69 Creepy Facts About The World That Might Scare You!

Aashita Dhingra
Oct 25, 2023 By Aashita Dhingra
Originally Published on Dec 16, 2021
Creepy facts about the world will surely surprise you.

Although it is said that knowledge is power, there are still many unknowns.

As a result, it's easy to feel a little overwhelmed by the world around you, knowing these eerie facts might aid you in your endeavor. Here are 69 disturbing things to ponder, ranging from the devil's bible to the creepiest Japanese giant hornet—if you're bold enough.

The truth is frequently stranger than fiction. Every now and again, we get a glimpse of how terrifying our world may be... and that gut-wrenching fact stings more than nearly anything else.

Let's just say that perusing this list late at night is not a good idea. You might be wondering why you should read them in the first place. It's the same reason we shield our eyes while watching horror movies.

There is something that stays with us forever, and that is fear. After reading about all the creepiest things in the world,  the chills will go down your spine.

Fear is felt in the head, but it also causes a powerful physical reaction in the body. Some portions of your brain are firing on all cylinders, while others are shutting down.

When the amygdala detects fear, the cerebral cortex (the part of the brain that controls logic and judgment) is harmed, making it harder to make sound judgments or think clearly. As a result, if you're approached by an actor in a haunted home, you could scream and put your hands up, unable to understand that the threat isn't genuine.

But why do fans of roller coasters, haunted homes, and horror films prefer being immersed in those terrifying, stressful situations?

Because the excitement doesn't have to cease when the ride or film finishes. Your body and brain are stimulated long after your frightening experience is gone because of the excitation transfer mechanism.

It's difficult to learn certain frightening facts about the world, but not knowing them is far worse. So, continue reading the facts and don't waste a spooky second. Afterward, also check creepy but true facts and a year on Mars.

Creepy Facts About The Places

'Your house is undoubtedly haunted if one door closes and another opens.' Houses that are haunted. Several Mental Asylums have been abandoned. The most haunted island. There are as many 'haunted' places on the planet as there are towns and villages.

Even talking about them can scare the shit out of you. Every little town, it seems, has a secret spot that only the inhabitants know about and where the neighborhood kids are forbidden to go.

The North Yungas Road in Bolivia doesn't have any ghosts or goblins, yet it nevertheless manages to give passengers enough frights to last a lifetime.

The abandoned Mir diamond mine in Mirny, Siberia, is 1,575 ft (480.1 m) deep and 3,600 ft (1,097.3 m) wide, and it appears to be on the verge of swallowing the city that has grown up around it. The Ancient Ram Inn in Gloucestershire, UK, may be the most haunted location in the British Isles.

This local bar was constructed in 1125 AD on what was supposed to be a hallowed pagan Celt burial place.

The Ancient Ram has been home to a variety of spooks and specters for more than a century, not to mention the rare thirsty tourist who may be regaled with tales of the frightening drinking hole's past. The remains of mountain climbers who perished on Everest, for the most part, remain there indefinitely.

At the bottom of the water, there is a ship's graveyard.

Povlegia is the world's most haunted island wherein in the 18th century a large number of people died. It was a mental asylum as well as a quarantine center for patients affected by the plague or then known as the black death.

Creepy Facts About Home

Home inspectors, real estate agents, estate-sale agents, and the rescue team all have one thing in common: they know your secrets, the ones you've tried to keep concealed your whole life. Some topics are best left alone, since too much knowledge may be overwhelming.

Take a look at these alarming discoveries, which may or may not help you sleep easier at night knowing that your home isn't one of them.

People have literally found the spookiest thing when they moved into a new house, for example, human bones. One of the first things a Wisconsin woman did when she chose to restore her house was to excavate in her basement. Imagine her amazement and panic when she found she was living atop a hidden cemetery.

Many have found basements filled with creepy things like dolls, Ouija boards, strange paintings, locked doors, and even human heads. One person after moving in, discovered evidence of Satanic rituals and activities in both his basement and attic. When he went to see the house, the realtor showed him neither. There's probably a reason behind it.

A couple uncovered a church going back to the 1700s concealed beneath their home. They discovered it by following the metal grating near their front entrance.

It may happen with anyone that they hear some creepy sounds and someone touching them, then sensing someone around and pets behaving awkwardly (it's a fact that pets can sense creepy things before humans).

Creepy Facts About Movie

Horror movies are already very scary and the creepy effects associated with that will give the movies a whole new horror side.

Let's have a look at the facts (because facts are real, even if the movies are not). Let's start with the one movie we all know about. Vera Farmiga discovered three mysterious claw scars on her flesh after the first day of filming The Conjuring.

In the late 70s, the man who played a radiologist's assistant in The Exorcist was convicted of dismembering and killing homosexual males.

Tony Todd had to stuff live bees into his mouth in Candyman.

The Conjuring's terrifying possessed Annabelle doll is based on a genuine, haunted Raggedy Ann doll.

Director William Friedkin advised the prop guy on the set of The Exorcist to fire shotgun blanks at random to obtain more 'genuine' reactions from the actors.

