survive, earthworms require specific conditions in the soil. There are over 6,000 species of earthworms globally, ranging from the common garden type to those that grow to become more than 10 ft (3.04 m) long in Australia and South America.

Where do earthworms burrow? They burrow, harboring under the surface of the soil. Worms have no legs and a long, squishy cylindrical body.

They can grow to be microscopic or very large. The African giant earthworms grow as long as 22 ft (6.70 m) and the oceanic nemertean worms can grow as long as 180 ft (54 m).

Although most people identify with earthworms, there are a variety of worms that can be seen on land, in freshwater and marine settings, and even as parasites within other animals. Because of their ability to blend and enrich the soil. Charles Darwin referred to earthworms as nature's plows.

They recirculate nutrients in the soil so that plants can absorb them. Earthworms play an important role in nature.

They are decomposers of dead and help to reduce organic debris. They devour the bacteria and fungi that thrive on these materials. It is a boon to nature.

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How strong are the senses of earthworms?

Charles Darwin reportedly spent over thirty years studying earthworms and made some fascinating conclusions regarding their senses. Earthworms have no eyes and are terrified of sunlight. Let us learn more.

Some soil species, such as earthworms, have senses as well and use them to survive in the soil. For moving above and below the soil, earthworms possess two sets of circular and longitudinal muscles.

They have these all the way down their bodies, allowing them to expand and contract in reaction to their environment.

The earthworm's body possesses fine, barely noticeable bristles. The bodies of earthworms are covered with hairs that grasp the soil and make their way through their burrows, eat on the soil, and perform other tasks such as casting worm casts from ingested soil up onto the soil surface thanks to muscle activity.

The mouth of a worm is powerful and muscular, but they lack teeth. They eat decaying foliage, soil, decaying organic matter, and even some living species, among other things. The worm's skin has mucus-producing glands because it keeps the earthworm's body moist; this mucus aids in breathing.

The mucus on a worm's skin aids in oxygen absorption. This is why they prefer to remain underground.

Rain brings the earthworms to the surface. A worm will get dehydrated and unable to breathe if its surroundings become too dry. Worms lack taste buds; on the other hand, they can taste, thanks to specific receptors in their mouth and other cells in their skin.

An aortic arch is a heart-like structure seen in worms. Five of these arches work together to circulate blood throughout the worm's body.

Earthworms do not have ears, yet they can detect vibrations. The sounds of surrounding animals can cause vibrations inside or on the soil surface, creating vibrations.

Although they lack ears, their bodies can detect the vibrations of adjacent animals. Moles, for example, are known to cause vibrations, which cause earthworms to migrate to the soil surface to avoid them. Meanwhile, birds like herring gulls have been seen striking the ground with their feet to create vibrations.

Earthworms have a basic brain that is connected to their epidermis and muscles by nerves. Light vibrations, as well as some flavors, are detected by the nerves.

Chemoreceptors cover the earthworm's entire body. These are tiny sensory organs that detect compounds in the soil and allow the earthworm to taste things.

Earthworms, like humans, breathe oxygen and emit carbon dioxide, but they lack lungs. They can't breathe through their mouths, and they can't breathe through their noses since they lack one!

Instead, they inhale through their skin. Earthworms can replace or recreate segments that have been lost. This ability varies significantly based on the worm type, the degree of damage done to the worm, and where the worm is cut.

Slime is a nitrogen-rich fluid produced by earthworms. For plants, nitrogen is a critical nutrient. Earthworm castings are rich in organic materials and beneficial microbes, providing benefits that go much beyond what fertilizer ratios indicate.

Earthworm castings are deficient in important plant nutrients, such as iron, and are therefore guaranteed not to induce fertilizer burn. Castings from earthworms include chemicals that have a direct impact on plant health. It's just as easy to use earthworm castings as it is to use regular garden compost.

Blind Worms

There are a variety of worms, and these worms live on land, in fresh and marine settings, sometimes as parasites inside other animals. Earthworms have been around for 120 million years and have primitive sensory systems excluding eyes.

Worms' eyes do not serve a function for them because they grow in the dark, wet soil. Therefore they gradually deteriorate. Worms don't have eyes. Therefore they can't see what's going on around them. When worms are above ground and can't sense their environment as well, this puts them at a disadvantage.

Where is a worm's eye?

Worms thrive in environments that provide food, wetness, oxygen, and a comfortable temperature.

Earthworms, for example, have light-sensitive tissue in their heads. These are known as photoreceptors, and some worms have them in the form of real dots that resemble eyes.

They help the earthworm to detect when the light above the ground is too bright for it to come out, as bright lights are harmful to it. They dwell underground in the dark, but they will often enjoy dim lighting.

What do worms have instead of eyes?

Baby worms emerge from cocoons the size of a grain of rice. The Australian Gippsland Earthworm can reach a length of 12 ft (3.65 m) and weigh up to 1-1.5 lb (453-680 g)

They don't have eyes, but instead, they do have cells called receptors that can detect light and dark. Worms can use this to determine whether they are underground or above ground.

Why Worms Need To Sense Light If They Have No Eyes

Earthworms, unlike humans and other complex animals, do not have eyes; instead, they have light receptors which recognize light and dark. Knowing how to sense light and dark can help escape predators, know when it's safe to look for food, and avoid drying out in the sun.

Worms have soft, moist skin that allows them to breathe. They would perish if their skin dries out because they are unable to breathe.

They spend the majority of their lives in the top 6 in (15 cm) of damp soils, avoiding sunlight to prevent drying out and being vulnerable to predators such as birds. They need to be able to detect light in order to crawl back into the soil if they become fully or partially exposed to the sun during burrowing.

How Worms Sense Light

The brain of each worm lies among its other organs, connecting nerves from the worm's epidermis and muscles to govern how it feels and moves.

Even though the worms do not have eyes, light-sensitive receptor cells in their skin, particularly near their front end, allow them to sense the presence of light. If worms are exposed to light for an hour or more, they become paralyzed, according to Cornell Composting. They can sense light as well as changes in light intensity.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for do worms have eyes? Then why not take a look at mealworm pupa or worm facts.

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Written by Deepthi Reddy

Master of Business Administration

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Deepthi ReddyMaster of Business Administration

With an MBA under her belt, Deepthi has discovered her true calling in content writing. Her writing repertoire is diverse, covering travel, movies, pet care, parenting, animals and birds, and more. Her joy of learning and creating has helped her craft well-written and engaging articles. When she isn't writing, Deepthi enjoys exploring new cultures, trying different foods, and spending quality time with her two children aged 7 and 12.

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Fact-checked by Gowri Rao

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Economics

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Gowri RaoBachelor of Arts specializing in Economics

With a bachelor's degree in Economics from Krea University, Gowri is a highly skilled data analyst and an expert in regression and causation modeling. Her interests in economic trends, finance, and investment research complement her professional expertise. In addition to her professional pursuits, Gowri enjoys swimming, running, and playing the drums, and she is also a talented tutor.

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