Biome Facts: That Will Make You More Aware About Nature

Anusuya Mukherjee
Nov 01, 2023 By Anusuya Mukherjee
Originally Published on Mar 21, 2022
It is interesting to learn about biome facts.

Biome can be described as a vast area with its own specific climatic conditions.

Any alteration in the climate or temperature of a biome can significantly affect the plant and animals of that particular region. There are mainly five types of biomes.

The main five types of biomes that exist on this planet include deserts, forest biome, grassland, and tundra. Deserts can be further divided into cold deserts and hot deserts.

The tundra biome, in particular, is the coldest biome across the whole world. There are five types of ocean biome, namely, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean, and the Southern Ocean.

An interesting fact about the ocean biome is that most volcanic activities occur in the ocean. Not even half of the ocean biome has been explored by humans.

A majority of animals and plants of the ocean biome live in these regions that are still untouched by humans. Likewise, each biome has their own unique characteristic, and so does the plant and animals that live there.

For example, most of the trees found in the temperate deciduous forest biome produce sap to survive the harsh conditions. Furthermore, animals also go through several adaptations so as to survive the changing seasons of this biome.

Types Of Biomes

Biome typically refers to regions with only a specific form of climate and temperature, and the various plant species and animal life thrive in that particular climate only.

Across the world's various regions, several types of biomes exist, for example, land biomes, freshwater biomes, grassland biomes, and much more. An interesting fact about biomes, in general, is that any change in the temperature or climate of biomes can significantly affect the animal life as well as the plant life of that region.

Tropical Rainforest Biome Facts

The tropical rainforest biome, also known as hot and moist biomes, can be found across Asia, Central and South America, Africa, and even on some islands of the Pacific islands.

The tropical rainforest regions, unlike temperate forests, receive rainfall all year long. In fact, most of the plant species that can be found in the tropical rainforest biomes are commonly used as house plants.

The main reason behind this is that the various species of plants in this region have adapted themselves so that they can adjust to even a small amount of sunlight or rain. Furthermore, various species of bacteria and other microorganisms can also be found in this ecosystem.

A very intriguing fact about rainforest biomes is that most of the modern-day medicines that we use to cure serious diseases have been extracted from the plants of these regions. For example, curare and quinine are extracted from the plants found in the rainforest.

Quinine is used to cure malaria.

Not just that, as many as 1400 species of plants found in rainforest biomes can be used in various ways to help treat diseases like cancer. Tropical rainforests support life (both plant and animal) in a much better way, and perhaps this is why they have a more significant number of plant and animal life than other biomes.

Temperate Deciduous Forest Biome Facts

Temperate deciduous forest biomes are situated in the regions of the United States, China, Japan, Europe, Canada, and some parts of Russia. The land covered under this biome goes through all four seasons: summer, winter, spring, and fall.

Each season lasts for three months, followed by the next. Because of the different seasons, the animals of temperate forests have to adapt themselves accordingly to survive.

Some of the most common animals that live in this biome include wolves, coyotes, and black bears. The soil of this biome is much more fertile; as a result, you can see many types of plants in this region.

The fertile soil is also used by humans alike for their agricultural purposes. However, this has led to the cutting down of deciduous woods, resulting in a large amount of this biome being lost.

As the name suggests, the temperate deciduous biome has a fairly temperate climate, allowing a significant variety of animal and plant life to thrive in this area.

The leaves of the deciduous forest trees are shed during the winter, and the plant matter in the soil fills it with more nutrients, which boosts the growth of other life in this ecosystem.

The various types of plants found here include ash, birch, beech, and lime, among others.

Perhaps, the only disadvantage of this biome is that the insects of this region are not well adapted to survive the harsh conditions of winter. As a result of which, just after laying their eggs, they die.

The hatching of the eggs occurs during spring.

A unique example of the adaptation of trees in the temperate deciduous biomes perhaps is the production of sap by plants. The sap further helps them to survive the winter conditions.

Ocean Biome Facts

The ocean covers as much as 71% of this planet. Therefore, ocean biomes are the most significant one, so much so that some claim it to be the oldest among other biomes like land biomes.

