Lime Facts, Benefits, And Nutrition Value You Must Know About

Martha Martins
Nov 03, 2023 By Martha Martins
Originally Published on Mar 17, 2022
These lime facts will excite your taste buds.

Limes are a type of citrus fruit.

Limes are fruits that were made by hybridization. Even though limes are originally from Southeast Asia, they are now available all over the world, especially in subtropical and tropical regions.

Different species of limes have their own unique benefits. Common lime species are key lime, desert lime, Persian lime, Mexican lime, and makrut lime. Some varieties have more acid content than others. To know more about this fruit rich in vitamin C, keep on reading!

Health Benefits Of Lime

Limes are nutritional fruits. Limes are packed with various vitamins and minerals, an important one being vitamin C which is responsible for the citric acid in limes. The acidic flavor is derived from this citric acid. Apart from this, limes also have antioxidants. Besides being acidic and having vitamin C, there are also other health benefits of limes.

There are only 20 calories in lime which is almost negligible. The carb content of limes is also low, which is 0.015 lb (7 gm). Limes also have protein, fiber, calcium, vitamin B6, potassium, iron, thiamin, riboflavin, folate, magnesium, niacin, and phosphorus. The antioxidants in limes help prevent diabetes and heart diseases.

They also help in preventing many different types of cancer. Vitamin C present in limes helps boost immunity. Vitamin C does so by increasing the body's production of white blood cells, protecting against cuts, diseases, and infections.

A substance known as collagen is produced in the human body with vitamin C. Collagens help heal wounds. Vitamin C also prevents cough and cold. Vitamin C in limes also helps you to have good, firm skin. Studies have shown that limes help in preventing kidney stones.

This is possible because of the citrus or acid contents of limes. The citrus quality of limes increases the citrate level and binds materials responsible for forming stones in kidneys. Limes also increase iron absorption in the body.

Types And Kinds Of Lime

There are various types of limes. Even though there are multiple types of limes, some of them are more commonly known, eaten, or used in cooking than other limes.

Australian desert limes are one of the most common types of limes used. The smallest limes are called 'bush food,' commonly used in marmalades. Blood limes, as the name suggests, are blood red. This one is a cross between Ellendale mandarin and finger lime. The taste of blood limes is somewhat sweet.

Kalamansi limes, also termed musk limes or Calamondin, is commonly used in fresh Philippine food. One of the unique aspects of this fruit is that it has thin skin.

But it takes about an entire year for it to ripen. Kusaie limes are originally from India and are widely seen as a variant of Mandarin limes. This lime has one of the highest cold tolerance among all the other types.

Its juice is transparent. On the other hand, Mandarin limes are a group of limes, including the Rangpur, Otaheite, and Kusaie limes.

Australian finger lime is another citrus fruit renowned as 'caviar of the citrus.' Ginger limes have thick rinds, yellow and firm flesh, and smooth skin. Kaffir limes are famous for their zest and fresh flavor in different cuisines and beverages.

Their zest is also used in fragrances. Key limes are citrus species used commonly in juice and key lime pies. Tahitian lime is said to have originated in the Middle East and hence gets the name of Persian limes.

Lemon Vs. Lime

Both lemons and limes are citrus fruits. Even though these two citrus fruits have a lot in common, especially for their citrus nature, sour taste, and acidity, they do have some distinct differences.

These two fruits with citrus nature are related to each other but have genetic differences. Among the many theories that exist, one says that lemons were formed as hybridization between the citron and lime. Both these citrus fruits are now available in most parts of the world.

However, they originated in different places. They have different habitats as well.

While lime grows in subtropical areas, lemons prefer a moderate climate. Lemons are larger than lime, and they differ in color as well. Lemons have yellow or yellowish-green skin, while the skin of limes is green or dark green in color.

Lemons are rounder in appearance, while limes are oval in shape. Vitamin C content in lemons is lesser than that in limes. The sour taste is more prominent in limes than lemons which tend to incline more towards sweetness.

The sourness in the former is also often described as bitterness. This description of taste varies according to perspectives.

Limes are more commonly restricted to savory dishes, while lemons have a broader spectrum of usage in the culinary industry. They can be used more widely in both sweet and savory dishes. Both the fruits are used to make juice.

Growth And Maintenance Of A Lime Tree

Growing a lime tree can be a fun activity. A lime tree can be grown by people who like and are adept at gardening as well as by a first-timer.

The act of gardening and maintaining these trees can also be quite rewarding. You can either grow them from seeds, or you can also buy a lime tree from the market and subsequently look after it. Even though a lime tree can be easily grown from seeds, getting a tree from a nursery can be an equally relevant option.

The tree has to be planted either in a pot or container or in the ground. In either case, you should plant the tree in a place that receives a lot of natural sunlight.

A spot that receives southern sun is ideal in this case. The drainage of the ground or the container should be top-notch. When these trees grow in soils without any drainage, it kills the tree.

The soil should never have standing or stagnant water. To ensure this, you should keep the soil around the base of the plant a little bit higher than the rest of the soil. This will help in draining water.

Additionally, there should be no air pockets around the root while planting it. The soil should be firmly placed around the root ball.

When it comes to their maintenance, watering should be done consistently. Too much or too little water can kill them.

They should also be fertilized often since they are heavy feeders. The fertilizer should have compost or be rich in nitrogen, and it should be used every few months. Finally, these trees should be kept in a warm environment with a minimum temperature of 50°F (10°C).


Q: How many kinds of limes are there?

A: Although there are multiple subspecies of this fruit, there are four broad types. They are key lime, Thai lime, Tahiti lime, and Rangpur lime.

Q: Which state produces the most limes?

A: The state of Florida in the United States of America is responsible for the most lime production. Lime is produced in Florida's Miami-Dade County.

Q: Where do limes grow?

A: Though limes are available worldwide, they are primarily grown in Mexico, California, Florida, and along the Gulf Coast.

Q: Why do they call it lime?

A: The word 'lime' is derived from the French word 'Limon,' which means citrus fruits.

Q: Is lemon stronger than lime?

A: No, lime has a more bitter and acidic taste than lemon.

Q: Where is lime originally from?

A: It is believed that this fruit originated in India and its neighboring regions of Myanmar and northern Malaysia.

Q: What is lime known for?

A: This fruit is known for its bitter and acidic flavor, for which it is widely used in the food industry. Lime juice is also commonly used in many drinks.

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Written by Martha Martins

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Linguistics

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Martha MartinsBachelor of Arts specializing in Linguistics

Martha is a full-time creative writer, content strategist, and aspiring screenwriter who communicates complex thoughts and ideas effectively. She has completed her Bachelor's in Linguistics from Nasarawa State University. As an enthusiast of public relations and communication, Martha is well-prepared to substantially impact your organization as your next content writer and strategist. Her dedication to her craft and commitment to delivering high-quality work enables her to create compelling content that resonates with audiences.

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