National Siblings Day

Martha Martins
May 22, 2024 By Martha Martins
Originally Published on Feb 27, 2022
Edited by Anusuya Mukherjee
Fact-checked by Joan Agie
National Siblings Day on April 10 brings brothers and sisters together in celebration

National Siblings Day, which falls on April 10 every year, is a wonderful time to celebrate the special bonds between brothers and sisters. This day is all about the importance of siblings in your lives, no matter their age or birth order. Whether you have an older brother or a younger sister, this day is for you.

Siblings are often your first friends and playmates. They have stood by your side, sharing memories and experiences that only they can truly understand. From the silly inside jokes to the times you've helped each other out, siblings play a big part in shaping who you are.

It's a day to show your appreciation for these beautiful relationships, and a moment to think about all the great times you've had together.

Where is National Siblings Day celebrated?

Four African ethnic siblings sitting on the floor excitedly looking and their baby siblingShutterstock

National Siblings Day isn't just a North American thing. It's celebrated by brothers and sisters all over the world. In places like the United States, Canada, Australia, India, and even the UK, this day is a chance to show your siblings some love.

Who is National Siblings Day celebrated by?

National Siblings Day is a day to celebrate those awesome brothers and sisters, or even those special friends who feel like siblings in your life. It doesn't matter if you're the bossy older one, the goofy younger one, or somewhere in between, this day is all about recognizing that special bond siblings share.

When did National Siblings Day first start?

National Siblings Day has been around since 1995. It all started when someone wanted to celebrate the special bond between brothers and sisters.

Who started National Siblings Day?

National Siblings Day wasn't started by some big committee, it began with a woman named Claudia Evart. After losing her brother and sister, she wanted to create a day to celebrate the special connections siblings share. She picked April 10th, the birthday of her late sister, making the day even more meaningful.

History And Timeline

Two boys siblings playing on swing under a tree on grassy outdoor

Establishment Of National Siblings Day

Founded by Claudia Evart in 1995, the day holds special significance for her as it coincides with the birthday of her late sister, Lisette. Inspired by this personal connection, Claudia Evart aimed to create a day for everyone to recognize and appreciate the irreplaceable role siblings play in people's lives.


Creation Of The Siblings Day Foundation

This non-profit group, The Siblings Day Foundation, was founded by National Siblings Day founder Claudia Evart in 1997, and works hard to make sure everyone knows how important siblings are. They organize events and activities to celebrate those special brotherly and sisterly bonds, reminding you why siblings are so awesome.


Presidential Messages

The Siblings Day Foundation has so far impressed some important people. Three American presidents, Clinton, Bush, and Obama, all gave the thumbs up to the foundation's work. They signed messages back in 2000, 2008, and 2016, saying how important it is to celebrate special sibling relationships.

2000, 2008, 2016

US Patent And Trademark Office Recognition

In 2007, the US Patent and Trademark Office gave the day a special stamp of approval called a 'Service Mark', which is a way to recognize the day officially. This recognition was renewed in 2020, which shows that the idea of celebrating siblings is catching on.


International Expansion

National Siblings Day isn't just a thing in the US anymore. Since 2014, brothers and sisters in over a dozen countries, including places like Canada, India, Australia, and even South Africa, have started celebrating this special day too. It just goes to show that no matter where you are in the world, the bond between siblings is something everyone can appreciate.


Traditions And Customs

Baby girl adoring her newborn sibling

National Siblings Day is all about celebrating the awesome, funny, and heartwarming connection you share with your brothers and sisters. It's a day to reminisce and laugh about all those silly old childhood photos, and memories, and spend quality time creating new stories that you'll tell someday.

In some traditions, people often celebrate by giving each other small gifts, much like how Hindu women tie a bracelet on their brothers during festivals, siblings give each other small gifts to strengthen their bond.

National Siblings Day celebrates the steadfast support found in these special relationships, from laughing over old photos to sharing heartfelt conversations about past challenges and successes.

Ways To Observe Or Celebrate National Siblings Day

National Siblings Day is the perfect excuse to make time for your brothers and sisters! Whether you're flipping through old photo albums, laughing over shared memories during a meal, or catching up virtually if you live far apart, it's all about celebrating that special bond. Take this opportunity to show some love and reconnect, and even make some new memories along the way.

