17 Key Battle Of Cowpens Facts That We Bet You Didn't Know

Akinwalere Olaleye
Oct 06, 2023 By Akinwalere Olaleye
Originally Published on Jun 12, 2022
Interesting facts about the Battle of Cowpens.

The Battle of Cowpens was battled on January 17, 1781, in the city of Cowpens, South Carolina, between American troops led by Brigadier General Daniel Morgan and British forces led by Lieutenant Colonel Banastre Tarleton as one of the members of operation in the Carolinas covering regions of South Carolina and North Carolina.

The fight marked a watershed moment in the Americans' retaking of South Carolina from the British. Morgan's army encircled Tarleton's forces twice, only one double encirclement of the battle. The military of Tarleton, with 1000 British soldiers, faced Morgan's force of 2000 infantry.

Morgan's soldiers suffered just 25 fatalities and 124 injuries. Tarleton's force was nearly destroyed, with over 30% losses and 55% of his men taken or missing, with just Tarleton and roughly 200 British troops surviving.

A small contingent of the Continental Army, led by Morgan, had proceeded westward of the Catawba River to gather rations and boost morale among nearby colonial loyalists. The British heard false information claiming Morgan's force intended to assault the crucial tactical walled city at Ninety Six, controlled by British Loyalists in the western region of the Carolinas.

Morgan's force was seen as a challenge to the British left-wing. General Charles Cornwallis' cavalry (dragoons) leader Tarleton led the army to defeat Morgan's troops.

When Tarleton learned Morgan's troops would not be at Ninety Six, he dispatched British forces to pursue the American army contingent. Morgan decided to take a strategic position nearby Broad River.

He chose a vantage point on two hillsides in wild woods, expecting Tarleton to launch an all-out attack before bothering to formulate a more detailed strategy.

His force was divided into three major lines. After a long march, Tarleton's soldiers arrived on the battlefield hungry and exhausted.

Tarleton struck right away, but the American army defense and security system bore the brunt of the British assault. As they chased down the withdrawing Americans, the British lines disintegrated.

Morgan's army completely overpowered Tarleton's troops when they launched the counterattack. The Patriot's ultimate fight, inspired by two particular engagements first from American Revolution Cowpens as well as Guilford Courthouse, was filmed in 2000.

In both confrontations, the Americans followed the same fundamental tactics. The victorious side and the fight's name were inspired by the Cowpens conflict.

What was important about the Battle of Cowpens?

The Battle of Cowpens was a tactically brilliant American victory against the British force through South Carolina during American Revolutionary War. The battle was a remarkable American victory, so it stalled the British invasion of North Carolina.

The British military leadership had begun their Southern Strategy in 1778. What made them decide on this newfound Southern Strategy?

In a nutshell, economy. The items and things were manufactured in the New England provinces and the British Isles.

However, the Southern Regions were indeed a different matter. Indigo, rice, tobacco, and various other income products were plentiful.

There were a few crops known to be grown in the United Kingdom.

The system of chattel slavery aided in keeping wholesale costs of these items low, allowing British capitalism to benefit by dominating the marketplace and marketing the products for gain.

Several London officials believed the Southerners favored Toryism and, as a result, were more likely to be taking weapons as loyalists.

These loyalist soldiers may help the British military effort by providing personnel to a military that had been at battle with its colonies since 1775.

On the other hand, British soldiers emancipated southern planters' most valuable cheap labor force and revenue from captivated workers in the South Carolina Lowcountry.

British authorities employed intimidation tactics against the people in the Backcountry.

As a result of alienating the populace, the British struggled to mobilize sympathetic friends to their campaign, deepening the civil war inside a civil war.

As the fight in the South progressed, they encountered increased combat problems due to a lack of loyalist assistance.

Battle Of Cowpens Casualties

Morgan's forces captured 712 people, including 124 wounded.

Worse yet for the British, the forces lost were the pinnacle of Cornwallis' army.

Furthermore, 110 British soldiers were killed in combat, and every artilleryman was killed or rendered immobile by wounds.

There were 149 casualties and deaths among American soldiers.

There were 25 dead, 124 wounded, and zero missing and taken among the 149.

There were a total of 968 casualties and deaths among the British forces.

110 people were murdered, 229 were injured, and 629 people went missing or were apprehended.

The conflict is named from the engagement location, grazing land and cow enclosures utilized by colonial farmers in northeastern South Carolina.

Academic strategists consider Cowpens among the most significant good military actions ever undertaken on American land.

The Battle of Cowpens battled between the American militia and Continental Army troops opposing the British forces.

When did the Battle of Cowpens end?

The Battle of Cowpens ended on the very same day, January 17, 1781.

On January 16, Daniel Morgan was compelled to leave his tent and retreat to Cowpens grassland nearby Thicketty Creek due to Tarleton's midmorning passage near the Pacolet River.

This broad, undulating woods of the first trees and hardwood was ideal for horse riders, while riflemen had limited protection.

The Americans discovered a track that descends to a deep slope before rising to a steeper crest.

The troops could be hidden in the deep valley just beyond the second ridge's top.

Daniel Morgan spent the night traveling from one campfire to another campfire, conversing with his warriors and strengthening their determination in preparation for conflict.

Later, after the Battle of Cowpens, Daniel Morgan graved the deceased just after the fight and proceeded north with numerous British captives to escape a confrontation with Cornwallis.

Because of his bad health condition, he finally departed from service.

Cornwallis abandoned his campaign to achieve in South Carolina following Cowpens and chased Greene's troops towards North Carolina.

In March, he defeated Greene in the Battle of Guilford Court House, then retreated to Virginia to recover and resupply his exhausted force.

At the Battle of Yorktown, the Revolutionary War's final major battle, George Washington confiscated the chance to capture and destroy Cornwallis.

How long did the Battle of Cowpens last?

In lasted less than about an hour, the Battle of Cowpens is believed to have ended.

Morgan's soldiers confronted the British at daybreak on a broad range of South Carolina grassland.

Brigadier General, Daniel Morgan understood the men, and Tarleton understood his.

He put his soldiers between both the Broad and Pacolet rivers, ensuring a face clash with the opposition, hoping to deter any desire amongst his soldiers to escape.

Morgan was concerned that his soldiers may have fear during the initial phases of conflict, as they did months earlier in the American disaster at Camden.

Morgan divided his siege into three positions: the first unit of flanking maneuvers, a following section of infantry, and the third position of effectively Continental Army soldiers.

Although being short on commanders, Tarleton's soldiers tended to strive to gain an edge.

Morgan's Virginia Regiments strike returned fire against the British as troops attempted a poor flanking motion on the right an hour through into battle.

Even as the British attack was thwarted, the Americans prepared weaponry and charged further into opposition.

The Americans grabbed the two minor field units the British had deployed after artillery assistance in the ensuing fight.

Regulars lay aside the weapons and succumb, causing the British position to fall completely.

The Royal Army men remaining were shocked and devastated when American horse riders advanced from underneath the final post to break off the forces from the British sides.

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Written by Akinwalere Olaleye

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature

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Akinwalere OlaleyeBachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature

As a highly motivated, detail-oriented, and energetic individual, Olaleye's expertise lies in administrative and management operations. With extensive knowledge as an Editor and Communications Analyst, Olaleye excels in editing, writing, and media relations. Her commitment to upholding professional ethics and driving organizational growth sets her apart. She has a bachelor's degree in English Literature from the University of Benin, Edo State. 

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