Summer Solstice Day

Supriya Jain
Jun 21, 2024 By Supriya Jain
Originally Published on Mar 02, 2022
Fact-checked by Shruti Thapa
Summer solstice is an event that is driven by Earth's tilt along the Earth's axis when the Sun reaches north of the celestial equator.

Where is Summer Solstice Day celebrated?

 Summer Solstice Day is celebrated worldwide to mark the first day of summer.

Who is Summer Solstice Day celebrated by?

Summer Solstice Day celebrates the first day of summer. The celebrations for this day are observed across the world by people of different cultures in different ways.

When did Summer Solstice Day first start?

The first Summer Solstice Day is believed to have started on June 21, 2019.

Who started Summer Solstice Day?

The United Nations General Assembly first started Summer Solstice Day.

History And Timeline

The United Nations General Assembly initiated Summer Solstice Day in honor of solstices and their importance for numerous ethnic cultures and religions. The day was first celebrated on June 21 all over the world.

The celebration of summer solstice by various faiths and tribes motivated the UN to create Summer Solstice Day for acknowledging the start of summer and the unity of the century-long traditions and cultural heritage. Since then, the date has been celebrated.


It is believed that the stone circle in Great Britain, the Stonehenge, has been made to mark the summer solstice.

3,000-5,000 BC.

The Mayans

As per the archeologist Brigitte Kovacevich, the ruins exposed in 2011 were built around this time to celebrate solar events during the summer solstice.

Between 600 BC and 300 BC

Public holiday

As per the records of the Song Dynasty during this period, officials could have three days' holidays during the summer solstice.

960-1279 AD

Proposed Summer Solstice Day

The day was first proposed by the United Nations General Assembly in honor of solstices and their importance for numerous ethnic cultures and religions.


First Summer Solstice Day

The day was first observed by the United Nations General Assembly.


Traditions And Customs

The tradition and customs followed on Summer Solstice Day include dancing, bonfires, and flower collecting. In addition, you can post and share the day on social media with #InternationalSummerSolsticeDay.

This is the day when the North Pole is tilted towards the sun but is not the hottest day even though the sun is at a direct angle to the Northern Hemisphere. The sun sets slowly on the June Solstice.

Ways To Observe Or Celebrate Summer Solstice Day

There are various ways to celebrate Summer Solstice Day. On this day, worldwide, people love to spend time outside.

You could start the day by taking the family camping, cooking out with friends, or making a slip' n slide in the yard with the children. The day can also be celebrated by motivating friends and family in ancient-era dresses for a memorable summer solstice celebration.

You can also post images on social media and share about the day with #SummerSolsticeDay.

Facts And Stats

Summer Solstice Day is usually celebrated for bringing consciousness about solstices and their importance for numerous ethnic cultures and religions. 

This day celebrates the summer solstice as it marks the first day of summer with the shortest night observed along the celestial equator.

The sunlight hours on Summer Solstice Day change as the sun reaches the highest point, with different time zones observing different sunlight hours on the same day. 

Is summer solstice always on June 21?

Yes, Summer Solstice is always on June 21 in the Northern Hemisphere.

Why are some people excited about Summer Solstice Day?

Some people are excited about Summer Solstice Day since it is the time to enjoy the summer blossoms, food, festivities, and warmth.

What are some similarities between Summer Solstice Day and Winter Solstice Day?

The similarity between Summer Solstice Day and Winter Solstice Day is that Summer Solstice Day marks the first summer day in the Northern Hemisphere. Winter Solstice Day signifies the first day of summer in the Southern Hemisphere.

Is June 21 the longest day of the year?

Yes, June 21 is the longest day of the year

When is the summer solstice?

Summer Solstice is on June 21 in the Northern Hemisphere and December 21 in the Southern Hemisphere.

When does summer start?

Summer starts on June 21 every year.

When is the first day of summer?

The first day of summer is on June 21 every year.

What does solstice mean?

The word solstice has been derived from the Latin term 'sol,' meaning sun and 'sistere' meaning to stand still, since, from the Earth, the Sun's seasonal movement during its daily course seems to 'standstill' at the southern or the northern limit before changing its direction.

Why is June 21 the longest day of the year?

June 21 is the longest day of the year since summer solstice falls on this day, and it is also the first day of summer.

What are the summer solstice and winter solstice?

Summer solstice is the first day of summer and hence the longest day of the year, and winter solstice is the first day of winter and, thus, the shortest day of the year.

What is the importance of celebrating Summer Solstice Day?

The importance of celebrating Summer Solstice Day is that this day signifies the first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere and has numerous tangible health benefits consisting of a more positive mood and better sleep.

When Is This Day Celebrated

  • Sunday, June 21, 2020
  • Monday, June 21, 2021
  • Tuesday, June 21, 2022
  • Wednesday, June 21, 2023
  • Friday, June 21, 2024

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Written by Supriya Jain

Bachelor of Commerce, Master of Business Administration specializing in Marketing

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Supriya JainBachelor of Commerce, Master of Business Administration specializing in Marketing

As a skilled member of the Kidadl team, Shruti brings extensive experience and expertise in professional content writing. With a Bachelor's degree in Commerce from Punjab University and an MBA in Business Administration from IMT Nagpur, Shruti has worked in diverse roles such as sales intern, content writer, executive trainee, and business development consultant. Her exceptional writing skills cover a wide range of areas, including SOP, SEO, B2B/B2C, and academic content.

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Fact-checked by Shruti Thapa

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English

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Shruti ThapaBachelor of Arts specializing in English

With a passion for American, British, and children's literature, Shruti is currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree at Garden City University, Bengaluru. Her fluency in Nepali, Hindi, and Mandarin demonstrates her linguistic abilities and global perspective. In addition to her literary pursuits, she has a keen interest in non-fiction literature, aesthetics, early childhood education, and Egyptian history. Shruti's research paper 'Bringing Art Illustrations In Education And Pop Culture' showcases her proficiency in these areas and her dedication to academic excellence.

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