Interesting Facts About Biosphere Everyone Should Know

Joan Agie
Nov 03, 2023 By Joan Agie
Originally Published on Jul 28, 2022
A boat anchored in front of a beautiful waterfall surrounded by rugged forests

The biosphere is an incredibly complex and fascinating part of our planet.

It is made up of all the living things on Earth, as well as the air, water, and soil that they rely on. The biosphere is constantly changing and evolving, affected by everything from climate change to human activity.

The biosphere is a layer of Earth that consists of all living things and their environment. It ranges from the deepest ocean to the highest mountain peaks and everything in between.

The biosphere is constantly in flux, with new species evolving and others going extinct. There are millions of species of plants and animals, and each one plays a role in the health of the ecosystem. The biosphere recycles water and nutrients.

Animals drink this water, releasing it back into the ground when they urinate and defecate. This process helps to keep the environment healthy and balanced.

The biosphere is essential for human survival. Our planet’s ecosystems provide us with food, water, and air. They also regulate our climate and help to cleanse our earth.

The biosphere is said to be in danger from human activities. We are damaging the earth at an alarming rate, which is putting the biosphere at risk.

Components & Resources Of Earth's Biosphere

Various components, biotic and abiotic resources made the Earth's biosphere.

Biotic means living, like., animals, plants, microbes, and abiotic means non-living, e.g., rocks, soil. In the biosphere, every ecosystem is somehow connected, which makes a complex network, and here abiotic factors act as a delicate balance.

Many environmental conditions have to work uniformly in order to make the biosphere work, and it is evolving with time. The term biosphere came with Geologist Eduard Suess for the purpose of referring to life forms as a whole.

Nutrient Cycle

Biogeochemical cycles happen in the biosphere, and it is the only pathway for the transition of elements in the environment.

In the environment, there is a rock cycle, where rocks are converted by erosion, transportation, compaction, weathering, and the water cycle, where water transits by condensation, precipitation, evaporation, transpiration, and runoff.

The nutrient cycle is the most important one, where carbon, nitrogen, and other nutrients flow. It is the exchange and movement from non-living to living matter and vice versa.

By using the carbon cycle, plants produce energy, the foundation for living things, by using light and carbon dioxide in Photosynthesis.

There are few bacteria, microbes, and protists, along with plants, that make oxygen and sugar out of solar energy and carbon dioxide. In the biosphere, organic matter acts as a carbon reservoir in the atmosphere, they take carbon dioxide in and make oxygen with it.

Artificial Biospheres

Earth's biosphere is named Biosphere 1 and Biosphere 2 is a human-made or artificial biosphere.

In Oracle, Arizona, Biosphere was constructed for research purposes. During 1991-1994 a group of people decided to live and work in them for a controlled overview. This laboratory unit seemed like a large greenhouse.

The units are made in a way that is sustainable and less interactive with the outside world. The facility has five different biomes.

The scientists were supposed to live there for 100 years, but they could not sustain that for up to four years. The research team came across various challenges, food deprivations, low oxygen levels, irrational antagonism, and internal power struggle. If you are curious, you can make a trip to those biomes and get some real-life biosphere facts.

Extraterrestrial Biospheres

Outside the planet Earth, there is no biosphere detected yet, which makes the concept of extraterrestrial biospheres quite theoretical.

According to the rare Earth hypothesis, the extraterrestrial biospheres can be infrequent and probably have microbial life forms only.

In the Milky Way galaxy, Earth analogs (which are planets or moons with similar living conditions as Earth) are diverse, and the planets which are spinning around TRAPPIST-1 are more likely to have a biosphere, but anything detail is yet to be studied.

According to the Kepler Space Telescope team, the probability of an alien Biosphere is higher than 1 to 1000 and suppose to be within 100 light-years.

Rumors suggest an artificial biosphere can be constructed with the terraforming of Mars to support life.

Other Miscellaneous Facts

Marine, desert, tundra, freshwater, forest, grassland are the major biomes in a broader classification.

Biomes are ecological communities, including plants and animals in their specific habitat.

Biomes can cover more than one ecosystem, which makes them difficult to distinguish. They are split up into terrestrial (Arctic and Antarctic circles) and aquatic groups.

Human activities and natural calamities can affect Biosphere.

The biosphere has stretched up to 7.7 mi (12.3 km) in outer space, and it encompasses the tallest mountains at sea level to the deepest ocean trenches with 8.7 million living organisms. The hydrosphere is the largest chunk, 71% of the Earth.


What is the biosphere made of?

A: Lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere together make the biosphere.

How much of the earth is the biosphere?

A: The biosphere is 0.00008% of the whole Earth.

How thick is the biosphere?

A: The biosphere is 12.42 mi (20 km) thick.

Why is biosphere called a closed system?

A: The biosphere is considered a closed system because only energy can transmit through its surroundings.

What is another name for the biosphere?

A: Ecosphere is another name for Biosphere.

What makes the biosphere suitable for living?

A: It is possible to recycle nutrients, oxygen, nitrogen, which makes the biosphere suitable for living.

Why is the biosphere important?

A: The biosphere is important for being biologically diverse and having environmental conditions for survival.

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Written by Joan Agie

Bachelor of Science specializing in Human Anatomy

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Joan AgieBachelor of Science specializing in Human Anatomy

With 3+ years of research and content writing experience across several niches, especially on education, technology, and business topics. Joan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Human Anatomy from the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria, and has worked as a researcher and writer for organizations across Nigeria, the US, the UK, and Germany. Joan enjoys meditation, watching movies, and learning new languages in her free time.

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