National Siblings Day Facts And Stats

  • In various places in the United States and Canada, National Siblings Day is celebrated as a holiday that honors the bond between siblings, much like the well-known Mother's Day and Father's Day.
  • In Europe, a similar holiday known as Brothers and Sisters Day is celebrated on May 31.
  • The holiday in Europe started in 2014, launched by the European Large Families Confederation (ELFAC).
  • Although National Siblings Day is widely celebrated across the United States and around the world, it is not officially recognized as a federal holiday in the United States.
  • In Portugal, National Siblings Day, called Dia dos Irmãos, has become very popular and even received public recognition from the President of the Republic of Portugal in 2016 and 2017.
  • Since 1998, governors from 49 states in the US have official announcements to celebrate Siblings Day in their regions.
  • Raksha Bandhan is a cool festival from India that celebrates brothers and sisters just like National Siblings Day.
  • Many important people have praised the Siblings Day Foundation, including Senators like Edward Kennedy and Hillary Clinton, members of the White House cabinet, mayors, and other officials from different states.
  • On February 25, 2023, the Siblings Day Foundation took a big step by sending a letter to President Biden. They asked him to make National Siblings Day an officially recognized event with a Presidential Proclamation.
  • Famous people like Oprah Winfrey and many brothers and sisters all over America have also given thumbs up to the Siblings Day Foundation.
  • Claudia Evart, the person who created National Siblings Day, had two siblings named Alan and Lisette.
  • Claudia Evart has a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Sociology from the State University of New York at Albany and also studied to be a paralegal at Bentley University.


An image of a sister giving her brother a flower

Why do siblings celebrate National Siblings Day?

National Siblings Day is a special day to celebrate the fun and unique bond you have with your brothers and sisters. It's a time to remember how important they are in your life, no matter how old you are.

What are some unique ways to celebrate National Siblings Day?

Some fun ways to celebrate National Siblings Day include making a photo book filled with memories you all share, planting a tree together to show how you grow together, or coming up with a brand-new tradition that's just for you and your siblings.

Can only blood-related siblings celebrate this day?

National Siblings Day is for everyone, including honorary and chosen siblings. These are special friends who might not be related to you by blood but are just as important and feel like real brothers and sisters.

How does celebrating National Siblings Day benefit families?

Celebrating National Siblings Day can help make family bonds stronger, bring siblings back together, and show how important brothers and sisters are. It encourages everyone in the family to talk more and appreciate each other a lot more.

How can siblings who live far apart celebrate National Siblings Day together?

Siblings who live far away from each other can use technology to keep in touch. They can set up a virtual meet-up, watch a movie together online, play an internet game, or have a heartfelt video chat to share old memories and create new ones together.

What are some creative gift ideas for National Siblings Day?

On National Siblings Day, you can give special gifts that remind you of the good old days. How about a puzzle made from a photo of you both when you were little? Or a playlist of songs you both loved during fun times together? Even a book that you both enjoyed as kids can be a sweet and thoughtful present.

How can young children be taught the significance of National Siblings Day?

Parents and caregivers can help young kids understand how great it is to have siblings. They can tell stories that show the fun and love between brothers and sisters, set up playdates where the kids need to work together, and encourage them to make and give each other handmade cards or crafts.

Follow On Social Media

Join the celebration and share your favorite sibling moments online! Post your cherished memories, photos, and stories using the hashtags below:

Twitter Hashtags: #NationalSiblingsDay #SiblingsDay2023 #BrotherSisterLove #SisterSisterStrong #BrotherhoodBond #CelebrateSiblings

Facebook Hashtags: #SiblingsDayCelebrations #SiblingMemories #SiblingStories #FamilyFirst #SiblingsDayEveryday #CherishedSiblings

Instagram Hashtags: #SiblingBonding #SiblingGoals #ForeverSiblings #SiblingLove #SiblingsForLife #SiblingAdventure

When Is This Day Celebrated

  • 04/10/2025, Thursday
  • 04/10/2026, Friday
  • 04/10/2027, Saturday
  • 04/10/2028, Sunday

National Siblings Day is a special time to remember the amazing bonds between brothers and sisters. This day is a reminder of how important family is and how the connections between siblings can last a lifetime.

It's a chance to take a moment and appreciate special relationships with your brothers and sisters. So, take the time to celebrate your siblings. Whether you're near or far from them, let them know how much they mean to you.

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Written by Martha Martins

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Linguistics

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Martha MartinsBachelor of Arts specializing in Linguistics

Martha is a full-time creative writer, content strategist, and aspiring screenwriter who communicates complex thoughts and ideas effectively. She has completed her Bachelor's in Linguistics from Nasarawa State University. As an enthusiast of public relations and communication, Martha is well-prepared to substantially impact your organization as your next content writer and strategist. Her dedication to her craft and commitment to delivering high-quality work enables her to create compelling content that resonates with audiences.

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Fact-checked by Joan Agie

Bachelor of Science specializing in Human Anatomy

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Joan AgieBachelor of Science specializing in Human Anatomy

With 3+ years of research and content writing experience across several niches, especially on education, technology, and business topics. Joan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Human Anatomy from the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria, and has worked as a researcher and writer for organizations across Nigeria, the US, the UK, and Germany. Joan enjoys meditation, watching movies, and learning new languages in her free time.

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