Southern Live Oak Tree Facts: Should You Plant Them In Your Garden?

Aashita Dhingra
Nov 01, 2023 By Aashita Dhingra
Originally Published on Apr 05, 2022
Live oak tree facts explore all about this strong tree.

Large live oak trees are spread across South Carolina and Central Texas, reminding people of the Old South.

The wide-spreading live oak leaves display a dark green color throughout the year, giving them a majestic appearance. The plant receives the 'live' in its name due to its active state in winters when other oaks turn dormant and leafless.

The emblem of the South, Quercus virginiana, is also home to countless mammals that use the tree as their shelter and food source. This robust tree is supposedly also why the USS constitution received the nickname 'Old Ironsides' as the ships made out of live oak back in the war of 1812 repelled heavy cannonballs.

Problem Of Live Oak Trees

A tree as strong as live oak has its share of problems that growers face in the growing stages of the tree.

Oak wilt is one of the most common diseases found among live oak trees, which is also the cause of a drastic decline in the life span of a live oak tree. This disease is caused by a fungus spread by insects, leading a live oak tree to die within a year.

A grower must know that planting live oak trees is a lifelong commitment and lasts for future generations.

The average life span of a live oak tree is 150 to 300 years, which can even be extended with comprehensive care.

A live oak tree can grow in unknown directions to spread its branches. Consistent pruning is an essential yet troubling aspect of taking care of a live oak tree.

Habitat And Growth Requirements Of The Live Oak Tree

Live oak trees do not demand extreme care once they grow out of their initial stages, but a regulated habitat can help extend their life span and health.

Live oak trees thrive in acidic, sandy soil that is well-drained and are usually found growing in the wild. Southern live oaks approve of warm conditions due to their confinement in the southern parts of the region.

Winters, however, can be a bit harsh on their growth. Live oaks require a vast area to contain their thick trunk and wild-growing branches which provide more shade and shelter to both humans and animals.

This gentle giant is also home to countless mammals.

Taking Care Of The Live Oak Tree

The live oak tree changes its color and shapes with time, becoming truly majestic if taken care of with the proper steps and measures.

Live oak trees need their branches to be pruned every few months, as their growth can make the branches go wild in all directions. The dark brown tree trunk must be checked periodically for any disease symptoms. On the other hand, tree roots demand ample soil cover and timely irrigation to prevent root problems and invite stability.


What is an interesting fact about oak trees?

Southern live oak trees grow at a rapid pace, but the growth rate declines with their growing age.

What are live oak trees good for?

These ornamental trees were once used for their strong wood to create ships. Now, they enhance the beauty of gardens and jungles with ample shade and sweet-tasting acorns for many animals.

What are live oaks?

Live oaks belong to the same genus as oaks, Quercus, yet these trees are more robust and evergreen as compared to regularly seen oaks.

Are live oaks evergreen?

Yes. Live oaks are evergreen and may shed a few leaves during spring, but they remain green throughout the year.

How to make a live oak tree grow faster?

Live oak trees grow rapidly in moist conditions, with acidic soil and full sunlight.

How big can a live oak tree get?

A live oak tree can achieve a diameter of 150 feet (45.7 meters) with a height of 50 feet (15 meters), making it a giant tree.

When to prune a live oak tree?

Pruning trees during their dormant phase is the best; therefore, a live oak tree can be pruned during the months of July-October.

How to care for a live oak tree?

Period pruning for the first few years to give the tree its shape, watering trees at the right time gap, using fertilizers, and regular inspection are steps one can take to care for a live oak tree.

What to plant under a live oak tree?

Flowering plants such as wood rose, azaleas, creeping mahonia, and lungworts can be grown under the calming shade of an oak tree.

How to plant a live oak tree from an acorn?

Live oak trees can be planted from an acorn following vigilant, but straightforward steps. Collect acorns from a live oak tree in the summer season and wait for them for a while, so the cap gets easier to remove without tearing.

Use a plant protector to sow acorn seeds to protect them from rodents. Plant these in December or January, and start the irrigation process in summer.

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Written by Aashita Dhingra

Bachelors in Business Administration

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Aashita DhingraBachelors in Business Administration

Based in Lucknow, India, Aashita is a skilled content creator with experience crafting study guides for high school-aged kids. Her education includes a degree in Business Administration from St. Mary's Convent Inter College, which she leverages to bring a unique perspective to her work. Aashita's passion for writing and education is evident in her ability to craft engaging content.

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