Does All Wood Float? Here Are 51 Facts That You Need To Know

Sakshi Thakur
Mar 17, 2023 By Sakshi Thakur
Originally Published on Mar 17, 2023
Fact-checked by Shadiya Ahammad
Looking at boats makes one wonder, does all wood float?

Science is an interesting subject, with so many amazing things to learn.

When we see ice or a wood float, we wonder why this happens. The answer to this is buoyancy force.

A special type of wood is used to make wooden boats. The density of this must be lower than water for it to float. This means if it weighs more and has a smaller volume, the wood is very dense. A denser wood will sink, just like rocks.

For determining the density, we have the mass divided by the volume occupied. If it is less than that for water, only then can an object float. The buoyancy force is the force caused by an item displacing water.

Suppose the quantity of water displaced by the matter equals its weight. In that case, the gravitational force acting on it is canceled by the buoyant force.

Hence, the object floats on the water's surface. On the other hand, if the object displaces less water than its weight, gravity operating will be greater than the buoyancy force, and the object will sink. In case of wood, oak is denser and will sink, while balsa is less dense and floats.

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Types Of Wood

There are various kinds of wood. Ancient Greece used wood for major construction work due to its strength.

  • Wood also varies in terms of density.
  • Woods that weigh more than the volume they have are like rocks. The logs will sink as soon as they are immersed in water. Oak wood sink even without a push.
  • While woods from balsa trees are used to make wooden boats.
  • Balsa Logs don't sink; they float. These logs are nicely cut and designed into useful boats that glide with air on the water's surface.

Why It Floats

Wood floats on water according to Archimedes' principle of buoyancy.

  • Archimedes' principle of buoyancy states that 'the water displaced is equal to the weight of the wood'. This is the scientific theory of floatation that can be implied to various objects.
  • Logs that weigh much less than expected are seen floating.
  • Interestingly it is seen that the tree trunks with big openings for sap are less dense. Thick sap substances need a wider area to flow. There is air trapped in the gaps, which makes the wood lighter.
  • The ratio of an object's weight to volume governs whether it floats or sinks in water. If an object weighs more than an equivalent amount of water, it sinks because the water cannot support it. Because water can maintain its weight, an item that weighs less than an equivalent amount of water floats.
  • When an item is on water, two forces interact: the first is buoyancy, and the second is gravitational pull. Because of the weight of the thing, gravity should push it downward. Buoyancy is the upward force.
  • The density of wood is the quantity of mass per unit volume. It is commonly measured in g per cubic centimeter (g/c3).
  • Pure water has a density of one g/c3 at room temperature.
  • The density of materials such as wood may also be expressed in terms of specific gravity, which is the density of the wood divided by the density of water.
  • Wood floats if it has a density lesser than water or if its specific gravity is less than one.
  • Although most woods are less thick than water, some are really dense and will sink. The specific gravity of desert ironwood, for example, is 1.15; it sinks.
  • Wood from the pau d'arco, lignum vitae, knob-thorn, quebracho, and ebony trees is likewise denser than water. They all sink as very less air is trapped in their structure.
  • Wood is principally formed of plant cell walls made up of lignin and cellulose, which already have a specific gravity of roughly 1.5. Because of the many pores in the wood, it has a far lower specific gravity than the cell wall material.
  • Even the densest wood has specific gravities below 1.4.
  • The specific gravity of wood can also differ within a species based on the portion of the tree where the woods were extracted, the location of the tree, and genetic variables.
  • The wood will float as long as its specific gravity is greater than 1.
  • The density of wood is also affected by its moisture content.
  • Wood-specific gravities are always determined for oven-dry wood, which has been dried to remove moisture. The density of moisture-laden wood is greater. The change will be significant only if the specific gravity of the wood is extremely near to one.

What Wood Does Not Float

You may be wondering, does any wood sink? Yes, not all wood is known to be the floating kind. There are a few that will sink.

  • Any wood that has a specific gravity higherr than 1 will sink.
  • Cocobolo, Ebony, Mahogany, Gaboon, Eucalyptus, Greenheart, Grenadilla, Lignum Vitae, Black Ironwood, Satinwood, and Water gum are among the woods with a specific gravity higher than one.
  • It is critical to realize that while discussing buoyant force, there should be no misconception about an object's weight, heaviness, or density.
  • An object's weight is in accordance to its mass and gravity.
  • Density, on the other hand, is related to the object's mass and volume.
  • You may be wondering why a boat floats but iron nails sink, despite the fact that iron nails are lighter and a boat is weighted in tons. The quantity of water displaced by the item determines whether it floats or sinks.
  • To avoid sinking or submerging in water, an object's displacement of water, whether a ship, boat, or an iron nail, must be larger than its weight.
  • The water displaced by an item exerts an upward buoyant force on it. Because of this, you may enjoy all the boat cruises and sea voyages.

Fun Facts About Wood That Floats

There are numerous facts about wood floating on water. Here are a few examples of comparison with other items for better understanding.

  • When you examine cork under a microscope, notice how porous it is. These holes collect air. The same is true for wood and foam. Consider these materials to be made up of hundreds of small air bubbles.
  • While soaking in the bath, an ancient Greek mathematician named Archimedes developed this theory. He noted that the water level in the bath raised as he lowered into it. His body was essentially displacing water.
  • The item displacing the water (person, boat, ice cube) will float if it weighs lower than the water it displaces.
  • When ice freezes, it expands. In comparison to water, ice has greater volume for the same mass and hence weighs less than the water it expels. This explains why ice floats. Ice would not float if water did not expand when it froze.
  • Saturn has a lower density than water. It is composed of several pieces of ice and has a lower density than liquid water. If you could build a bathtub large enough to hold the entire planet, it would float.
  • Wood, cork, and ice are all lesser in density than water and float, but rocks are dense and sink.
  • It is an exceptional quality of water to provide buoyancy to objects. It is the only fluid with this quality.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created many interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for 'Does All Wood Float? Below Are 51 Facts That You Need To Know' then why not take a look at 'How To Float In Water' or 'How Do Ships Float'? 

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Written by Sakshi Thakur

Bachelor of Science

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Sakshi ThakurBachelor of Science

Sakshi is a skilled content writer with extensive experience in the education industry. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for helping others, she has developed a reputation for excellence in academic content writing. She has worked with esteemed professionals such as Mr. Kapil Raj, a professor of History of Science at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris, further enhancing her knowledge and expertise. Sakshi is well-versed in the latest developments in e-learning and has a deep understanding of how to engage students and make learning fun and accessible. In her spare time, she indulges in her creative passions, including painting, embroidery, and listening to soft music. She also enjoys exploring new cultures and traveling, which helps her broaden her perspectives and inspire her writing. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Science from Panjab University.

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Fact-checked by Shadiya Ahammad

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English Language and Literature, Master of Arts specializing in India and World Literature

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Shadiya AhammadBachelor of Arts specializing in English Language and Literature, Master of Arts specializing in India and World Literature

A skilled writer and content creator with a postgraduate degree in English literature from the University of Calicut, Shadiya has also completed a Master of Arts in World Literature from Widya Dharma University and studied English Language and Literature at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. With her educational background and four years of experience in content writing, Shadiya has developed excellent research, communication, and writing skills, which she brings to her work every day. Her passion for language extends beyond her professional work, as she enjoys studying Arabic and Spanish in her free time.

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