25 Fun Facts About Coretta Scott King: You Probably Didn't Know!

Anusuya Mukherjee
Oct 10, 2023 By Anusuya Mukherjee
Originally Published on Jan 20, 2022
Coretta Scott King was born as second child

Coretta Scott King was one of the most influential women who shaped the American civil rights movement.

The widow of one of the world’s greatest leaders, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Coretta Scott King played an instrumental role along with her husband in carving out a better life for the African-American community. Coretta Scott King, in addition to being a civil rights leader, was also an author, singer, and activist.

The pages of American civil rights history would not have turned out positive and bright, if not for the accomplishments and unwavering activism of the couple. Coretta Scott King's hopeful and strong stance to fight against what is wrong made a deep impact onMartin Luther King Jr'sstance on civil rights as well.

Read on to know more about her relation to Martin Luther King Sr. and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Afterward, also check Antonin Artaud facts and Abby Lee Miller facts.

The Early Life Of Coretta Scott King

Coretta Scott King was born as the second child to Obadiah Scott and Bernice McMurray Scott in Heiberger, Alabama on 27 April 1927. Coretta's mother, Obadiah, was pretty well known in her family as a good singer. Read on for some interesting Coretta Scott King facts.

  • Coretta Scott King attended local crossroads high school as a child but only received an education up to 4th grade.
  • Her mother, to make ends meet, took up various jobs.
  • Mrs. Scott was working as a public school bus driver and a church pianist and at the same time, also helped out her husband in his various business ventures.
  • Coretta's father worked as a policeman before venturing into the clothing and general store business.
  • He was a man who firmly believed that educating oneself would lead to positive transformation. With little formal education, he taught himself how to read and write.
  • At a very early age, Coretta began working to help out the family. Although they had owned a farm since the American Civil War, it was of little help.
  • She and her siblings picked cotton to keep the family income afloat during the great depression.
  • Many of Coretta's family members describe her as the one who always tries to excel at everything. This was in fact true. From a very young age, she witnessed her family struggling and saw the measures her father and mother took to improve their financial condition which deeply influenced her.
  • Coretta Scott King, along with her siblings, attended Lincoln Normal School and later went to Antioch College.
  • She soon became the class's leading soprano in the school's senior chorus. Scott graduated as a valedictorian from the school in the year 1945.
  • She was later enrolled at Antioch College, Ohio. During this time, she became deeply involved in the nascent civil rights movement. This was mainly due to the fact that she experienced racial discrimination from the board itself.
  • Coretta was transferred (she had won a scholarship) from that racially discorded college environment to the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston. It was during this time that she met Martin Luther King jr.

What is significant about Coretta Scott king?

Coretta Scott King's legacy in the American civil rights movement is remarkable to such an extent that many believe even Martin Luther King Jr was inspired by her fortitude. Scott King was deeply concerned about the state of African American people in the United States.

  • She led a forthright civil rights movement along with her husband in ending this injustice.
  • Martin Luther King Jr was joined by his wife, Coretta Scott King, in civil rights activism.
  • In the early 1950s and 60s, Coretta, along with her husband, began participating in the Montgomery bus boycott.
  • She also led various other civil rights movements which were instrumental in the passing of the 1964 civil rights act.
  • When UA witnessed the second surge of feminist activism, Coretta Scott King was a pioneer in fighting for the rights of women of all races. Being a resolute wife and loving mother to her son Dexter, Scott's deliberate contribution to these movements is what led to getting much-needed recognition.
  • However, Coretta Scott King was involved with activism long before she met Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Until her death, she campaigned for global peace and for racial and social justice.
  • Scott King was present at the creation of the national committee for a sane nuclear policy in 1957.
  • She was also one of the lead contributors who represented women’s strikes at a conference in Geneva in 1962.

When was Coretta Scott King born?

Coretta Scott King was born as the second child to Obadiah Scott and Bernice McMurray Scott in Heiberger, Alabama on 27 April 1927. She and her husband, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, had four children; Dexter Scott King, Yolanda King, Bernice Albertine King, and Martin Luther King III (Martin III).

What did Coretta Scott King do for women's rights?

Coretta Scott King was a staunch believer of human rights in general and seeing men exploit and treat females badly made her question the whole system which was still in practice.

  • Scott King said 'women if the soul of the nation is to be saved, I believe you must become its soul'. She supported numerous women's rights.
  • She traveled extensively in the United States and abroad, delivering informative and resonating lectures about human rights, racism, and economic inequalities which were prevalent across the world.
  • Overall, Coretta Scott King’s long-standing involvement in the women's rights movements goes to show just how much the system was messed up and the sheer amount of strength and determination it took for Scott to stand firmly against the corrupted system.
  • Still today, her actions serve as an inspiration to many girls and women worldwide.

Awards And Honors Of Coretta Scott King

Throughout her life, Coretta Scott King witnessed obstacles and struggles, but that only ignited the fire within her. She utilized the power to do good and stop injustice from happening. Scott King received numerous awards and allocations in her name. Here are some of them:

  • The American Library Association created an award named after Scott King.
  • She also received various honorary degrees from notable institutions like Princeton University, Duke University, and Bates College.
  • She received the Key of Life Award from the NAACP.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for 23 Fun Facts About Coretta Scott King: You Probably Didn't Know! then why not take a look at Bob Dylan facts, or facts about Dwight D. Eisenhower.

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Written by Anusuya Mukherjee

Bachelor of Arts and Law specializing in Political Science and Intellectual Property Rights

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Anusuya MukherjeeBachelor of Arts and Law specializing in Political Science and Intellectual Property Rights

With a wealth of international experience spanning Europe, Africa, North America, and the Middle East, Anusuya brings a unique perspective to her work as a Content Assistant and Content Updating Coordinator. She holds a law degree from India and has practiced law in India and Kuwait. Anusuya is a fan of rap music and enjoys a good cup of coffee in her free time. Currently, she is working on her novel, "Mr. Ivory Merchant".

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