21 Energy Drink Facts: Learn About Its Nutrition & Calories

Rajnandini Roychoudhury
Nov 07, 2022 By Rajnandini Roychoudhury
Originally Published on Apr 14, 2022
Edited by Ruffa Espejon
These energy drink facts will energize and amuse you!

An energy drink is defined as a beverage containing high levels of stimulant ingredients. These typically include caffeine, sugar, and supplementary elements like carnitine or vitamins. When drinking energy drinks, these ingredients are believed to increase physical performance and mental alertness.

Energy drinks often get confused with sports drinks and soft drinks. In reality, sports drinks contain sugar, carbs, and vitamins, whereas soft drinks contain small traces of caffeine. Today, the market has seen the introduction of energy shots, snacks, and chews, for a quick recharge.

A typical energy drink might have a basic composition of carbonated water, caffeine, water, herbs, and artificial sweeteners. The herbs and other ingredients used in these drinks are related to increasing mental alertness and physical performance, but there is no scientific evidence of the impact of these substances.

Some of the herbs and ingredients used are ginseng, taurine, B vitamins, and guarana seed extracts.

The consumption of energy drinks should be done in moderation. If you are too tired to get through your work, or if you are just a student who is looking to power through the night, an energy drink might be right for you.

However, overconsumption should be avoided because an excess of caffeine in your body can cause serious health risks.

Health Benefits & Advantages Of Energy Drinks

The consumption of energy drinks stems from the fact that these drinks are known to increase mental alertness in people because of the large amount of caffeine they contain.

Approximately 45 minutes after you consume energy drinks, you may feel concentrated and alert. However, this health benefit of heightened focus decreases after an hour or two. Then you might crash and become tired.

Today, energy drinks can be found everywhere and are easily affordable due to intense market competition.

Energy drinks are created solely to increase mental performance and energy. Both energy shots and energy drinks contain a high concentration of sugar, caffeine, amino acid, vitamins, and herbal ingredients.

Studies have revealed that energy drinks can help in the reduction of mental fatigue, and improve brain functioning, such as reaction time, concentration, and memory.

Occasional consumption of energy drinks is highly unlikely to cause issues, but it can cause serious health risks if consumed frequently.

History Of Energy Drinks

The origins of energy drinks are traced back to Japan. The country saw a rise in the consumption of amphetamines after the events of World War II, and its popularity caused the creation of Lipovitan D, in 1962, by Taisho.

The drink was legal and sold in small bottles. The consumption of these energy drinks grew by the 1980s, and the trend made consumption of energy drinks normal in the country.

America slowly caught up with the trend. In 1949, Dr. Enuf, a chemist from Chicago, invented a caffeinated soft drink.

However, it is because of Austrian businessman Dietrich Mateschiz, that energy drinks gained their international fame. Mateschiz found inspiration for his energy drinks when he visited Bangkok and was amazed at the effects of the tonic.

In 1984, Dietrich Mateschiz partnered with the creators of the energy drink Krating Daeng to bring the energy drink to a larger audience, on a global scale.

Krating Daeng was renamed Red Bull and the drink garnered massive popularity in Europe. The mixture of carbonation, taurine, and caffeine turned Red Bull into one of the leading energy drinks in Europe.

The American market saw the introduction of Red Bull in 1997. Today, Red Bull is one of the biggest names in the energy drink market with an estimated 160 countries selling the product.

With the advent of the new millennium, energy drinks became globally popular and the market saw the introduction of various energy drink companies such as Rockstar in 2001, Monster Beverage in 2002, and Rip It in 2004.

It is estimated that Red Bull and Monster Energy generate around 35% and 26% of the total energy drink sales, respectively.

Dangers & Disadvantages Of Energy Drinks

Energy drinks are often confused with sports beverages. These drinks are advertised as something that can increase alertness and increase concentration because of their high caffeine count.

Energy drinks contain large amounts of sugar and have a minimum of 200 mg of caffeine. This is the same amount brewed in two coffee cups. Other additives in the drink contain traces of B vitamins, and herbs such as guarana or ginseng, to increase energy in the drinks.

The most alarming part about energy drinks is how they are regulated. The FDA does not regulate energy drinks, but it does regulate the ingredients being used in the drinks.

Standard sodas are considered beverages and are strictly regulated by the FDA for their caffeine content and ingredient composition. Energy drinks are thought of as dietary supplements and have avoided FDA regulation because of this loophole.

This loophole was devised by the Jolt Cola company. Companies are obligated to list the ingredients of their energy drinks, but they do not have to list the distinct amount of each ingredient used in their drinks.

