Must Read: Facts About George Washington Still Relevant?

Abhijeet Modi
Nov 02, 2023 By Abhijeet Modi
Originally Published on Dec 27, 2021
France regarding control of the territory

George Washington’s role in America’s Independence has been truly massive and this is the reason that he is conferred with the title of the Father of the Nation.

George Washington also fought as a soldier in the French and Indian War, which were fought between Great Britain and France regarding control of the territory along the Ohio River Valley.

From the year 1759 till the outbreak of the American Revolution, George Washington was involved in the management of his lands around Mount Vernon as well as served in the Virginia House of Burgesses.

The earliest recognized member of the Washington family is Augustine Washington. Washington acquired Ferry Farm and 10 slaves when Augustine died in 1743.

The official Surveyor of Culpeper County was Washington's first governmental post under the federal government. During the First Presidential election, Washington received a majority of the electoral votes from every state, and Washington signed to become the First President of the United States.

As a result of receiving the second-highest number of votes, John Adams was elected vice president. In a bitter competition between cabinet members Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton, he built a powerful, well-funded national government while staying neutral as president.

Washington returned and Washington served in local government and was elected to the Virginia colonial legislature. In December 1777, Washington and his army of 11,000 men set up their winter quarters at Valley Forge, north of Philadelphia.

When the British troops arrived, the colonists were divided about whether or not to break away from British control and were divided into two factions: Patriots who opposed British rule and Loyalists who wanted to stay subject to the King. The colonizers were fighting for dominance in the Ohio Valley.

As tensions escalated in 1774, he assisted in the training of Virginia county militias and the implementation of the Continental Association to boycott British goods, which the Second Continental Congress had imposed.

George Washington was the commanding General of the Continental Army and Washington led America to victory in the American revolutionary war by defeating the British Army.

In this article, we will get to know more about him through some wonderful and motivational facts. Read on to know some interesting facts about George Washington teeth, George Washington quotes, and various aspects of his life.

Read along to get your answers to all the possible queries regarding George Washington and thereafter also check facts on the 26th president of the USA and Abraham Lincoln presidency.

After reading these interesting facts about George Washington you might want to check out articles on famous black gymnasts and grand canyon facts here at Kidadl.

Cool Facts About George Washington

One of America’s most celebrated leaders George Washington proved to be an excellent leader and his amazing leadership qualities enabled him to become the very first president of the United States of America.

Born on February 22, 1732, as per the Gregorian calendar at his father's plantation at Pope Creek (commonly known as Wakefield) in Westmoreland County, Virginia. The roots of this family are in England, the birthplace of George's great-grandfather.

His great-grandfather John Washington emigrated from England to Virginia. The Washington family held a distinct status in Great Britain but the British wealth was lost to migration. George’s Parents’ names were Augustine and Mary Washington.

His father was known for being a top-notch planter and being the owner of leading plantations. He was a judge in the district court.

George's mother Mary Bell Washington was his fathers’ second wife after his first wife died in 1729. George was the eldest of the six children his father had with his mother. His father already had three children from his previous marriage.

At that time middle names were not common in Europe and related colonies, so George Washington doesn’t have one. Not much is known about George Washington’s childhood.

Many biographers have made up stuff to fill the void that is present around this subject. Sadly George Washington’s father Augustine Washington passed away very early in his life. He lost his father when he was just 11 years old.

After his passing George’s older half-brothers took charge of the family and played a very significant role in his upbringing.

Funny Facts About George Washington

George Washington loved riding horses, chasing foxes, playing billiards, and watching plays. He also had his own racehorse. When George Washinton went to Barbados with his elder half-brother Lawrence he contracted smallpox.

Due to this, he attained immunity from that disease for life and this proved to be of great help during the Revolutionary War of Independence. Contrary to popular belief Washington’s teeth were not made of wood. Growing up he had used his teeth to crack walnut shells and spoiled them.

His dentures were made of ivory, lead, and cow teeth. Washington’s second inauguration speech was the shortest speech any president had ever made. It was only 135 words long and was delivered in less than two minutes.

Unlike the current presidential cabinet, which has 16 members, George Washington had only four former members in his cabinet. George Washington had the pleasure of being the only president who was inaugurated in two cities namely New York City and Philadelphia.

Washington had to walk home after the inauguration in New York City as the streets were full of people. Washington had to get out of his carriage.

Motivational Facts About George Washington

Wahington served America with all his might. George Washington was talented but uneducated. George’s older brothers had a formal education but as Washington’s father died quite early his family could not afford to support his formal education.

