Marvelous Marigold Flower Facts That You Will Really Love!

Sridevi Tolety
Oct 05, 2022 By Sridevi Tolety
Originally Published on Feb 28, 2022
Edited by Sarah Nyamekye
Fact-checked by Spandana Kantam
One of the marigold flowers facts is that there are a wide variety of seeds and species.

Marigold requires full sun and well-drained soil for successful growth and development.

Marigold species are annuals, although some species are perennials. There are a total of 56 different species of marigold.

Marigolds are native to South and North America, but some species have become naturalized worldwide. Their territories are props, ponds, springs, quiet waters in aqueducts, dikes, washes, wet meadows, coastal wetlands, meadows prone to flooding, damp hollows in broad-leaved timbers, snow-bed spots, and occasionally aquatic.

These are cultivated in Spain and grown in friary auditoriums. From Spain, marigold seeds were exported to France and northern Africa.

Growth And Maintenance Of Marigold Flowers

Cultivation of marigolds started in the 16th century when Spanish explorers brought marigolds from South America to Europe. Marigolds are generally cultivated for cosmetic purposes and are popular among gardeners worldwide. Some gardeners grow marigolds in their vegetable gardens to protect these vegetable gardens from pests.

Youthful French marigolds and signet marigolds can be sown from spring to mid-summer. Still, the altitudinous African marigolds are stylishly planted right down in spring because they're slower to develop and produce flowers.

Marigolds thrive in full sun. African and signet marigolds are famine tolerant, while French marigolds are more tolerant of wet conditions. French marigolds can start from seeds, while African marigolds are best when bought as young plants from shops.

Once these marigolds have established themselves, pinch off the covers in which they were bought from the shops to encourage them to grow bushier. This will keep the plants from getting twiggy and will encourage further blooming.

Don't fertilize marigolds during growth. A diet that's too nitrogen-rich stimulates lush leafage at the expense of flowers. Add a subcaste of mulch to suppress weeds and keep the soil wettish, especially when these plants are young.

Marigolds have very few pests or problems overall, but spider diminutives and aphids can sometimes infest the plants. Generally, a spray of water or the operation of an insecticidal cleaner, repeated every other day for a week or two, will solve the problem.

Sometimes, marigolds will be affected by fungal conditions similar to fine mildew if conditions are too wet. To help fungal issues, avoid getting water on marigold leaves, keep weeds down, and have well-drained soil. Fall is the best time for sowing these seeds.

Marigolds thrive all year round under optimal rainfall conditions. Marigold species bloom during summer and fall. Cutting off old flowers from the stem stimulates the development of new ones.

Appearance Of Marigold Flowers

Marigolds grow properly in sunny areas, and they usually bloom from summer till the first frost. Marigold garlands are quite often used in Nepalese culture. Marigold garlands are used nearly in each ménage, especially during the Tihar jubilee. It is usually used in day-to-day worship and rituals.

There is a variety in coloration from deep orange to yellow; however, variations also consist of crimson stripes, orange petals with unheroic edges, and red with unheroic specks. They will have the handiest five petals girding an unheroic-orange middle or a cluster of petals that look like a pompom.

Rubric Tagetes has seductive unheroic, orange, or red compounds which might be solitary or clustered on the stems.

The leaves are arranged so that they are opposite on the stem and are commonly finely reduced. Bracts form a mug-fashioned base underneath each flower head.

Marigold leaves are dark green and are deeply divided, giving them a ferny look. They vary in size from six elevations to six bases.

French marigolds develop in compact mounds of about 12 in (30.5 cm) in height. Different marigolds are seen in seed registers or nurseries, including African marigolds (Tagetes erecta) and Mexican Marigolds (Tagetes lucida), which develop into three altitudinous bases.

Different Types Of Marigold Flowers

The marigold flower is rich in lutein, which is beneficial for the mortal eye. Marigolds can be used to treat age-related muscular degeneration.

