Facts About Patriotism: Learn About This Form Of Political Ideology

Ada Shaikhnag
Sep 08, 2022 By Ada Shaikhnag
Originally Published on Mar 21, 2022
Edited by Pete Anderson
Learn more about patriotism by referring to these Patriotism Facts.

In this article, you will read some facts about patriotism, and we will also learn a little about the history and importance of patriotism.

It is a common belief that patriotism and a person's idea about it depend entirely on the country it is showcased in and their geopolitical and historical background. Several patriots may focus on the geographic qualities of their mother nation, whereas some on politics.

History Of American Patriotism

American patriotism, also known as Americanism, has its roots in conservative values that comprise bravery, honor, and loyalty. Americanism has been less involved in shared cultural experiences and more focused on shared political ideas.

It is a combination of U.S. patriotic values with an ultimate purpose to create a collective American identity. The ideals of patriotism comprise self-government, a belief in progress, equal standing in the court, and freedom of speech.

In 1965, Hart-Celler Act caused ethnic and racial demographic changes in the American population. Americanism can refer to distinguishing features of the U.S., and on the other hand, it can also define loyalty to the U.S. and defense of political ideals of America.

This concept can be traced back to the first European settlers that migrated to North America motivated by a vision of a sparkling 'City on a hill.'

During the 1830s, 1840s, and 1850s, Americanism gained a restricted meaning in politics as a result of the nativist moral panics after enhanced German and Irish immigration, which in turn led to the growth of American Catholicism.

Throughout the Civil War and all the way to the end of the Second World War, Americanism was newly defined as huge numbers of immigrants started settling in America from Asia and Europe.

This led to enhanced economic growth and fastened industrialization and gave birth to the concept of 'industrial democracy,' which created a belief among the people that citizens are the government of America. This gave huge power to the definition of Americanism, thus leading to the successful American nation today.

The United States got its independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain on July 4, 1776. On every Independence Day, the American flag is unfolded and raised high in the sky with displays of parades, respective merchandise, political speeches, and lots of fireworks and food. The first American flag was made by Betsy Ross.

Ross designed flags for state ships of Pennsylvania, but there is no proof that she met with George Washington or any other colonial leaders with a goal to design a flag for the burgeoning republic.

One of Ross' grandsons narrated the story to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania in 1870. This happened right before the country's centennial, which occurred in 1876, the story of a humble seamstress designing the loved flag was hard to resist.

Importance Of Patriotism

There's no doubt that patriotism is an important value in every individual's life. It is a pride that we carry within ourselves of being the proud citizens of our nation.

On Independence Day, many citizens make use of this patriotic day to discuss the issues that their country is facing and, without a doubt, come up with advantageous solutions. Patriotism is synonymous with the nation as its distinctive culture and language, which gives it coherence and unity.

It also promotes some of the highest rights, which are the pursuit of happiness, life, and liberty. Patriotism is almost always never affected by any shortcoming of some government policy, any slump in the stock market or economy, or any politician's failures.

As famously written by Lewis, 'So this offers us the first step beyond family selfishness,' an American is not entitled to yield his loyalty to his family, religion, locality, state, ethnic group, and many other such factors.

Patriotism Vs. Nationalism

By definition, patriotism means 'a devotion to and vigorous support for one's country. By definition, nationalism means identifying with your nation and supporting its interests; this includes excluding the interests of other nations.

Through the above definitions, it is clear that nationalism and patriotism have one common ground that indicates the connection of a person with his or her community of people.

With a huge focus on beliefs and values, patriotism is a foundation based on love towards people. Nationalism focuses on the togetherness of cultural past with the addition of heritage and language.

In simple words, an individual who is a nationalist loves and supports and is proud of their nation no matter what it does (whether right or wrong). And a patriot loves and supports their nation and is also proud of the good work done by the country.

Patriotism is also termed as an attachment to one's homeland. This closeness can be determined on the basis of historical, cultural, ethnic, and political grounds. Basically, in other words, patriotism and nationalism are similar to two sides of a coin.


Why is patriotism so important?

Patriotism is important because it brings the people of the nation together and makes them strive harder to help their country achieve success in all areas.


What is an example of patriotism?

One of the best examples of patriotism can be found in times of crisis. Citizens tend to keep their differences aside and help the soldiers and each other in need.


What is patriotism in America?

American patriotism, also known as Americanism, has its roots in conservative values that comprise bravery, honor, and loyalty. It also aims at creating a common American identity.


Why is patriotism important?

Patriotism encourages public sacrifice that is vital to the functioning of a state, decreases corruption, reduces the likelihood of conflict, and is extremely comprising as an identity.


When does patriotism become nationalism?

Patriotism becomes nationalism when the love for one's nation grows to an extent where the person cannot differentiate between the good and bad no matter what the nation does.


What is the National Day of patriotism?

National Day of patriotism in the U.S. is celebrated on January 20, and its main aim is to strengthen the bonds between each other and country and renew our duties towards our country.


Why is patriotism important in America?

Patriotism is important because it brings the people of America together and makes them strive harder to help America achieve success in all areas.


How can a child show patriotism?

Children can show patriotism by celebrating national festivals, they can also visit national monuments and museums, and many other such activities can be carried out.


What is the opposite of patriotism?

The opposite of patriotism is treachery. Where the former means devotion and loyalty, the latter means to betray the country.

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Written by Ada Shaikhnag

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Multimedia and Mass Communication

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Ada ShaikhnagBachelor of Arts specializing in Multimedia and Mass Communication

As a skilled communicator with exceptional interpersonal abilities, Ada holds a Bachelor's degree in Multimedia and Mass Communication from SIES (Nerul) College of Arts, Science & Commerce. Fluent in English and proficient in German, Ada enjoys engaging in meaningful conversations with people while striving to achieve her goals.

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