Why Do We Have Laws? Judicial Knowledge For Kids

Christian Mba
Oct 12, 2023 By Christian Mba
Originally Published on Oct 22, 2021
Law and Justice Symbols with law books on background

Have you ever wondered why the rule of law is considered supreme?

Laws are the rules that bind all the people together in a civil community. In most countries, the government forms the laws for the welfare of the citizens.

Laws govern people’s safety and protect our rights as citizens against abuse from other people, organizations, and the government. Laws uphold every person’s human rights regardless of age, caste, sex, gender, beliefs, or religion and help to protect their safety.

The importance of law is necessary to maintain peace and harmony among everyone. There are various laws to protect citizens on an everyday basis: food safety, legal licenses, traffic laws, and many others.

You might also be wondering who comes up with these laws? In the United States of America, the laws are all ultimately sourced from the U.S. Constitution.

Let’s keep reading the rest of this article to learn more about the laws and how important they are for us! You may also be interested to know why do judges wear wigs and why do we breathe.

Why are laws important?

Basic laws are important for every country in the world as they provide a set of enforced guidelines on what is acceptable in society. There would be many conflicts, crimes, and more disputes among local communities and social groups without the guidelines provided by laws.

For any changes that may occur in society, laws allow for easy adaptation.

Without laws and a legal system, crime would be on the rise, and a criminal committing a crime, such as murder or robbery, wouldn’t be punished for it. People would suffer without any justice.

A legal system uses a set of laws to help victims of a crime and provides justice for them. Laws play a crucial role in society by effecting change in our primary social institutions through the law of justice.

Strict and well-implemented laws have reinforced our beliefs by abolishing many antiquated ideas that required social change.

The rule of law acts as a strong catalyst for the social transformation of people by addressing inequality and protecting vulnerable sections of society. Laws have also provided for a more dignified existence by improving the unsanitary living conditions of humans worldwide.

What is the purpose of laws?

The law must be obeyed and followed by everyone. If a person fails to do so, they must understand that they will face severe consequences by order of the state or court system.

This order will prescribe the punishment necessary to pay for your crimes. Punishments can also help to deter people from committing more crimes. Depending on the severity of your crime, your sentence could entail paying a fine, community service, or even time in prison.

The law also includes information on various business and personal matters. For example, contract law states that agreements between parties should exchange goods, services, or something of value.

Property law defines the rights and duties of people towards a property. Landlord-tenant law details the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants. It includes elements of both contract and property law.

There are various purposes of the law, such as the following four main examples:

Maintaining order: The primary purpose of the law is to keep society functioning by maintaining order. Order means ensuring that society runs smoothly, with little conflict, through specific expectations. These expectations come from the established standards within our society.

Establishing standards: This acts as a guideline to the accepted behavior of society. Certain acts, such as theft or murder, constitute a crime for which the justice system can punish people.

Behavior that causes damage to something or hurts people without any justification will not be tolerated in society and is considered a crime. The people in charge of overseeing the law, for example, your local police force, have the force, authority, and power to arrest the criminal.

Resolving disputes: People have different needs, wants, and values, leading to unavoidable conflicts in society. This rule of written law helps solve these disputes that formally arise in society in the state or court system.

Protecting liberties and rights: Constitutions provide various liberties and rights to the people. The rule of law is to protect our liberties and rights from any violations of persons, organizations permanently, and government, for example, freedom of speech.

Why do we need to follow the law?

Specific laws and rules govern almost everything a person does. There are fair rules for playing games, adults in workplaces, and sports. Moral rules tell us what we shouldn’t and should do. The courts take these fair rules and turn them into laws.

These laws bring order to society. If people were allowed to do and act in whatever way they wish, the country could become chaotic and dangerous. Laws that are enforced against criminal behavior help protect human life and personal property.

Laws protect a person every day of their life. They create the space for someone to feel free and content to live as they please while abiding by the laws.

They ensure that the rights of a person are met in every aspect. Laws provide liberation, which is the essence of our freedom. These laws bring peace and harmony for everyone as they know that no harm will come to them through the solid implementation of the country’s laws.

They can reduce the stress of a person whose loved ones are out there in the world. Some essential freedoms that laws provide are the right to education, the right to vote, and many more.

Who created the law?

Did you know that the oldest law in the world is still surviving today?! It is the code of Ur-Nammu. It is written on tablets and is from Mesopotamia.

The law is in the language of Sumerian. While there are law codes that already existed, like the Code of Urukagina, the code of Ur-Nammu is referred to as the earliest surviving legal text.

The preface of it has directly credited the laws to king Ur-Nammu of Ur. The creator of this law is still unknown, but some scholars have credited it to Ur-Nammu’s son Shulgi. This law code reveals a small glimpse of the societal structure during the 'Sumerian Renaissance'.

While different countries have their history about the origin of the law, the common law, also called the Anglo-American law, was first administered in England's courts in the middle ages. The modern legal system found in the United States of America evolved from this law.

Common law, in this sense, stands in contrast to the legal system derived from civil law. It was widespread in continental Europe and elsewhere. Common law rules are equivalent to the rules found in the American and English equity and statute law.

Looking back at history, the common law in England had a direct influence on Ireland. However, it only had a partial impact on the legal system of Scotland.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for why do we have laws, then why not take a look at why do we need elections or why do we need a government.

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Written by Christian Mba

Bachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

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Christian MbaBachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

Christian Mba is an experienced blogger and content writer with over a decade of experience. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Nigeria and has a keen interest in Python programming. Along with his writing and blogging expertise, he is also an SEO specialist with more than six years of experience. Chris, as he is commonly known, has a passion for music and enjoys playing the piano.

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