The health effects of energy drinks are the highest in young adults. Teens may encounter heightened after-effects from the large caffeine intake, alongside the added sugar, herbal stimulants, low-calorie sweeteners, and corn syrup.

Excess sugar consumption through energy drinks can lead to weight gain, type-two diabetes, gout, and cardiovascular diseases.

As of 2007, the CDC reported 1,145 young adults, between 12 to 17 years of age, needed emergency care because of energy-drink-related issues. In 2011, the total number increased to 1,499 cases.

The high sugar content in some energy drinks is similar to the health risk that is often associated with sugar-sweetened beverages.

Compared to young adults, older adults experience different effects depending on how often they consume energy drinks. Too many calories and caffeine can lead to conditions such as dehydration, insomnia, high blood pressure, increased heart rate, and restlessness.

There are a large number of people who also mix energy drinks with alcohol. The side effects include feeling less intoxicated, even when the presence of alcohol in the body causes impaired reaction time or poor motor coordination.

Adults may also experience caffeine withdrawals, which can lead to health issues like anxiety, fatigue, irritability, and headache.

As various statistical studies suggest, a large percentage of energy drink consumption is done by young adults and teens. An estimated 34% of men, between the ages of 18 and 24, consume the most energy drinks.

Did You Know

Various energy drinks contain taurine, a type of amino acid found in baby formula and breast milk, and ginseng, which is rumored to increase athletic performance. However, there are only a handful of energy drinks that consists of these elements and can improve performance.

By 2013, the sales of the energy drink industry were considered to be over $10 billion. The advertisement of these drinks is intentionally created in a way that appeals to minors with their soft-drink-like designs.

The Spike Hardcore Energy drink is currently the most powerful. The drink has a caffeine count of 350 mg per 8 fluid oz (0.4 l).

Some of the most famous energy drinks are Monster, Amp, NOS, Rockstar, and Red Bull.

In 2014, energy drink company Red Bull was sued because of their catchphrase “Red Bull gives you wings.” A consumer claimed that he never gained wings even after consuming the drink for more than 10 years! The entire event took the form of a $13 million lawsuit.

Despite many health claims, Red Bull contains the same amount of caffeine as a regular cup of coffee, which is 80 mg. A 16 fluid oz (0.4 l) Starbucks Grande has 330 mg!


Q. What are 5 facts about energy drinks?

A. Energy drinks have serious health risks. Energy drinks originated in Japan. Red Bull popularized energy drinks in Europe. Red Bull and Monster are two of the largest energy drink sellers. Energy drinks were introduced to the United States in 1949.

Q. Are energy drinks regulated?

A. The FDA does not regulate energy drinks, but it does regulate the ingredients being used in the drinks.

Q. Do energy drinks help you study?

A. Yes, energy drinks will help you study as the caffeine content in the drinks help improve focus and concentration.

Q. Who are energy drinks usually marketed to?

A. Energy drinks are generally marketed to young people.

Q. What are the dangers of drinking energy drinks?

A. Drinking energy drinks without regulating your intake can lead to serious issues such as increased blood pressure, dehydration, and nausea.

Q. What are the different types of energy drinks?

A. Today, energy drinks are divided into three types: Mainstream energy drinks like Red Bull and Monster, vitamin-fortified beverages such as Nestle's Boost energy drink, and naturally healthy invigorating drinks without sweeteners or added sugar.

Q. Do energy drinks cause water retention?

A. Since caffeine serves as a diuretic, it encourages the body to release excess fluids in the form of urine, even if there is no excess fluid present. This leads to the body retaining the fluid instead of releasing it, causing water retention.

Q. What makes an energy drink an energy drink?

A. The addition of caffeine and other sugar-rich ingredients gives energy drinks their specific taste.

Q. Can kids drink energy drinks?

A. There are no health benefits for kids. Parents are advised to not allow their children to drink them because of the various health effects that these drinks can have on an underdeveloped body.

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Written by Rajnandini Roychoudhury

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English, Master of Arts specializing in English

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Rajnandini RoychoudhuryBachelor of Arts specializing in English, Master of Arts specializing in English

With a Master of Arts in English, Rajnandini has pursued her passion for the arts and has become an experienced content writer. She has worked with companies such as Writer's Zone and has had her writing skills recognized by publications such as The Telegraph. Rajnandini is also trilingual and enjoys various hobbies such as music, movies, travel, philanthropy, writing her blog, and reading classic British literature. 

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