The foremost use of marigolds was by Aztec people, who assigned religious, medicinal, and magical properties to these plants. The first use of marigolds is mentioned in the 'De La Crus - Badiano Aztec Herbal' of 1552. There are almost 30 species or types mentioned here.

Marigold is a beautiful small flower that comes in different colors and is popular in North America. There are four main types or species of marigolds.

Marigolds like the French marigold, bloom in summer and fall. These are veritably sturdy. These grow well in holders if you place them inside your home.

However, these marigolds grow especially well, if the temperature is between 70-75°F (21.2-24°C). Once you plant these seeds, you should start to see some sprouting within a week or two. You need to be careful with draggers, slugs, and Japanese beetles, among other pests, which can inflict damage to these plants.

Signet (single) marigolds can also come in a maroon variety that has unheroic edges, called a paprika gem marigold. These are citrusy in scent, add beautiful color to any theater, and grow full, all summer long.

African marigolds, also known as Aztec or American marigolds, have veritably large blooms. Thus, they are perfect for floral arrangements, decorations, and bouquets. Just as others, they grow well in a spot that gets sun and warmth.

Triploid mongrels, just as the name suggests, are a cross between American and French marigolds. These extremely large flowers are strong and sturdy. They remain healthy and beautiful regardless of how hot it is.

Uses Of Marigold Flowers

The name 'marigold' is deduced from 'Mary's gold', a name first applied to an analogous factory native to Europe, Calendula officinalis. Rubric Tagetes is from the name of the Tages Etruscan, born from the furrowing of earth.

Marigold produces dry fruit called achene. Colors from these marigold flowers are used in cloth and food items. Marigold is used in products, like creams, lotions, and poultices.

These are largely used for medicinal purposes in treating headaches, swellings, toothaches, injuries, and numerous skin problems. In addition, they have also been used in cuisines.

It is said that marigold flowers started to be cultivated in Egypt, and the Romans first introduced them to Britain and other nations. Marigold was one of the foremost cultivated flowers. Ancient Greeks used the petals of marigolds for decorations and other purposes like make-up, coloring food (stews, mists, and pudding), dying fabrics, and medicinal uses.

Marigold petals can be employed as a herbal infusion, topical application, and eyewash. You can also brew it into tea. You can grow this flower in your garden with minimal care. Some species of marigold have some medicinal properties and are used as anti-bacterial agents.


Do marigolds come back each year?

A: Yes, they come back each year. As in, they bloom all year round.

What does marigold mean in the Bible?

A: According to Bible, they symbolize an appreciation of creativity.

Do marigolds symbolize death?

A: Marigolds are called 'the flowers of the dead' and they symbolize death as per some traditions.

How long do marigold flowers last?

A: They last for three to four months.

What are marigold flowers known for?

A: Marigolds are good for repelling insects and pests.

What are some fun facts about marigolds?

A: Marigolds are edible.

Marigolds play a major role in Indian rituals and festivities.

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Written by Sridevi Tolety

Bachelor of Science specializing in Botany, Master of Science specializing in Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs

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Sridevi ToletyBachelor of Science specializing in Botany, Master of Science specializing in Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs

With a Master's degree in clinical research from Manipal University and a PG Diploma in journalism from Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Sridevi has cultivated her passion for writing across various domains. She has authored a wide range of articles, blogs, travelogues, creative content, and short stories that have been published in leading magazines, newspapers, and websites. Sridevi is fluent in four languages and enjoys spending her spare time with loved ones. Her hobbies include reading, traveling, cooking, painting, and listening to music.

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Fact-checked by Spandana Kantam

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Political Science and Sociology

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Spandana KantamBachelor of Arts specializing in Political Science and Sociology

Spandana holds a Bachelor's degree in Political Science from Acharya Nagarjuna University. She has a passion for writing and enjoys reading crime and thriller novels while listening to RnB music in her free time.

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