Several performers from the Poltergeist films died tragically while filming or shortly after. Dominique Dunne, who portrayed the older sister in the original film, was assassinated shortly after its release. Two others perished, including the little girl who portrayed Carol Anne, who died of heart arrest at the age of 12 years old.

Many people believed that the genuine bones utilized onset in the pool scene is to blame for this 'curse.' The fake skeletons were not used. So, there were actual broken bones.

Creepy Facts About Humans

Let's start off with the scariest thing that you'll ever hear about. Never, ever, ever suggest you're being 'eaten alive' by mosquitoes. That was a real execution technique.

Scaphism was an ancient type of torture and execution in which someone was covered with honey, stuffed into a hollowed wood, and left to die naturally.

Around four days after a person dies, the dead bodies swell up due to the release of gases and liquids.

Pine trees have demonstrated their ability to grow within the human body. Doctors performed surgery recently to remove what they thought was a tumor. It came out that the man had a fir tree growing in his lungs. It's possible that there's a haunted Russian radio station.

UVB-76 is a low-power radio station that has been on the air since 1982. Nobody knows where the broadcast comes from. It's primarily just a buzzing noise with a Russian voice broadcast every now and then.

To create toilet paper for people, 27,000 trees are killed every day, yes! just for toilet paper. The Pacu fish from South America has teeth that resemble those of a human, it actually has human-like teeth. Yes, this is the stuff of nightmares.

People in ancient England used hollowed-out human skulls to store their food and drink before the invention of cups and bowls. After being beheaded, a human head stays aware for around 20 seconds. So, human remains were of great use.

The teeth of a rat can bite through even the hardest materials, such as lead sheeting and cinder block. Crows have evolved to the point that they can identify a human face. So don't irritate one, okay?

On our eyelashes, we all have teeny-tiny mites.

Mice and rats are capable of transmitting at least 35 illnesses to humans. Salmonellosis, hantavirus, and rat-bite fever are among these illnesses.

Mike the Headless Chicken was a chicken who lived for 18 months after his head was removed.

It's possible that Attack of the Killer Bees isn't too far off the mark. The venom of the Japanese giant hornet is reported to 'melt' human flesh.

Your cat might be able to tell when you're dying. Oscar, a pet cat that lived in a nursing home, was said to be able to predict when one of the inmates would die. He was going to sleep next to them until they died.

We've discovered the most dreadful defense mechanism. As a protection strategy or as a defense mechanism horned lizards spew blood from their eyes.

When in the womb, babies grow hair-like mustaches on their upper lips. This hair then spread to cover the entire body to regulate the body temperature. But is finally shed before the baby is born.

Insomniacs find it difficult to fall asleep. People with Fatal Familia Insomnia (FFI) are unable to fall asleep and eventually die.

They may eventually develop hallucinations, delirium, and confusional states similar to those seen in dementia patients. People diagnosed with FFI have an average survival time of 18 months. And there's not a single way to get rid of it.

Aokigahara Woodland, also known as the Sea of Trees, is a well-known Japanese forest where individuals go to commit suicide. Over 200 individuals tried the stunt in 2010, with almost 54 succeeding.

When some individuals wake up, they hear a loud blast. This is known as Exploding Human Head Syndrome. Although it is not painful, the experience might be frightening. It's unclear what causes this, although worry and stress, according to the American Sleep Association, may play a part. A human head has the potential to do creepy things!

Let's find out how a body decomposes. When a person dies, blood progressively pools towards the lowest half of your dead body. As the pressure increases inside your body, hypostasis occurs, causing your dead bodies to enlarge and turn reddish-purple.

So, technically the dead bodies swell. Your entire body resembles a blood-filled balloon about to burst. All this can be considered as a real story.

When it comes to blood, the average heart pumps blood at a high enough pressure that it can squirt 30 ft (9.1 m) across a room if an artery ruptures. Bioluminescence is a property of humans.

Humans emit light, according to a 2009 Japanese research. We glow, but it's too dim to be seen by the naked eye.

You may believe that your lungs are the same size, but this is not the case. The left lung is smaller than the right because it is on the same side as the heart, whereas the right lung is shorter than the left due to the positioning of the liver.

Things that might inflict imminent damage are more visible to humans.

As a result, Jaws is more likely to startle us than, say, heart disease. That was formerly a positive trait.

However, in today's environment, we may not even consider, much less be terrified of, the greatest threats to our existence. (Hint: heart disease kills more people than shark attacks.)

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for 69 creepy facts about the world that might scare you!

then why not take a look at Colorado history facts: How it became a state, how old it is and more, or everything you've wanted to know about Halicarnassus, Turkey?

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Written by Aashita Dhingra

Bachelors in Business Administration

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Aashita DhingraBachelors in Business Administration

Based in Lucknow, India, Aashita is a skilled content creator with experience crafting study guides for high school-aged kids. Her education includes a degree in Business Administration from St. Mary's Convent Inter College, which she leverages to bring a unique perspective to her work. Aashita's passion for writing and education is evident in her ability to craft engaging content.

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