20 Pyramid Of The Moon Facts Every Travel Enthusiast Should Know

Oluniyi Akande
Oct 05, 2023 By Oluniyi Akande
Originally Published on Jan 10, 2022
One of the Pyramid of the Moon facts is that the shape of the pyramid is similar to the mountain Cerro Gordo.

The Pyramid of the Moon is a monument just outside Mexico City.

A rich history is connected to the Pyramid of the Moon and the other pyramids and monuments that surround it. Various cultural attributions are also attached to these monuments.

In 1400 AD, the Aztec people discovered Teotihuacan, an ancient city in central Mexico. The names of the Pyramid of the Moon and the Pyramid of the Sun were given by the Aztecs after this discovery.

It was an abandoned city with no form of human life around during this time.

There are several theories as to why the Teotihuacan abandoned this place, especially since it is also believed that the city was a main one, with a relatively large population, before its abandonment.

One of the theories explains that the people of the Teotihuacan empire left after a fire ruined the city and the temples. They simply left and did not rebuild or come back to the city after the unfortunate incident.

Only when the Aztecs arrived in Central Mexico, specifically in the region of the ancient city, did they come across the magnificent monuments. The pyramids, along with the citadel and the Feathered Serpent (Temple of Quetzalcoatl) are some of the significant structures of the city.

These major monuments and structures are connected through the Avenue of the Dead.

The Pyramid of the Moon is right at the very end of the Avenue of the Dead. If you were to walk the whole avenue, you would definitely end up at this majestic pyramid.

Structure Of The Pyramid Of The Moon

The unique structure of pyramids has always been a fascinating study for archaeologists. Some of the amazing facts regarding the structure of the Pyramid of the Moon are listed below.

  • According to archaeological findings, there were around six to seven stages involved in building the Pyramid of the Moon.
  • The outline of the Pyramid of the Moon resembles the shape of the mountain Cerro Gordo which is located just behind the pyramid.
  • The creation of the Pyramid of the Moon is believed to have occurred between 1-350 AD in several stages.
  • The Pyramid of the Moon is considered the second-largest structure of the ancient city and is placed at an elevated height.
  • The structure of the Pyramid of the Moon mimics Russian dolls - a larger pyramid was constructed over the smaller ones, and this same thing was done for each one of the seven stages.
  • A platform at the top of the pyramid exists, which is known as the altar of the Great Goddess of Teotihuacan.
  • The Plaza of the Moon is present across from this altar and consists of the central altar and the Teotihuacan cross.
  • The cross is formed by four rectangular spaces placed diagonally from each other.

Archaeological Importance Of The Pyramid Of The Moon

Since the Pyramid of the Moon is connected to the Mesoamerican culture of the Teotihuacan society, it is a great place for archaeologists to find out more about this particular society. Archaeologists and historians have found lots of evidence and important findings here.

  • The archaeological findings that have been gathered from the Pyramid of the Moon have been helpful as historians now have an understanding of the function of this pyramid in the ancient world and the lives of the people during that particular time in history.
  • According to the evidence found, the Pyramid of the Moon served as a temple where ritual sacrifices of animals and humans were carried out.
  • The Arizona State University archaeologist Sabum Sugiyama discovered a man's skeleton, which had been bound and is believed to have been sacrificed.
  • The conclusion about the man being a human sacrifice was made because the skeleton was found surrounded by various offerings, including obsidian blades, figurines of greenstone and obsidian, conch shells, pyrite mirrors, numerous falcons or hawks, and two jaguars.
  • The discovery and unearthing of the underground tunnels beneath the Pyramid of the Moon led to the discovery of artifacts such as mosaic figurines, artifacts of green jade, as well as cutting tools, and obsidian daggers which might have been used in the process of ritual sacrifice.

Pyramid Of The Sun

The Pyramid of the Moon is also accompanied by the Pyramid of the Sun. A few interesting facts about the Pyramid of the Sun are:

  • The Pyramid of the Sun is also situated in Mexico City, it is present right next to the Pyramid of the Moon.
  • The position of being the first largest building in Mesoamerica belongs to the Pyramid of the Sun.
  • This makes the Pyramid of the Sun bigger than the Pyramid of the Moon.
  • The Pyramid of the Sun was constructed around 200 CE.
  • A temple also exists, at least its ruins, on top of the Pyramid of the Sun, which indicates that both pyramids probably served the same purpose in the ancient world.

Special Facts About The Pyramid Of The Moon

In addition to structural facts, there are also intriguing cultural facts linked to the Pyramid of the Moon.

  • As a temple, the Pyramid of the Moon was used not just to perform human sacrifice but also to conduct various other ritual ceremonies too.
  • The Pyramid of the Moon was also purposeful as a burial ground.
  • Many human skeletons have been found at the site and it was probably used as a space to bury the ritual sacrifices and the enemies of the then kings, which was a tradition in some of the Mesoamerican cultures of the past.
  • The Pyramid of the Moon might have also served another purpose as it was the place where the royals lived.
  • According to some local legends, it is believed that the Pyramid of the Moon was built to worship and honor the Great Goddess of the Teotihuacan culture, who was considered to be a deity of fertility, water, creation, and rain.
  • It is also believed that both the Pyramid of the Moon and the Pyramid of the Sun were created to worship Moon and Sun gods; however, concrete evidence has not yet been found.
  • The underground tunnels run all through the site connecting the Pyramid of the Moon to the Pyramid of the Sun and other monuments present there.
  • The tunnels and the sophisticated structure of the monuments tell us about the advanced architecture and planning skills of the people.

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Written by Oluniyi Akande

Doctorate specializing in Veterinary Medicine

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Oluniyi AkandeDoctorate specializing in Veterinary Medicine

With an accomplished background as a Veterinarian, SEO content writer, and public speaker, Oluniyi brings a wealth of skills and experience to his work. Holding a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from the University of Ibadan, he provides exceptional consulting services to pet owners, animal farms, and agricultural establishments. Oluniyi's impressive writing career spans over five years, during which he has produced over 5000 high-quality short- and long-form pieces of content. His versatility shines through as he tackles a diverse array of topics, including pets, real estate, sports, games, technology, landscaping, healthcare, cosmetics, personal loans, debt management, construction, and agriculture.

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