Aquatic biomes typically consist of both freshwater and saltwater biomes. Apart from ocean biomes, another type of saltwater biome that exists is the coral reef biome.

The Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean, and the Southern Ocean are the five ocean biomes. The ocean we see does not even cover half of the whole biome.

As much as 90% of the ocean does not receive any sunlight. It is in this region where most of the species of animals and plants can be found.

The ocean biome still holds a lot of mystery largely because almost 90% of this biome has not yet been explored by humans. The largest mammal that can be found in the ocean biome is the blue whale.

There are different zones in the ocean biomes, like the midnight zone and the twilight zone.

An interesting fact about those found in the twilight zone is that they can produce their own light through a process called bioluminescence. Among the five ocean biomes, the largest one is the Pacific ocean biome.

Furthermore, the Mariana Trench, located in the Western Pacific Ocean, is 36,200 ft (11033 m) deep, making it the deepest region among all the other four ocean biomes. Have you ever wondered why it is called saltwater?

This is because when the ocean's water drifts onto the land, it sweeps off the salt from the rocks on the land, thus making the ocean water salty.

Tundra Biome Facts

The coldest biome in the world is the tundra biome. The Arctic tundra biome covers the northern parts of the Arctic Ocean, ranging over Northern America, Europe, Asia, and some parts of Greenland. The soil of the Arctic tundra is not fit for any tree life since the roots cannot grow in the frozen ground.

Mostly grasses, herbs, and lichens can be seen in the Arctic tundra. This biome's frozen layer of soil has earned it the name permafrost.

Also known as cushion plants, the Arctic tundra plants can be found in tight clusters. Most of Earth's stored carbon can be found in the soil of this biome.

An interesting fact about the tundra biome is that it is the driest place on Earth, drier than even Sahara, the largest desert in the world. Deserts typically can be divided into cold deserts and hot deserts. While Sahara is the largest hot desert, Antarctica is the largest cold desert, almost twice the size of the Sahara.

But having said that, winter is not the only season experienced by the tundra biome. Summer and winter are the two main seasons of the tundra.

The largest animal found in the tundra is the polar bear. There are other types of animals like marmot goats, butterflies, and mammoths that can be found in this region.


What is the biggest biome?

The largest biome in the world is the Taiga biome.

What is unique about the biome?

Each biome has its own specific climate and soil conditions that sustain the plant and animal life in that region.

What is the definition of biome?

Biome is described as a vast region with its own specific climatic and soil conditions. For example, the coniferous woodland biome is covered with evergreen trees and is known for its harsh winter climate.

Q: What is taiga biome?

A: Also known as boreal forests, or coniferous forests, Taiga is characterized by its long, harsh winters and short summers.

Q: Which biome is found near the polar ice caps?

A: The type of biome found near the polar ice caps is the tundra biome, the coldest biome in the world.

Q: What is a savanna biome?

A: There is no fixed category under which savanna biome can be placed since it is neither a forest nor a desert. This particular biome is known for the scattered growth of the trees.

Q: What are some interesting facts about the marine biome?

A: The blue whale is the largest animal to be found in the marine biome.

Q: What are some interesting facts about the grassland biome?

A: Grassland biome can be divided into two types, temperate biome and tropical biome.

Q: What are some interesting facts about the desert biome?

A: Desert biome is known for its extremely hot days and cold night temperatures.

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Written by Anusuya Mukherjee

Bachelor of Arts and Law specializing in Political Science and Intellectual Property Rights

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Anusuya MukherjeeBachelor of Arts and Law specializing in Political Science and Intellectual Property Rights

With a wealth of international experience spanning Europe, Africa, North America, and the Middle East, Anusuya brings a unique perspective to her work as a Content Assistant and Content Updating Coordinator. She holds a law degree from India and has practiced law in India and Kuwait. Anusuya is a fan of rap music and enjoys a good cup of coffee in her free time. Currently, she is working on her novel, "Mr. Ivory Merchant".

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