33 Australian Music Facts: You Must Read This Musical Blog!

Christian Mba
Oct 12, 2023 By Christian Mba
Originally Published on Jan 10, 2022
Australian music facts will help you understand the legacy of the country.

Music binds people together, it is not bound by boundaries rather it erases the boundaries and fills the void.

But this doesn’t mean that every music is of the same type. Sometimes, music is also country-based, and the country is said to be the mother of that particular beat.

Every single type of music has its own essence and feel, the same is true for Australian music, hence, in this musical blog, we will be talking about its origin, the Australian music industry, different forms of music like Australian rock, Australian folk music, contemporary music, Australia's contributions to the world music, its traditional instruments and much more.

So, let us dive in.

The early history of Australian music was influenced by the British colonies that comprised Australia. While the indigenous music of Australia is associated with almost 50,000 years old unique heritage which is known to produce iconic didgeridoo. The contribution of Australia to world music is in the form of modern fusions between western styles and indigenous styles.

The classical forms of Australian music were driven from Europe, while the folk Australian music has been considerably impacted by traditions of the Anglo-Celtic era which can be observed in blush ballads like 'Waltzing Matilda'.

Here we will be looking at the original Australian music, folk music, early pop, and electronic and dance music. Afterward, also check Brazilian music facts and '50s music facts.

Original Australian Music

The original Australian music or as we generally call it, traditional Australian music belongs to Aborigines and natives of Torres Strait Island.

These people have been playing Aboriginal songs for as many as 60,000 years and are a crucial component of the cultural, social, and ceremonial programs of these people. The best of this music can be characterized by the didgeridoo, a traditional music instrument, which as per archeologists has been used by Kakadu people for more than 14,800 years.

While this was about traditional indigenous music, contemporary indigenous music includes a number of styles and forms like hip hop, rock and roll, country, and reggae.

The first person who had given a successful Aborigines performance was Jimmy Little in 1964, with the debut of the song titled 'The Royal Telephone'. Though he was able to give some mesmerizing pieces of music, he was not very successful in spreading the form throughout the country.

Then groups like Coloured Stone, Warm-Up Bands, and No Fixed Address become bands who tried and even got successful in improving the perception of this indigenous music. This was during the '70s.

But if we consider the band who made mainstream success, it is Yothu Yindi with their music album titled 'Tribal Voice'. This was an instant hit and ranked 11th on the Chart of ARIA Singles. They mainly gave Yolngu Dance based performances.

Folk Music: Australia

Folk music in itself is a different story, just like traditions, these recitals are passed on from one generation to the next.

There is no record as to who started this process, rather this is what is driven by common people and becomes popular and an integral part of the land. Defining folk music, Australian Macquarie Dictionary says, 'music usually of simple character, originating and handed down among the common people'.

As we discussed, music has different tunes, melodies, tempos, and lyrics. As these are simple stories passed on from generation to generation, they keep on changing their course telling and re-telling the same story with different adaptations.

While one community will develop it in a way that is most appropriate to them, the other will make it in a way that fits their talent and legacy, thus you could say that each country, each state, every community have their own folk telling stories about nature, gods, popular people, and even miracles.

Electronic And Dance Music

The music that is created with drums, guitars, keyboards, and many more electronic instruments and is recorded on the computers using software like Pro Tools, Virus maker, Digital Performer, and other such software, is termed as electronic dance music.

Australia ranks among the top countries that use software to produce electronic dance music. Not only are they the best producers, but also among the countries whose electronic dance music is most liked along with New Zealand.

Considering the top producers in this category, Steve Lawless and Australian DJ will be among the best examples. He produces top albums including dance music released in 2020. He is not only a national name but is very famous internationally.

Next will be Pual van den Acker, one of the most respected and popular electronic dance music producers. He is famous for having a strong female vibe and a hard-hitting style. 'She Says' and 'Shows Me the Meaning of Being Lonely', are two of his top tracks.

Christine Perrin, the next important name, not only nationally but internationally. Not only have her singles and albums have made on top of the Australian ranking charts but that of the international market too with millions of copies being sold worldwide.

Early Pop Music: Australia

The obvious name that lifted up pop music in Australia is none other than the Beatles.

There are many popular artists from Australia with international success since the colonial societies who produce new and popular music. Some Australian composers like pioneer rocker John Farnham and folk-rocker Marc Williams have been cultivated from indigenous cultures.

There has even been the pop princess, Australian composers who gave global rock hits. Talking about today, there is the John Butler trio, a little river band, who grew up to be a global folk-rock band who won four radio awards and are known widely. Pop bands are very common among indigenous Australians.

It was due to the Beatles that Australia embraced American rock and roll. In the '50s, and early '60s this country took a new turn, and the rockers like Col Joye, and Johnny O’Keefe were the people who gave it a new perfective and a new form.

This form not only shows the life of Australia but also shows the world at large. This new form had a great impact and influenced world music. Ever since then, there have been artists who kept this form going.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Australian music facts then why not take a look at '60s music facts, or 20th century music facts.

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Written by Christian Mba

Bachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

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Christian MbaBachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

Christian Mba is an experienced blogger and content writer with over a decade of experience. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Nigeria and has a keen interest in Python programming. Along with his writing and blogging expertise, he is also an SEO specialist with more than six years of experience. Chris, as he is commonly known, has a passion for music and enjoys playing the piano.

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