Deep Diving Into 11 Amazing Antarctic Ocean Facts That You Didn't Know!

Christian Mba
Oct 31, 2023 By Christian Mba
Originally Published on Dec 06, 2021
Huge chunks of ice drift in the cold waters

Almost 71% of the Earth is covered under the waters of one large world ocean.

Due to various geographical and scientific reasons, this huge world ocean has been divided into several different oceans.

The names for these oceans are usually derived based on the geographical region it is present in. We know, there are historically named four oceans Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Arctic ocean.

But now, there is a fifth ocean, the Antarctic Ocean newly named the Southern Ocean. The Southern Ocean, which is the Antarctic Ocean covers approximately 1/16th of the entire planet ocean region.

The Southern Ocean is made up of the parts of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans. It is also uninterrupted by any other continental landmass.

The Southern Ocean covers 8,479,000 sq mi (21,960,509 sq km) with an average depth of 10,728 ft (3269.8 m) in the South Sandwich Trench which is in the southeast of the island of South Georgia. The Southern Ocean is said to be a quick warming area of the world because of climate changes.

As the Southern Ocean connects three major ocean basins, it holds a vital part in driving global ocean circulation and climate. The Southern Ocean is strongly affected by sea ice coverage in a series of oceanic fronts and these strong circumpolar currents isolate the Antarctic ocean from the other northern oceans.

So, now the well-known oceans of the present times are the Arctic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and the Southern Ocean.

After reading some interesting Atlantic Ocean facts about the ocean floor and the strongest winds on the Earth blowing there, check out animals that live in Antarctica and do polar bears live in Antarctica?

What is unique about the Antarctic Ocean?

The Southern Ocean is the second smallest ocean on earth, it covers 6% of the earth’s surface. And icebergs can be encountered everywhere in the Southern Ocean at any season. From May to October, there are strong winds that cross the dangerous ocean.

Huge chunks of ice drift in the cold waters. The icebergs can be a hundred meters high even though ice fragments are considered small if they are not more viscous than 3.3 ft (1 m).

In summer, ships are escorted by ice-breaker ships to pass through the Antarctic ocean. Emperor penguins, albatrosses, blue whales, and fur seals have made their home in the Antarctic ocean. Seals hunt underwater in the ocean but breed on either land or ice.

Elephant seals are the biggest weighing about 8,818 lb (3999.7 kg). The Southern Ocean during spring lends over 100 million birds to nest on the rocky shores of Antarctica.

Invertebrates live in the majority of the Southern Ocean with only a few species of fish. Did you know the largest invertebrate is the giant squid found on our planet which inhabitants in the Southern Ocean?

Atlantic Oceans' geology and hydrology make the Southern Ocean stand out. The Southern Ocean is said to be created after South America and Antarctica separated about 30 million years ago. Furthermore, it opened up the Drake Passage essentially making the Southern Ocean the youngest of all the world's oceans when compared on a geological scale.

Properties Of The Antarctic Ocean

In the Southern hemisphere, the Southern Ocean features many marginal seas and passages. Some of them are the Amundam sea, Davis sea, Ross sea, Somov sea, Weddell sea, the Cooperation Sea, the Cosmonauts Sea, the Mawson Sea, and the Lazarev Sea.

Southern Ocean wildlife Antarctic blue whales are now the largest animals living in the world. They are called the Antarctic giants of the ocean. The blue whale is now the species that are critically endangered in our world.

The huge number of seabirds and marine mammals are top several species of predators. They are one of the most iconic elements of the Southern Ocean. These animals are good indicators of marine sources as they all feed on the oceans and their reproductive success depends on food availability.

Environmental Issues Related To The Southern Ocean

Tourists and scientists visit the Souther ocean each year and with them comes pollution, diseases, and invasive species. It has become necessary to manage human impacts on Antarctic ecosystems.

The repercussions of global climate change and ocean acidification have left the mark evident in the Southern Ocean. The warming ocean temperatures and reduction in sea ice sheets are alarming. Plastic pollution and other non-native species are making their way to Antarctic waters polluting the freshwater.

Conservation Of The Antarctic Ocean

The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) was established by an international convention on 7 April 1982. Their main objective was to conserve Antarctic marine life.

The CAMLR Convention applies to all Antarctic living creatures including finfish, mollusks, crustaceans, and seabirds. The marine resources managed by CCAMLR though exclude whales and seals as are the subject of other conventions like the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling and the Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals.

The resolutions and measures are taken for the protection of the Souther Oceans' animals and plants are, no Antarctic bird or mammal can be killed or captured without a permit, the permit is for validated scientific research. Measures were taken to minimize harmful interference with wildlife. Some sites in the Southern ocean were given extra care and protection.

Commercial fisheries in the Southern Ocean are controlled by the CCAMLR - Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources. The discharge of all toxic and noxious chemicals, oil wastes, plastics into the Southern ocean is prohibited.

Mining has also been prohibited. Such measures were taken to protect the icy waters of Antarctica. The Southern Ocean is a beautiful place that must be protected at all costs.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Antartic ocean facts then why not take a look at Antarctica facts, or do penguins live in Antarctica.

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Written by Christian Mba

Bachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

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Christian MbaBachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

Christian Mba is an experienced blogger and content writer with over a decade of experience. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Nigeria and has a keen interest in Python programming. Along with his writing and blogging expertise, he is also an SEO specialist with more than six years of experience. Chris, as he is commonly known, has a passion for music and enjoys playing the piano.

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