Littering Facts, Resources & Statistics That Will Astonish You

Oluwatosin Michael
Nov 03, 2023 By Oluwatosin Michael
Originally Published on Mar 09, 2022
punishment for littering in public

Littering can be referred to as the waste or trash that many of us tend to dispose of in areas where it does not belong.

It is considered a felony in various countries because it causes harm to the environment. Additionally, clearing such garbage costs a huge sum of money.

The litter problem is caused by different sources, mostly people with an intention to produce garbage. Instances such as throwing litter randomly on streets or not removing the leftovers in a public event are examples of deliberate littering.

Unintentional littering is another reason why it has turned into a cause for pollution. Uncontrolled building waste, household rubbish, and materials carried by the wind can be considered cases of accidental littering.

Types Of Littering

An environmental concern worldwide, litter production takes place differently in all of the countries. But regardless, western countries generate more waste due to the lack of renewable products.

Experts have categorized the worst types of littering, which is causing a mammoth level of damage to the world. The categorizations are as follows:

Cigarette butts: According to Keep America Beautiful, the cigarette butt is one of the main reasons for pollution. When ashtrays aren't available, smokers throwing cigarette butts are a common sight.

These butts do not decompose because the cigarette filters are not made of biodegradable plastic. In several states, including Florida, cigarette butts can be found in waterways, harming the aquatic world. Experts have advised smokers to carry a portable ashtray to avoid throwing lit cigarettes anywhere.

Plastic wrappers and plastic cups: The styrofoam or plastic cups which we all use at some point in time are the second reason for the increasing rate of pollution. States such as California face this menace of littered plastics more than any other place.

Plastic bags: Full, torn, empty, all kinds of plastic bags are considered trash, be it in renowned states like New York City or coastal areas such as Brevard County. It is one of the most dangerous versions of the litter as it cannot be recycled or decomposed and is used heavily.

Animals tend to eat them and choke to death.

Leftovers: Leftover food is eaten by several animals, which might prove harmful for them. This, however, can be sent for recycling, but many people are unbothered and lazy, which makes it one of the greatest hazards in today's time. Also, it amounts to food wastage, which is another issue of concern.

Effects Of Littering On The Environment

There are various effects of littering on the environment, which is pernicious for both humans and animals. The following are mentioned below:

Diseases: Litter cleaning leads to the loss of several lives as cleaning it up is even more hazardous. These zones can be considered as the breeding ground for various bacteria and deadly germs, leading to diseases like cholera and typhoid. Metal or glass litter can also bring about several unexpected cuts, which may lead to skin infections.

Compound littering: The littered zones, when layered with extra trash, are referred to as compound littering. It creates a harder litter prevention process.

Usage of plastic: Plastic litter is caused by most of us as it is used in every household. This kind of litter clogs sewers and drains, making it a major problem in the environment. The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) has reported that plastic litter is one of the main causes of all types of pollution.

Physical damage: Non-renewable litter such as beer can rings or small bits of glass can bring about accidents for both humans and animals. These items sometimes get entangled or consumed by animals which leads to suffocation as well as death.

All kinds of pollution: Littering brings about all kinds of pollution, which mostly includes air, water, and soil pollution. The intoxicants mix with the soil and water, directing towards bad crop growth and serious damage to the environment.

Creation of turmoil in society: There are numerous irresponsible citizens present who tend to litter streets as well as others' belongings. This creates violent clashes between people, thus bringing about a psychological imbalance in society.

Causes Of Littering

The main causes of littering are:

Construction: Large construction sites are a reason for heavy waste disposal. This is because the process of construction along with the huge number of people involved in it, end up creating a huge pound of litter.

Laziness: Unwillingness to use a dustbin is one major cause of litter pollution.

Lack of education: Decreasing awareness and a lack of education about litter management are also primary causes of litter related pollution

Low fines: Various countries maintain a fine for littering streets. However, the majority of the countries lack the strictness required to limit this menace for the better.

Rules & Fines For Littering

The main punishment for littering in public, as well as private space, varies from imprisonment up to six months or a $1,000 fine. The penalties differ in terms of amount, type, and location.

A few states in the U.S. take into consideration the volume and weight of the litter thrown in order to impose a charge. Other states have a huge charge on certain felonies, such as dumping furniture in public spaces.

Massachusetts and Maryland suspend the driver's license if people throw trash in huge amounts. Singapore stands tall for its reputation of strict fines on littering, which range between $300-$2, 000.


What are five facts about littering?

A: The five facts about littering are: most of the litter is drained into the ocean; litter makes us lose our money; travelling makes us litter more; ages 19-34 are the ones who litter the most; most animal deaths are caused due to litter.

How much litter is littered every year?

A: 1,361 lbs (617 kg) of litter is produced by humans every year.

How does littering affect the environment?

A: Several microparticles and germs are released into the air, which causes soil degradation, water pollution, and air deficiency.

How does littering affect water quality?

A: Most litter is dumped into waterways, which kills several aquatic animals by reducing the oxygen of the waterbodies.

Why is littering a social problem?

A: It is a social problem because it is caused by laziness and improper activities of human beings.

What does litter do to animals?

A: Litter such as glass, metal, and plastic can make animals choke, causing death.

What diseases can spread due to littering?

A: Diseases such as cholera and typhoid can occur if environments are not clean.

When did littering start to become a problem?

A: There is no specific evidence, but it is presumed that the mid-1950s was the time when industries used to produce a lot of waste.

Is dropping litter a crime?

A: It is considered to be a crime in various countries.

Is throwing food littering?

A: Yes, it is.

How do we prevent littering?

A: Using containers and bins for waste disposal and recycling is the beginning point for preventing litter.

What is a litter fine?

A: It is a penalty that you have to pay if you do not abide by the law and not throw litter.

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Written by Oluwatosin Michael

Bachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology

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Oluwatosin MichaelBachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology

With a Bachelor's in Microbiology from the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Oluwatosin has honed his skills as an SEO content writer, editor, and growth manager. He has written articles, conducted extensive research, and optimized content for search engines. His expertise extends to leading link-building efforts and revising onboarding strategies. 

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