George Washington’s life is indeed very inspiring. His mother had already planned to send him to England to study but it wasn’t meant to be. George due to these circumstances received the rest of his education in the colony.

Slavery was widespread in the 18th century and he inherited 11 slaves from his father. At the time of George Washington’s death, his home housed more than 300 slaves who he did not want to sell in fear of breaking some families apart.

He freed all of them from his will. He headed the Virginia House and estate after his brother Lawrence died of tuberculosis.

He did not live in the White House and was the only President who didn’t. After Washington retired from the second term he lived in Mount Vernon estate.

Inspirational Facts About George Washington

George Washington conquered many diseases that could have proved to be life-threatening like smallpox, tuberculosis, malaria, and pneumonia. But George Washington's death took place due to a severe infection of the throat.

The doctors tried to give the best possible care to George Washington. This included bleeding him, attempting to give a gargle of molasses, butter, and vinegar, and blistering him. But even after such intense efforts, George Washington died on December 14, 1799.

George Washington's salary was very hefty. In 1789 his salary was astonishingly 2% of the total US budget. Washington’s contribution to the freedom of America was so huge that after his death he was given an honor according to which no person in the US will ever rank higher than him.

Washington was widely criticized by the media years after taking office. He was accused of being monarchical and of declaring neutrality in overseas conflicts.

George Washington Birthday is on February 22, 1732.

Powerful Facts About George Washington

George Washington was simply a great leader with qualities many would aspire to but don’t have. He had integrity, charisma, flexibility, and creativity. He not only had determination with a sense of responsibility but a self-confidence that was unmatched.

His resourcefulness and his ability to put his ideas across made him a truly great leader.

He performed three major roles in establishing the United States as we know it today; First, he commanded the Continental Army, second, he became the president of the Constitutional Convention, and last his work as the first President of the country made the United States a very powerful country.

With his administrative and organizational skills, George Washington became the best colonial military commander. Because of his trustworthiness, the citizens were welded into a fighting force ready to take on the British army.

Because of him, the American army was able to take the lead in the Battle of Monmouth and defeat the British Army. He exhibited the same leadership qualities as President of the Constitutional Convention and created a Constitution that was powerful.

He made a strong union with the legislature that was elected, an executive who had the power for enforcing laws, made national laws more supreme than state laws, and made the army that was in control of the civil power.

Due to these huge contributions he was elected unanimously to become the first President of the United States of America and was re-elected after four years.

When the farmers refused to pay excise taxes and started the Whiskey Rebellion. In order to quell the Whiskey Rebellion, George Washington sent the military forces to end the rebellion in Western Pennsylvania.

Later he retired to resume farming at his estate at Mount Vernon and did not look into national affairs at all. Only a true leader would have let go of power to others in succession during his lifetime. A role model for all future presidents and there has been no other leader like him to receive such admiration.

Wonderful Facts About George Washington

Washington really loved animals, and he was the person in the US to breed a mule.

He had many dogs and birds as his pets. Washington had an irrational fear of being buried while still alive so he ordered people to bury him three days after his death.

George Washington was a surveyor and math enthusiast. The first map that was ever created by George Washington was his brother’s Lawrence Turnip Garden. Interestingly Washington has lost more wars than he has won.

Best Facts About George Washington

It is known that Washington was in love with his close friend's wife. He wrote her many letters expressing his love. Washington married a beautiful woman named Martha Dandridge in January 1759 and this marriage lasted 40 years.

Washington resigned from the military on his own accord after the 1758 war. His decision was based on the delayed decisions that were taken in the military and the inadequate recruitment of the soldiers. Martha Washington had children from her previous relationship but she and George did not have any children. It is speculated that Washington was infertile.

He became France’s honorary citizen during the beginning of the French Revolution, despite never having visited France. Immediately after George Washington had attended the Constitutional Assembly, Americans wanted him to serve the country. He was the first president to win the election by having the support of all voters in the Electoral College. The approval must have been unanimous.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for facts about George Washington then why not take a look at Barack Obama facts, or accomplishments of Barak Obama.

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Written by Abhijeet Modi

Master of Computer Science

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Abhijeet ModiMaster of Computer Science

An experienced and innovative entrepreneur and creative writer, Abhijeet holds a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Computer Application from Birla Institute of Technology, Jaipur. He co-founded an e-commerce website while developing his skills in content writing, making him an expert in creating blog posts, website content, product descriptions, landing pages, and editing articles. Passionate about pushing his limits, Abhijeet brings both technical expertise and creative flair to his work.

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